Kenny Chesney: Trip Around the Sun Tour
Event Feedback

Donated by:
Messina Touring Group
Thank You VetTix, Messina Touring Group, Kenny Chesney, Old Dominion, Thomas Rhett and Brandon Lay for an absolutely incredible evening!!!!!!!!!!! Also, a big Thank You goes out to the Bronco's Stadium at Mile High Event Staff!! I tried to get wheelchair accessible seats before accepting the tickets and kept being told I needed to talk to someone else. We finally decided to accept the tickets and see if we could swap the one at the door, hoping we could still sit together. The staff at Mile High Stadium went out of their way to make sure we were seated together and got to enjoy the concert as a group. This meant a lot to us all, including an Army retiree, an Air Force vet and our spouses. The evening was long overdue and the crew overdelivered - it was an amazing experience we will all remember! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tina, U.S. Air Force (Veteran)
1994 - 1998

Donated by:
Messina Touring Group
A big shout out to Vet Tix and the donors that make events like this possible for us. It was an awesome event and experience. It was beyond enjoyable. Our section was filled with veterans and active duty Soldiers. That made this event even more pleasurable. I have been out a little over 4 years and being around my brothers and sisters again was really fun. To the Devil Dog that was beside me and Matt the Air Force "Guy" in front of us. You guys really helped make it a blast.

Todd, U.S. Army (Veteran)
1999 - 2014

Donated by:
Messina Touring Group
Thank you to Vet Tix and Messina Touring Group, LLC for arranging for my family and I to attend this event. Having the opportunity to spend time with my family was very important and created memories we will have forever. Again, thank you for donating tickets. We really appreciated it! -Todd B

Todd, U.S. Air Force (Currently Serving)

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