2025 WM Phoenix Open
Event Feedback
Donated by:
The Thunderbirds and WM Phoenix Open
Thank you so much for the tickets, we had a great time! The Thunderbirds do an amazing job to make this event a success. Thanks again.

Mark, U.S. Coast Guard (Veteran)
1979 - 1983

Donated by:
The Thunderbirds and WM Phoenix Open
What a fantastic time. Thank you Thunderbirds and Vet Tix for all the memories.

Mark, U.S. Air Force (Veteran)
1981 - 1985

Donated by:
The Thunderbirds and WM Phoenix Open
Thanks for sharing tickets with us today, couple of vets and their brides enjoyed the chamber of commerce picture perfect day.

Martin, U.S. Air Force (Veteran)
1984 - 1989

Donated by:
The Thunderbirds and WM Phoenix Open
Thank you so much for the tickets. The Golf course was in magnificent condition 👌

Marvin, U.S. Army (Veteran)
1978 - 2000

Donated by:
The Thunderbirds and WM Phoenix Open
Thanks so much for the opportunity to attend the WM Open. I've always wanted to experience this event and your generosity made it happen!

mathew, U.S. Navy (Veteran)
1987 - 1991

Donated by:
The Thunderbirds and WM Phoenix Open
Thank you VetTix for the opportunity! My wife and I had a great time in the sun, enjoying the chaos that is the WMPO.

Matthew, U.S. Air Force (Veteran)
1995 - 1999

Donated by:
The Thunderbirds and WM Phoenix Open
Thank you for allowing me to get tickets for me and my mother in law! So happy we could go together and meet up with some of her friends

Matthew, U.S. Army (Currently Serving)

Donated by:
The Thunderbirds and WM Phoenix Open
Thank you for making this opportunity possible. We had a great time.

Matthew, U.S. Army (Veteran)
1988 - 1999

Donated by:
The Thunderbirds and WM Phoenix Open
Thank you again Vet Tix for allowing me to experience WM Phoenix Open! Awesome sights of Arizona landscape and good times meeting other Veterans at Patriots Outpost.

Maximino, U.S. Air Force (Veteran)
1997 - 2022

Donated by:
The Thunderbirds and WM Phoenix Open
Shout out to the Thunderbirds for the WM Phoenix Open tickets. We had a great day and the hospitality they provide to the Veterans is outstanding. The Vets sure appreciate all they do to honor our service. My wife and I are veterans and look forward to this event every year!! Thanks Again!!!

maxwell, U.S. Air Force (Veteran)
1980 - 2003

Donated by:
The Thunderbirds and WM Phoenix Open
Thank you Vet tix this was a great day perfect weather and an amazing golf tournament.

Mel, U.S. Air Force (Veteran)
1968 - 1970

Donated by:
The Thunderbirds and WM Phoenix Open
My wife and I had an amazing time at the Phoenix Open. Thanks you very much!!

Michael, U.S. Army (Veteran)
1986 - 2021

Donated by:
The Thunderbirds and WM Phoenix Open
Thank you VetTix and Waste Management for offering tickets for our veterans. The Patriots Outpost tent was nice especially getting to talk with other veterans enjoying a nice afternoon. For those attending, I would avoid the tent at noon and go either earlier in the day or after 1 PM to avoid extremely long lines. Otherwise we really enjoyed the day. Thanks.

Michael, U.S. Army (Veteran)
1987 - 1996

Donated by:
The Thunderbirds and WM Phoenix Open
Thank you to VetsTix and to the Thunderbirds for enabling us to go to the Phoenix Open. It was a very unique and fun experience.

Michael, U.S. Army (Veteran)
1960 - 1995

Donated by:
The Thunderbirds and WM Phoenix Open
Great event, perfect weather. The "Outpost" tent was awesome.

Michael, U.S. Coast Guard (Veteran)
1976 - 1986

(Displaying results 151 through 165 of 245)