My Name is SSG Jennifer York. I recently came back from deployment in August on emergency leave. My 15 year old son was staying with his dad & grandparents in Amarillo while I was deployed, which was supposed to be thru November. However, his dad went missing and despite exhaustive search efforts, authorities could not find him. My son started his junior year & his 1st year playing Varsity without his dad on the sidelines to cheer him on like he always had. My son wanted to stay & finish the school year there so I drove back & forth to watch him play every home game he played after my emergency leave was up & I had to return back to post. Hopes were still high that we would eventually find his dad and in early October we did, just not in a joyous sense. With his father's passing, I'd like to take him and my dad, who's been a Cowboys fan for over 40 years, to a Dallas Cowboys football game while I'm on post-deployment holiday block leave. I want to take my son to get him out of the house around Christmas, create new memories, and hopefully provide a distraction for the first holiday season without his dad. The reason I'd like to include my own dad, aside from him being a loyal fan, is that at 63 he's had 4 heart procedures, to include a quadruple bypass when he was 49. Currently, some of the bypasses is becoming blocked that can't be fixed with stents & the doctor found a blockage on his heart they call the "Widowmaker". He's currently doing well & staying active but I know it's only a matter of time. We can't take for granted there'll be a next year & I pray I'll be able to create this memory for the three of us through your generous support. THANK YOU & GOD BLESS!

U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Denise donated $500.00
- bryon donated $100.00
- A Generous Person donated $5.00
- D donated $10.00
- James donated $50.00
- Ashley donated $20.00
- Amber donated $15.00
- Ralph donated $100.00
- A Generous Person donated $50.00
- Beth in Honor of My Children (Lost their dad too) donated $950.00

Your $175,000 donated will help us reach our 2025 goal of 100% of our Hero's Wishes fulfilled. Please click below to donate and make a difference in someone's life today.
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