My name is MSgt Robert Zehnder. I made the choice many years ago to serve my country in the Air Force, and I have just returned from my 3rd deployment. Because of my commitment to the Air Force, and to our great country, I have missed many important dates with my family, including birthdays, holidays, and anniversaries. Because of my example, both of my children have followed in my footsteps and enlisted in the Air Force to serve along side of their dear old Dad. Both my son and my daughter make me very proud with their service as Security Forces Fire team members. I am sure that there are many others more deserving of this wish than I. But if awarded a Hero's Wish, I would like to attend the Kenny Chesney concert at Blossom Music Center, June 23, 2011. I know this is a reach but I would like to meet Mr. Chesney and shake his hand to thank him personally for the support he shows our all of our troops. I would very much like to share this experience with my wife, as she has been the backbone of my military career and deserves this wish more than I do. Thank you in advance for your consideration in making my Hero’s Wish come true! Vettix is an amazing organization that has helped soldiers I know personally. Thank you very much for your consideration and for all you do for our veterans.
U.S. Air Force (Veteran)
1982 - 2014
Thank You Message from the Hero:
I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for letting myself and my family attend this concert it was one of the best I have ever see (being in the 5th row and actually shaking his hand and all of us getting our pictures taken with him). Your organization is a blessing and the people who donate to it are good hearted people thinking of our Veterans. Again thank you very much for the concert, it was a great night!!!!!!
Meet and greet Kenny Chesney
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