Past Hero's Wishes
Hello, my name is Jesse Spencer. I am currently deployed to the Middle East. I have served in the Army National Guard for 9 years as a Flight Medic and then transitioned over to the Air Force National Guard for the past 2 years as a Firefighter. I would like to respectfully request Four 4-day park hopper tickets to Walt Disney World in Florida. We are planning on going in April and this would be an amazing family spring break trip where we could relax, have fun, and reconnect after being deployed for over 6 months. We are a family of 5, but our youngest won't require a ticket. Thank you for any help. We really appreciate it.

U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Angela donated $50.00
- A Generous Person donated $25.00
- Olga donated $50.00
- Henry donated $20.00
- Paul donated $25.00
- A Generous Person donated $2,130.00
- Remainder of Wish fulfilled by the Veteran Tickets Foundation General Hero's Wish Fund.
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you so much for donating tickets to Disney!! We had a wonderful time reconnecting as a family after deployment. It was our youngest child's first time at Disney and she was in absolute wonder. The big kids loved being able to ride rollercoasters! We loved being able to create memories with our 3 kids and letting them pick out whatever they wanted at the Disney Store. By providing these tickets it took the financial burden off of us, which was greatly appreciated. We cannot thank you enough!!!!
- Jesse

My name is Bruce Haskin. After serving for nearly 22 years, I am being medically retired related to an injury I received in a VBIED (car bomb) in Afghanistan. I am married to Mary (just celebrated 14 year anniversary), have three children, Austin (11), Katherine (9), and Samuel (7). When I left for Afghanistan in 2019, I planned to take the family to Disney when I returned in April 2020. Well, with the bomb, and then pandemic starting while I was gone, that never came to fruition. Then we moved to Ohio a few months after I returned, bought a house and immediately incurred over $20,000 in unexpected and unplanned major home repairs, and recently another $15,000 in repairs in a house flood while we were away for a few days. I have missed birthdays, anniversaries, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and more, and honestly my family and I need a reset, some true fun and relaxation. We will be forever grateful for this opportunity. I appreciate your consideration and kind donation if you choose to do so. I would like to take my family to Disney World. I have three children therefore requesting 5 tickets if that is possible. Thank you.

U.S. Air Force (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
- chad donated $10.00
- Christopher donated $25.00
- A Generous Person donated $25.00
- David donated $10.00
- Beth in Honor of USAF Veteran Dale W. donated $500.00
- Beth in Honor of Rick Allridge donated $500.00
- A Generous Person donated $15.00
- michael donated $25.00
- Paul donated $25.00
- Tesha in Honor of Chief Sanders donated $100.00
- Allen donated $150.00
- Kevin donated $100.00
- Thomas in Honor of You, Bruce, thank you for your service! donated $100.00
- Carolyn donated $15.00
- A Generous Person donated $50.00
- Monica donated $20.00
- A Generous Person donated $50.00
- luz donated $10.00
- Lesa in Honor of Active Duty Moms donated $470.00
- Remainder of Wish fulfilled by the Veteran Tickets Foundation General Hero's Wish Fund.
Thank You Message from the Hero:

My name is Sgt, Brian Martinez. I have twin 5-year-old daughters that have never been to Disney World. They will be six years old by the time I return and I will miss their birthday just like other birthdays I have missed. I would like to be able to take them to Disney World but my wife and I did not know if we will have the financial means to do so. I am currently deployed to Syria and it has been rough for them to understand, the cause we are fighting for and I know they do not yet understand the sacrifice our whole family has made.

U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
- A Generous Person donated $10.00
- David donated $100.00
- Sharlet in Honor of All Servicemembers and Veterans donated $20.00
- Barbara donated $100.00
- Gabriela donated $50.00
- Alana donated $10.00
- Brent donated $100.00
- Tiffanie donated $101.00
- Michelle donated $50.00
- Chris donated $25.00
- A Generous Person donated $100.00
- A Generous Person donated $50.00
- A Generous Person donated $25.00
- Anthony donated $3.00
- Scott donated $25.00
- Ralph donated $190.00
- A Generous Person donated $20.00
- David in Honor of The Strong Family donated $100.00
- A Generous Person donated $20.00
- Jacqueline donated $10.00
- Jeffrey donated $30.00
- A Generous Person donated $20.00
- Douglas donated $42.00
- A Generous Person donated $20.00
- Patricia in Honor of Duane D. Hoekman - MSC US Navy (deceased donated $50.00
- Richard donated $129.00
- Remainder of Wish fulfilled by the Veteran Tickets Foundation General Hero's Wish Fund.
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Hello, I want to thank all of the people that donated and the people working for Vet Tix for all of the help and assistance while I was deployed. My six year old girls had the time of their life and will never forget the trip, but the best part for me was getting to see how happy meeting the characters made them. Disney World was amazing and this really helped us make a trip that otherwise would not have been possible. Thank you again, The Martinez Family
- Brian

