Arizona Cardinals - NFL vs New York Giants
Event Feedback
Donated by:
Arizona Cardinals and Veteran Tickets Foundation Purchases
We had the best time cheering on the AZ Cardinals!! Thank you so much for sharing these tickets with us, even though we didn’t pull out the win it was so much fun at the game!! Thank you!!

Edwardo, U.S. Marine Corps (Veteran)
1991 - 1995

Donated by:
Arizona Cardinals and Veteran Tickets Foundation Purchases
Thanks #vettix & Veteran Tickets Foundation Purchases for the tickets to todays game! Had a bunch of fun and got to see a melt down on the field. What a game!!! Appreciate you supporting our veteran community.

Eric Booth, U.S. Navy (Veteran)
1989 - 1993

Donated by:
Arizona Cardinals and Veteran Tickets Foundation Purchases
Great game an family experience. Kids love seeing their favorite teams play.

Eva, U.S. Army (Veteran)
1983 - 1993

Donated by:
Arizona Cardinals and Veteran Tickets Foundation Purchases
Thank you so much... I would have never been able to share this experience with my granddaughter but here we are...enjoying our day. Thank you so much

Evelyn, U.S. Army (Veteran)
1982 - 1997

Donated by:
Arizona Cardinals and Veteran Tickets Foundation Purchases
Thank you Veteran Tickets Foundation. I was more than happy to help protect the nest. #birdgang

Fernando, U.S. Army (Veteran)
1984 - 1991

Donated by:
Arizona Cardinals and Veteran Tickets Foundation Purchases
Thank you guys so much. Was about to take my god son, girlfriend and friend. We had a blast up until the cardinals lost. That was a bummer. We had a blast nonetheless.

fernando, U.S. Marine Corps (Veteran)
2011 - 2023

Donated by:
Arizona Cardinals and Veteran Tickets Foundation Purchases
Thank you for giving us an opportunity to enjoy a home game! Too bad the Cardinals lost! Exciting game!

Francine, U.S. Army (Veteran)
1997 - 2001

Donated by:
Arizona Cardinals and Veteran Tickets Foundation Purchases
I want to thank the donors is the tickets and Vettix for the wonderful experience, unfortunately we lost but we had a really good time.

Francisco, U.S. Army (Veteran)
1994 - 1997

Donated by:
Arizona Cardinals and Veteran Tickets Foundation Purchases
Thank you Vet Tix for my ticket to an awesome game!

francisco, U.S. Army (Veteran)
1995 - 2018

Donated by:
Arizona Cardinals and Veteran Tickets Foundation Purchases
Thank you so much for the ticket! I watch my favorite team for the first time in person!

Francisco, U.S. Marine Corps (Veteran)
2011 - 2018

Donated by:
Arizona Cardinals and Veteran Tickets Foundation Purchases
It was an amazing experience for me and my son because it was our first football game. Thank you

Gabriel, U.S. Army (Veteran)
2008 - 2015

Donated by:
Arizona Cardinals and Veteran Tickets Foundation Purchases
Thank you so much! I was able to take my kids to their first football game!

giovanni, U.S. Marine Corps (Veteran)
2008 - 2013

Donated by:
Arizona Cardinals and Veteran Tickets Foundation Purchases
Such an amazing game! Thank you so much. VET TIX, is the best!

Gretel, U.S. Army (Currently Serving)

Donated by:
Arizona Cardinals and Veteran Tickets Foundation Purchases
Thank you to the Veterans Tickets Foundation Purchases for the tickets that allowed me to take my mom to her first Arizona Cardinals game. We had a blast!!!

Heather, U.S. Army (Veteran)
1996 - 2008

Donated by:
Arizona Cardinals and Veteran Tickets Foundation Purchases
thank you VET TIX for to the game . great seats as always

HOWARD, U.S. Navy (Veteran)
1976 - 1979

(Displaying results 46 through 60 of 176)