My name is SGT Michael Fuller and I am currently deployed. My wife recently told me that my son has been saving money to take me to Disney World when I get home from this deployment. I have served for about 9 years now and this is my 3 deployment. This is my 1st deployment as a married man and father of 2 kids. My son is 5 and my daughter is 2. I missed their birthdays and every holiday this deployment and I would love to make it up to them. We are asking for the Military Salute Park Hopper tickets for 5 days. My wife tells me my daughter loves Disney princesses and my son wants to ride the roller coasters with me. Please help me make their dream come true.

U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Michael donated $20.00
- LTC Grant donated $20.00
- Dave donated $100.00
- eric donated $10.00
- LTC Grant donated $15.00
- Violet donated $50.00
- Thomas donated $10.00
- LTC Grant donated $210.00
- Donald donated $10.00
- LTC Grant donated $25.00
- Eric donated $20.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:

Your $175,000 donated will help us reach our 2025 goal of 100% of our Hero's Wishes fulfilled. Please click below to donate and make a difference in someone's life today.
Our Goal