My name is Aaron Davis I am currently serving in the U.S Army! I joined the military in February of 2018 to make a better life for me and my family! Me and my wife have 2 beautiful girls ages 3 and 9 and they would be excited to go on a surprise trip to Disney World being they have never been before! We will be so appreciative to any donations to make this trip happen!! We hope to stay on Disney World to experience the Disney resorts and to eat breakfast with all the Disney characters! Thank you all so much! The wish me and my wife are hoping for is taking our two daughters and surprising them to go to Disney World and staying at the resort for 5 days so we can get the whole experience! This would really make our kids so happy and we would be so appreciative!

U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Cyndy in Honor of John Hollender & Paul Stancliff Nam-67 donated $25.00
- Lisa in Honor of Anderson Family- U.S. Army Served donated $50.00
- Lisa donated $25.00
- Todd donated $25.00
- Todd donated $25.00
- Dawn donated $20.00
- Kimberly donated $25.00
- Victoria donated $25.00
- Thomas in Honor of You, Aaron Davis, thank u 4 your service donated $100.00
- Scott donated $25.00
- A Generous Person donated $25.00
- Remainder of Wish fulfilled by the Veteran Tickets Foundation General Hero's Wish Fund.

Hello, my name is Nelson Martinez. I am a retired Marine, husband, and father of 4. I retired summer of 2018 after 22 years of service. Throughout my service, I had various combat tours and assignments, making it difficult to have a Disney World trip, much less plan it. While in the Marine Corps, I dedicated myself to accomplishing the mission first. I often put the Corps and mission first and my family second, and I could only do this through my wife, children, friends, and family's support. Both my wife and I sacrificed much to make our time in the Corps work. I deployed three times to Iraq between 2003 and 2009. I also deployed twice in support of Operation Enduring Freedom to Africa and Afghanistan in 2001-02 and again to Afghanistan in 2010. In between deployments, I was assigned to commands that trained Sailors or Marines for combat deployments or headquarters commands that planned combat deployments for various units. I also spent time at the Marine Corps Wounded Warrior Batallion in 2011. My time at Wounded Warrior Battalion was to take care of injuries I sustained in 2003 deployed to Iraq and a TBI I received in 2010 while deployed to Afghanistan. Between 2001 and 2010, I was heavily deployed and ignored many physical, mental, and emotional issues and injuries to accomplish the mission overseas. Like many veterans during that time, the mission to fight and train for combat came first. Because of that, many veterans, myself included, caused and faced issues not just for ourselves but for our families. Our families sacrificed greatly to help us accomplish our mission. Now that I have been retired for some time and our children are a little older, we can finally plan a trip to Disney World. We have never taken a "true" family vacation for the reasons described above, and we have always taken short weekend trips somewhere or made the best of our children's sports events requiring travel. This year, however, my spring break from college classes and our kids' spring break from elementary and high school line up, making it easy to plan a family trip. Our family is a total of 6. My wife and I have three boys, aged 22, 16, and 9, and our daughter, 14. I am asking for help to purchase 6 tickets for our family to Disney World for the week of March 6-11, 2023. I would greatly appreciate any help to make this dream possible for my family. This trip will be a blessing for our family's many sacrifices. I thank everyone ahead of time for helping me make this dream come true for them SEMPER FIDELIS!

U.S. Marine Corps (Severely Wounded Veteran)
1996 - 2018
Wish Fulfilled By:
- VICTOR donated $10.00
- Kalati donated $25.00
- Daniel donated $25.00
- Alec donated $10.00
- Sean donated $10.00
- A Generous Person donated $20.00
- Christopher donated $25.00
- A.C. donated $25.00
- Bryant donated $25.00
- Rita in Honor of Col Steve Rohlena donated $50.00
- Katie in Honor of Nicholas Mattingly donated $775.00
- Aniello donated $50.00
- Sharlet in Honor of All Servicemembers and Veterans donated $20.00
- Rebecca donated $10.00
- Angela in Honor of Active Duty Mothers donated $25.00
- Brett donated $25.00
- Saleisia donated $5.00
- Chuan J. donated $265.00
- A Generous Person donated $22.00
- A Generous Person donated $100.00
- A Generous Person donated $20.00
- Thomas in Honor of You,GySgt Martinez, thank u 4 ur service donated $100.00
- Cyndy in Honor of John Hollender-Paul Stancliff-Spouses donated $25.00
- A Generous Person donated $25.00
- A Generous Person donated $10.00
- Katy donated $20.00
- Jeff donated $478.00
- Remainder of Wish fulfilled by the Veteran Tickets Foundation General Hero's Wish Fund.
This Hero has not yet filled out a thank you message.

