My name is PFC Jeffery Taylor. I joined the US Army to become a 13 bravo, which is mechanized infantry, I wanted to shoot the big guns and attended Ft Sill Oklahoma for training and then was stationed at Ft. Stewart GA. With the 3rd infantry division. I was deployed to Kuwait in January 2003 and was in the initial invasion of Iraq in March. I was wounded on 4 April 2003 and my wife Tracy Taylor's life changed when she received a phone call all Army Wives dread"”that her husband, PFC Jeffery Taylor had been critically injured in Iraq. Details were vague at the time, but the Army advised Tracy that I had survived an attack just outside the Bagdad Airport during the invasion of Iraq. During an attack, my Tracked vehicle was up-ended by enemy mortar causing a weight difference. The shift in weight caused the vehicle to roll over an embankment into a water-filled canal. The vehicle sank to the bottom and I along with my crew members was trapped. Despite my leg being crushed and pinned down, I was able to keep my mouth and nose above the water as it filled the vehicle. I was rescued, but my crew members perished. Today, I suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), left leg nerve damage, and hearing loss. I was the sole survivor and received a purple heart on that particular mission. I was discharged from the Army in the beginning of 2004 and have been receiving treatment ever since that night. I have always dreamed of seeing Jack Johnson in concert but could never afford to go. He mostly plays in Hawaii which I could never afford to travel there which has also always been a dream of mine to visit. I learned that he is coming to St. Augustine and it would be a dream come true for me to see him. I would love to meet him but just to be able to see him would be great. My wish is for 4 tickets to see Jack Johnson in concert in St Augustine FL on Oct 2nd or 3rd.

U.S. Army (Severely Wounded Veteran)
2001 - 2004
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Jeffrey donated $25.00
- Paul donated $50.00
- Joshua donated $20.00
- A Generous Person donated $20.00
- Daniel donated $435.00
- Cameron donated $15.00
- Andrew donated $10.00
- Roberto donated $10.00
- fonda donated $15.00
- Aaron donated $25.00
- Eldon donated $10.00
- Darlene donated $50.00
- Colbert in Honor of PFC Jeffery Taylor donated $100.00
- Gina donated $25.00
- Nicole donated $40.00

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