Hello my name is Nichelle. I am a wife and mother of three amazing children. We have suffered tremendous loss over the past couple years. 3 years ago, our house burned down, and we lost nearly everything. We have since been building back up. We are grateful and thankful to have survived the ordeal. Late 2018, we did a military move to be closer to family. Shortly after arrival, I was given a short notice deployment and had to deploy 2-weeks later. Shortly upon arrival, I received word that my 19-year-old brother died. I had to break the news to my children and rush back home to coordinate and ensure all his funeral arrangements. We were devastated. Since being reassigned home, my brother was always spending time with us. After the funeral, I returned to duty to finish my commitment. I'm currently on my second deployment and I try to speak to my kids every day. Everyday my heart breaks because without fail, they tell me how much they miss me and want me to come home. I missed them too. My kids Jade (7), Mya (5), Eli (5) are so resilient, they've been through so much at such a young age. I want to be able to do something special for them and show them how much I love and appreciate them and the sacrifices they've made through my service to this country. My children, always talk about going to Disney World. I would like to help make that happen for them when I return from deployment. It's just what we as a family need to reconnect and have fun. My family graciously requests 5 tickets.
U.S. Air Force (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Desiree donated $5.00
  • A Generous Person donated $10.00
  • Veronica donated $10.00
  • Eutimio donated $25.00
  • A Generous Person donated $25.00
  • A Generous Person donated $25.00
  • Phyllia donated $50.00
  • Richard in Honor of Vet Kids donated $5.00
  • Yolanda donated $50.00
  • Kimberly donated $10.00
  • Eileen donated $50.00
  • Carlita donated $50.00
  • Shaquille donated $15.00
  • Krystal donated $20.00
  • Cheryl donated $25.00
  • Jessica in Honor of Hal Jesse donated $925.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Dear VetTix and Gracious Donors, Thank you so much for granting my wish! It was exactly what the family and I needed to disconnect with the stressors of life and reconnect with each other. I never thought that I would ever be able to take my children to Disney World. Thanks to your generous contributions, I was able to do just that. My kids and I had an amazing time at the most magical place on earth and there's no better season to visit Disney World than right before Christmas. The experience was nothing like I could ever imagine, it was far more than I ever expected. The park was breathtaking, as it was decorated so beautifully. Going to the park allowed us to create memories that will last a life time. Growing up, my family was never able to afford taking me and my brothers to Disney World or Disneyland and I wanted to be able to do things for my children that my family was never able to do for me. I want to help give them the opportunity to grow, travel and experience things that were unattainable for me at my young age. All of which is part of the reason I joined the military, to have a better life than I did, to work hard to remove some of the barriers that made growing up with a single parent, incredibly challenging. You all made it possible for me take my family and as an added bonus, I was able to pay all costs to surprise my mother with the trip as well. My mother has always dreamed of going to Disney World and as mentioned before, she never had the means to make it possible. With careful coordination with her medical care providers, she was approved for the trip and was able to receive treatment just minutes from the park. The trip was not only a surprise for my mother, but for the kids as well. Upon returning from deployment, I spent months trying to conceal my excitement for the surprise of a lifetime. There are no words to truly express how thankful I am for all the donors that made this wish possible for me and my family. This incredible opportunity is one I'm sure we will never forget. Thank you so much for blessing me and my family with tickets to Disney World. I hope to be a blessing to others in the future. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays & Happy New Year! Nichelle
- Nichelle
Take my Family to Disney World
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