Kenny Chesney: Trip Around the Sun Tour
Event Feedback

Donated by:
Messina Touring Group
Thank you VetTix and Messina Touring Group, LLC for our Trip Around the Sun tickets. We live in a remote area of Arizona and the four hour drive to Phoenix was worth it. We had a fantastic time. You made it a great date night!

Robert, U.S. Marine Corps (Veteran)
1986 - 1990

Donated by:
Messina Touring Group
From our from too you thank you Messina Touring Group LLC. My wife and I hade a great time. However, our son and daughter in law were unable to attend. Our son had a slight mishap. He came though an intersection are an accident. The debris wasn't completely pickup and he ran over a piece of metal. Which ended up a flat tire.

Roger, U.S. Army (Veteran)
1976 - 1990

Donated by:
Messina Touring Group
I want to say thank you to vet tix and their donars. It was a great venue that allowed me and my wife to get a well needed date night out with out the kids. This is a great program I would recommend this site to any and all veterans. The seats were great and we had a blast.

ROME ZONE, U.S. Army (Veteran)
2008 - 2013

Donated by:
Messina Touring Group
The family always enjoys when a major act comes in to town! And, Kenny Chesney certainly delivered! Thank you Messina Touring Group LLC for your generous donation to a perfect night out for the family and for supporting Vets.

Ron, U.S. Air Force (Veteran)
1980 - 1988

Donated by:
Messina Touring Group
A BIG thank you to the Messina Touring Group, LLC for supporting such a great organization like VET TIX, with out the GENEROUS CONTRIBUTION for people like you the events would not be possible.... This event was Daddy & Daughter date night. My daughter who is 16 will be flying the nest soon & dealt with me gone for so much of her childhood while i was active duty, it's nice to spend the quality times to together at these great events that we will remember for ever. Concert was GREAT seeing my daughter dancing & singing along made me EXTREMELY HAPPY. definitely a time we will never forget . Thank you VET TIX for your support KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK Gilbert Family Surprise, AZ

Ron, U.S. Navy (Veteran)
2001 - 2009

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