Seattle Sounders FC - MLS vs Houston Dynamo FC
Event Feedback
Donated by:
Seattle Sounders FC
The seats were awesome! My son and I enjoyed our 1st MLS game so much! Memories were made and we are now Seattle Sounders fan. Thank you so much for the great seats. We are grateful and much appreciated.

Alex M, U.S. Air Force (Currently Serving)

Donated by:
Seattle Sounders FC
Thank you for the VetTix. The seats were so close to the field. My son and I had an awesome time!

Andrew, U.S. Army (Severely Wounded Veteran)
2003 - 2006

Donated by:
Seattle Sounders FC
Thank you VetTix! My family and I were able to attend our first soccer game and we had an amazing time!

Anthony, U.S. Marine Corps (Veteran)
2001 - 2009

Donated by:
Seattle Sounders FC
Thank you for the tickets. My boys and I had fun. The seats were very close this time, so we greatly appreciate them and any of the seats that are donated. We always enjoy our time together at these games wherever we can get a seat. This time we could not bring one of our boys because he was sick but vet tix is gracious to understand that these things happen.

Anthony, U.S. Navy (Currently Serving)

Donated by:
Seattle Sounders FC
Thank you for the Seattle Sounders FC soccer game tickets! My family and I had a fantastic time watching the game and truly enjoyed the experience. We appreciate it!

Anuj, U.S. Air Force (Currently Serving)

Donated by:
Seattle Sounders FC
Thank you Seattle Sounders FC!! My son and his fiancee had a wonderful time!! Thanks for taking care of us veterans!!

Bobby, U.S. Army (Veteran)
1988 - 1996

Donated by:
Seattle Sounders FC
Great seats for our first Soundrrs Game! Enjoyed being surrounded by all the die hard fans! Thanks again!

Bradley, U.S. Navy (Veteran)
1995 - 2024

Donated by:
Seattle Sounders FC
Thanks sounders for another great game. Too bad we couldn't pull out the win, but we are looking good.

Brent, U.S. Air Force (Veteran)
2002 - 2012

Donated by:
Seattle Sounders FC
Thank you Vettix for the amazing experience!! The seats were amazing, and we got to see EVERYTHING. Let’s go Sounders!!!!

Bryanna, U.S. Army (Veteran)
2015 - 2021

Donated by:
Seattle Sounders FC
Thank you Seattle Sounders FC. Great seats great match.

Casey, U.S. Marine Corps (Veteran)
1994 - 1998

Donated by:
Seattle Sounders FC
Thank you for the tickets, Seattle Sounders FC! The seats were amazing and we had so much fun cheering on the team! Can’t wait for the next game!

Chelsie, U.S. Air Force (Veteran)
2002 - 2008

Donated by:
Seattle Sounders FC
Thank you Seattle Sounders for the tickets. I was able to take my daughter to the match and helped out with the flag detail. What a blast to be on the field during the anthem. Love the Sounders!!

Christopher, U.S. Air Force (Veteran)
1999 - 2016

Donated by:
Seattle Sounders FC
While the seats were very high up, and the kiddo was a little nervous, the game itself was really good, and its always an honor to receive these tickets.

Christopher, U.S. Army (Veteran)
2005 - 2013

Donated by:
Seattle Sounders FC
An exciting night with the sounders. Great way to start the season and experience MLS

Christopher, U.S. Army (Veteran)
2004 - 2011

Donated by:
Seattle Sounders FC
Thank you for these amazing seats. I had the opportunity to take my kids to their first Sounders game. They were thrilled to be right down by the field in the action.

Daniel, U.S. Marine Corps (Veteran)
2002 - 2006

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