Event Feedback
Donated by:
Small Bone Management
Thank you took my fiance we both enjoyed this amazing concert for King + Country put on it was really an emotional one for us this has been a rough yr for us and thanks to you we really enjoyed the message... Thank you for all you do
David, U.S. Marine Corps (Veteran)
1999 - 1999
Donated by:
Small Bone Management
I would like to send my sincere thanks to Vet Tix and Small Bone Management for the tickets to see of Kings and Country. Had it not beed for this generous donation we may not have otherwise been able to attend this fun event!
DJLASHA, U.S. Air Force (Veteran)
1978 - 1992
Donated by:
Small Bone Management
Thank you so much Vettix! This was probably the best concert I have been to and you made it possible for me and my family to go and enjoy this amazing spectacle. We are extremely grateful for this organization and all of the experiences that Vets and their loved ones will get to participate in thanks to your generosity. Thank you so much!!!, U.S. Marine Corps (Veteran)
1995 - 1999
Donated by:
Small Bone Management
My wife and I ended up not being able to attend so we gave the tickets to my son, his friend and another friend. My son used to go see For King and Country all the time with his grandma before she passed away so this band holds a lot of special meaning to him. They had the best time! Thank you so much for the generous donation of the tickets.
Jared, U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Donated by:
Small Bone Management
Thank you so much Small Bone Management for the donations of the tickets for King and Country. My wife and sisters enjoyed the show so much as well as I did. Awesome concert. Again Thank you Small Bone Management for your generosity in donating tickets to help Vets attend these events.
Jeffrey, U.S. Army (Veteran)
1983 - 1992
(Displaying results 16 through 30 of 61)