Arizona Cardinals - NFL vs New York Giants
Event Feedback
Donated by:
Arizona Cardinals and Veteran Tickets Foundation Purchases
Thank you Veterans Tickets Foundation and Vettixs! My son and friends enjoyed the game much appreciated.

Richard, U.S. Army (Veteran)
2005 - 2008

Donated by:
Arizona Cardinals and Veteran Tickets Foundation Purchases
Thank you so much Vet Tix for this opportunity! We had a great time at a great game!

Richard J., U.S. Marine Corps (Veteran)
1986 - 1992

Donated by:
Arizona Cardinals and Veteran Tickets Foundation Purchases
Thank you so much, we had a great time even though the home team lost. We appreciate the opportunity to go to the game. Thank you to Veteran Ticket Foundation!

Robert, U.S. Air Force (Veteran)
1991 - 2025

Donated by:
Arizona Cardinals and Veteran Tickets Foundation Purchases
Thank you Vettix for the donation of tickets! I was able to take my daughter to her first ever football game.

Roger, U.S. Air Force (Veteran)
1986 - 2011

Donated by:
Arizona Cardinals and Veteran Tickets Foundation Purchases
Thank you Veterans Tickets Foundation for the wonderful tickets, we had a great time. It was an amazing game, unfortunately the Cardinals lost

Roger, U.S. Army (Veteran)
1990 - 2016

Donated by:
Arizona Cardinals and Veteran Tickets Foundation Purchases
Thank you so much for donating these tickets. We had an amazing time with our family and friends.

Russell, U.S. Air Force (Veteran)
1982 - 2012

Donated by:
Arizona Cardinals and Veteran Tickets Foundation Purchases
Thanks for the tickets! Vettix has allowed me to do things I normally wouldn't have been able to do.

Ryan, U.S. Army (Veteran)
1998 - 2004

Donated by:
Arizona Cardinals and Veteran Tickets Foundation Purchases
My son I had such a great time together at the game! This was his 1st cardinals game and he loved it! Thank you so much!

Sabrina, U.S. Army (Veteran)
1999 - 2001

Donated by:
Arizona Cardinals and Veteran Tickets Foundation Purchases
Had a great time! Family loved it!! Thank you!!

Santos, U.S. Air Force (Veteran)
2000 - 2018

Donated by:
Arizona Cardinals and Veteran Tickets Foundation Purchases
Had a great time! Thanks so much! I wish the Cardinals brought it home in the 4th - but great game!

Sarah, U.S. Army (Veteran)
1996 - 2002

Donated by:
Arizona Cardinals and Veteran Tickets Foundation Purchases
Thanks so much for the tickets! The seats were great and we had an awesome time. First NFL game for my parents, they loved it!

Scott, U.S. Air Force (Currently Serving)

Donated by:
Arizona Cardinals and Veteran Tickets Foundation Purchases
Thank you Veteran Tickets Foundation for letting us enjoy a day date!!! We are pregnant with baby number two and enjoy as much time together while we can. Thanks again!

Scott, U.S. Air Force (Veteran)
1999 - 2012

Donated by:
Arizona Cardinals and Veteran Tickets Foundation Purchases
Thank you Veteran Tickets Foundation Purchases for your donation.

Sean, U.S. Air Force (Veteran)
1988 - 1994

Donated by:
Arizona Cardinals and Veteran Tickets Foundation Purchases
Thank you so much for the privilege of watching this game in person. It was a great experience, fun, and exciting. I appreciate it.

Sergio, U.S. Army (Veteran)
2013 - 2018

Donated by:
Arizona Cardinals and Veteran Tickets Foundation Purchases
Had a BLAST, took a Group of Veterans and we ALL THANK YOU VETTIX..!!!

Stephen, U.S. Army (Veteran)
1991 - 1995

(Displaying results 136 through 150 of 176)