Philadelphia Phillies vs. Atlanta Braves - MLB
Event Feedback
Donated by:
Philadelphia Phillies
What a great night for baseball! The Phillies won and we met some friends there as well. I also got to speak with another Vet Tix member and listen to all the great stories he had thanks to Vet Tix. What a great organization and can't wait to use you all again!

Nick, U.S. Army (Currently Serving)

Donated by:
Philadelphia Phillies
Last night had to be one of the best Phillies games i ever went to. Not only did they win but both my daughter and her cousin each got a ball from Kelly the ball girl . Thank you so much

Patrick Marioni, U.S. Navy (Veteran)
1996 - 2004

Donated by:
Philadelphia Phillies
Thank you to the Phillies Organization for the tickets. I was able to bring my 86 year old mother who is a do or die Phillies Fan. She's been to spring treating quite a few times. We had a great time. Thanks again to VET TIX and the Phillies!

Rob, U.S. Air Force (Veteran)
1972 - 1977

Donated by:
Philadelphia Phillies
Dear Sir/Madam, Thanks you Philadelphia Phillies-MLB for a great evening in the Citizen Bank Park with the Philadelphia Phillies vs. Atlanta Braves teams. Let's go Phillies!!! Thanks. Ruben Mendez US Army Retired Disabled Veteran 100%

Ruben, U.S. Army (Veteran)
1985 - 1987

Donated by:
Philadelphia Phillies
Thank you VetTix and Philadelphia Phillies for the tickets. My son wasn't feeling well before the game so I went alone but it was a lifelong dream to see the Atlanta Braves play against the Phillies. Thanks for everything you do.

Ryan, U.S. Air Force (Currently Serving)

Donated by:
Philadelphia Phillies
I like to thank VetTix and our sponsors. including the Philadelphia Phillies for a great time. We had a great time at such a beautiful venue.

SGT, (Ret) VÃctor G. Alcalde, U.S. Army (Currently Serving)

Donated by:
Philadelphia Phillies
Had a great time out with the family, sons first game and he had a blast. Thanks Phillies

Steve B, U.S. Army (Veteran)
2001 - 2005

Donated by:
Philadelphia Phillies
To the generous person or group who donated our tickets to the Phillies versus the Braves, thank you! It's been almost 10 years since we've been to a game together. And this night was the only evening all summer this would have worked. THANK YOU!

The Maldonado/Cruz Family, U.S. Air Force (Veteran)
1987 - 1994

Donated by:
Philadelphia Phillies
Thank you Philadelphia Phillies. My wife and I were able to take two of my daughters to their first Phillies game! A moment we will all remember!

Tim W, U.S. Marine Corps (Veteran)
1999 - 2003

Donated by:
Philadelphia Phillies
Thank you so much donor for the tix to the Phillies/Braves game! The process of receiving the virtual tickets was effortless, and the section/seats at the game were on the lowest level closest to the field with a great view. Thanks again! (Excuse the questionable facial expressions on my kids' faces... we had just informed them right before this picture that they had to wait 2 more innings before we'd buy them ice cream... hah.)

TrzUSMC, U.S. Marine Corps (Veteran)
2006 - 2011

Donated by:
Philadelphia Phillies
Just wanted to thank the Philadelphia Phillies for the tickets they donated. My wife and family had an amazing time. We appreciated it more than you know.

Victor, U.S. Air Force (Currently Serving)

Donated by:
Philadelphia Phillies
Thank you Philadelphia Phillies. We had an amazing time. We tried to recreate a picture with the Phanatic from 4 years ago when he held our daughter. Next time maybe.

Vince B, U.S. Coast Guard (Veteran)
2003 - 2010

Donated by:
Philadelphia Phillies
Thank you Philadelphia Phillies MLB for the much appreciated tickets. This was my 3 sons first ever baseball game. They LOVED it. I got them 3 balls at the shop as a momento. The Philadelphia Phillies got themselves 3 New fans! The best part was the kids cheering for the Phillies and having them win. Unforgettable one of a kind family experience. They're already looking forward to the next game. Great game!, keep on winning!, Go Phillies!!! Thanks VetTix for making this possible!

Will, U.S. Army (Veteran)
2004 - 2009

Donated by:
Philadelphia Phillies
I really would like to say thanks to Phillies organization and VetTix. We loved the game and the experience.

Will Tukes, U.S. Navy (Veteran)
1984 - 1988

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