University of Florida Gators Football vs. University of Tennessee-martin - NCAA Football
Event Feedback
Donated by:
University of Florida
Thank you to the amazing donors and VET TIX for the tickets to the Gators game! My wife and kids are huge Gator fans & I was so happy to get to take them to our 1st game.

Charles, U.S. Army (Veteran)
1994 - 2001

Donated by:
University of Florida
Thank you so much to University of Florida Gators -NCAA for the tickets! My family had an amazing time and it was the boys' first game! They loved it.

Christina, U.S. Marine Corps (Currently Serving)

Donated by:
University of Florida
Thank for some Gator chompin with my son. Two bits, 4 bits, 6 bits a dollar, all for the Gators stand up and holler!!

Christofer, U.S. Marine Corps (Veteran)
1982 - 1985

Donated by:
University of Florida
My son and I had an amazing time at the game. If it wasn't for vet Tix we wouldn't get to enjoy these activities

Christopher, U.S. Army (Veteran)
2003 - 2012

Donated by:
University of Florida
Thank you for the amazing experience for me and my daughter.

Christopher, U.S. Navy (Veteran)
2001 - 2009

Donated by:
University of Florida
I cannot express my gratitude to the extent I am feeling. I've always wanted to to go a Florida Gators game and to actually be able to treat my family to a great night out was beyond wonderful! Thank you so much to my donors and VetTix for this date night!

Christopher, U.S. Army (Veteran)
1985 - 1989

Donated by:
University of Florida
Our whole family had a great time at the event and met some other VetTix members. This was our first VetTix event and I am sure we will attend more...especially if more Gator games become available. Thank you so much for the opportunity to attend the Gator football game!

Christopher, U.S. Coast Guard (Veteran)
1994 - 2017

Donated by:
University of Florida
Thank you so much for the Gator Football tickets!! We had a wonderfully memorable experience!!!

Christopher or Mary, U.S. Navy (Currently Serving)

Donated by:
University of Florida
Thank you for the experience. We had a great time up until we got kicked out our seats cause someone else had tickets for the same seats. We had fun though. Thank you Vet tix

Christy, U.S. Navy (Veteran)
1992 - 1994

Donated by:
University of Florida
Thank you VetTix and the University if Florida, this experience created memories we will never forget!

Clayton, U.S. Army (Currently Serving)

Donated by:
University of Florida
Thank you very much for the tickets. This was my wife's first college football game and my first since separating from the military. We have a 16 month old so this was also one of the first nights that we have been out without as just a couple which was an amazing experience. Again thank you very much for this amazing night!

Clinton, U.S. Navy (Veteran)
2009 - 2014

Donated by:
University of Florida
Thank you so much! had a blast! go gators! 45-0

Cody, U.S. Army (Veteran)
2012 - 2019

Donated by:
University of Florida
To the University of Florida Gators - NCAA... Thank you so much for this opportunity to watch the Gator Football Home Opener with my family! We had an awesome time together Saturday and hope for many more to come! GO GATORS! Sincerely, Spc. (Ret) Cory Dean Shetters

Cory Dean Shetters, U.S. Army (Veteran)
2009 - 2015

Donated by:
University of Florida
My nephews had a blast! This was their first college game and they got to watch their Gators win! Thanks so much Vet Tix and University of Florida!!

Crystal, U.S. Army (Veteran)
1998 - 1999

Donated by:
University of Florida
Thank you vettix and all who donated. We enjoyed the game very much.

Daniel, U.S. Coast Guard (Currently Serving)

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