Arizona State Sun Devils - NCAA Football vs Oregon State Beavers
Event Feedback
Donated by:
Arizona State University Sun Devils (ASU)
Fun time with the family! Kids had a blast! Will go again for sure!

Joshua, U.S. Army (Veteran)
2010 - 2014

Donated by:
Arizona State University Sun Devils (ASU)
Thank you very much ASU! Your support of my military service is greatly appreciated! I love making memories with my family at your sports events!

Joshua, U.S. Army (Veteran)
1998 - 2023

Donated by:
Arizona State University Sun Devils (ASU)
Thank you ASU for your generous ticket donation to VetTix and your continued support for Veterans! I am an ASU Alumni and a USAF Vet which made this event special for me! Thanks again! K

Kevin, U.S. Army (Veteran)
2013 - 2018

Donated by:
Arizona State University Sun Devils (ASU)
Thank you ASU Sun Devils for the great seats. It was so awesome to catch up with old grade school friends.

Kyle, U.S. Army (Veteran)
2003 - 2008

Donated by:
Arizona State University Sun Devils (ASU)
Thank you for the great seats for the ASSD Homecoming game. My wife and I enjoyed her first college football game !

Larry, U.S. Army (Veteran)
1991 - 2000

Donated by:
Arizona State University Sun Devils (ASU)
I enjoyed the game very much, as did my two young sons. It was their first college football game and it was awesome. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

Lauren, U.S. Army (Veteran)
2004 - 2004

Donated by:
Arizona State University Sun Devils (ASU)
Thank you vettix and all the supporters for allowing me and my family to attend our first ASU football game.

Lucino, U.S. Marine Corps (Veteran)
2003 - 2007

Donated by:
Arizona State University Sun Devils (ASU)
Thank you to ASU sun devils for the tickets. Had a great afternoon at the game.

Marvin, U.S. Marine Corps (Veteran)
1993 - 1997

Donated by:
Arizona State University Sun Devils (ASU)
Thank you for the tickets to the Arizona State football game. Enjoyed the afternoon outside watching the Dun Devils.

Maxie, U.S. Army (Veteran)
1981 - 2004

Donated by:
Arizona State University Sun Devils (ASU)
Thank you ASU! Great event and seats! Would not have gone if it weren't for Vettix.

Michael, U.S. Air Force (Veteran)
1984 - 2008

Donated by:
Arizona State University Sun Devils (ASU)
We absolutely loved our seats and the experience. Thank you so much!

Michael, U.S. Army (Veteran)
1991 - 1998

Donated by:
Arizona State University Sun Devils (ASU)
Thank you ASU for the Vet Tix to attend the ASU / Oregon State football game this past Saturday. It was a Beautiful day and we had great seats for the event even though ASU ended up on the wrong side of the score! But we much appreciate the opportunity to attend and look forward to future events!

Raymond, U.S. Navy (Veteran)
1969 - 1971

Donated by:
Arizona State University Sun Devils (ASU)
Thanks for the ticket Arizona State University, I enjoyed Homecoming game!

Ricardo, U.S. Army (Veteran)
1990 - 1992

Donated by:
Arizona State University Sun Devils (ASU)
Thank you Arizona State University Sun Devils for the great tickets! Your generosity is always appreciated! We love our Sun Devils win or lose and to be there in person is the best for our diehard Sun Devil family! Thank you again!🔱🔱🔱

Richard, U.S. Army (Veteran)
1982 - 2010

Donated by:
Arizona State University Sun Devils (ASU)
Thanks to Vet Tix and the donors that allow it to work . Had a great time at the ASU game.

Robert, U.S. Army (Veteran)
1996 - 1998

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