My name is Charles Clontz, and I would love to be able to have a chance to take my 4 kids to Disney World for the week. My two year old son Jackson loves Mickey Mouse!!! We are currently stationed at Fort Hood Texas away from the coast and getting there is pretty expensive when you factor in driving, plane tickets, hotel and park tickets so being able to get this help from Veterans wish would be a great help to my family.I would like to be able to take my kids to Disney World for the holidays, at the start of the year or into the spring if at all possible. I would love to be able to do the 4 day park hopper tickets to enjoy time with my wife and children.

U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Jose donated $200.00
- Saleisia donated $20.00
- Enid donated $25.00
- Randy in Honor of Standing the Line for us all donated $200.00
- Douglas donated $100.00
- Crystal donated $20.00
- Gerald donated $50.00
- Julie donated $100.00
- Benjamin donated $50.00
- Mark donated $20.00
- Laura & Brian donated $100.00
- Peter donated $20.00
- Thomas in Honor of You, Charles, thank you 4 your service! donated $100.00
- A Generous Person donated $100.00
- MAXIM donated $100.00
- Paulo donated $5.00
- Glenn donated $50.00
- Remainder of Wish fulfilled by the Veteran Tickets Foundation General Hero's Wish Fund.

My husbands name is 2nd LT Randall Knauss. He would love to take his family to Disney World. After going to school for 2 years to green to gold my husband went to a 10 month school. He was home 6 weeks before he deployed to Korea. Once returning from Korea, he was home 6 months before he deployed to Europe after the war in Ukraine started. We would love to spend time together as a family relaxing after so much time apart.

U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Robert in Honor of Philip English donated $10.00
- Sharlet in Honor of All Servicemembers and Veterans donated $20.00
- Seth donated $20.00
- A Generous Person donated $190.00
- A Generous Person donated $190.00
- Charles donated $10.00
- Brandt donated $15.00
- A Generous Person donated $25.00
- Wes donated $100.00
- A Generous Person donated $100.00
- Allan donated $20.00
- Remainder of Wish fulfilled by the Veteran Tickets Foundation General Hero's Wish Fund.
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you so much Vet Tix! Because of this extremely generous donation from so many amazing people, my family got to enjoy so much quality time. We were able to laugh, watch our kids believe in magic, and most importantly relax for the first time in a while. While many don't believe Disney is the place to relax, we believe the opposite. Its the perfect place to forget all the real life worries, and to allow ourselves to believe in magic again. Vet Tix and all the amazing people and donations played such a huge part in us enjoying this trip and we cannot say thank you enough!
- Randall and Family

Hello! I've been active duty Air Force for the last 9 and a half years and am currently on my fourth deployment. I'd love to be able to take my family on a vacation to Disneyland with 3-day park hopper tickets for three when I return home. I returned home from deployment #3 in February of 2021 and was asked to take deployment number #4 in March of 2022, leaving in April a week after returning home from my honeymoon. My family has been nothing but supportive and strong throughout these back to back tours and I'd love nothing more than to take them on an amazing vacation to spoil them and spend time with them.

U.S. Air Force (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Bryan donated $25.00
- Henry donated $25.00
- Matthew donated $25.00
- Terry donated $100.00
- Michael donated $20.00
- Leisa donated $20.00
- Melissa donated $25.00
- Steven in Honor of SPC Zachary Salmon K.I.A. 1/12/2011 donated $10.00
- Christopher in Honor of Kevin Bauer Pride donated $50.00
- Jim donated $50.00
- Edward donated $25.00
- Oscar in Honor of Jesus Christ donated $475.00
- Remainder of Wish fulfilled by the Veteran Tickets Foundation General Hero's Wish Fund.
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you so much to Vet Tix and all of the donors for making this wish possible! This was my sons first time in Disneyland and California Adventure and it was amazing to see him light up each day we were at the park! The vacation was a great way to spend time with my son and my dad after coming home from deployment and I'm extremely grateful that you guys made that possible for my family. Thank you so much Bryan, Henry, Matthew, Terry, Michael, Leisa, Melissa, Steven in Honor of Zachary Salmon, Christopher in Honor of Kevin Bauer Pride, Edward, Jim, Oscar in Honor of Jesus Christ, and Hero's for making this happen!
- Elizabeth

My name is TSgt. Steven Wilson. I retired from the USAF in 2014 after serving for 17 years, I was deployed to Iraq, on my 4th deployment (2011) I was injured in an IED blast. I received a Purple Heart due to my TBI, I also suffer from hearing loss, back and knee pain, PTSD, migraines and memory issues. I had brain surgery in 2013 and had to cut my military career short due to ongoing symptoms from the blasts. My wife and children have supported me through all of my ups and downs since my injury, it would be nice to spend quality time with my family at the Happiest Place on Earth. I would love to take my large family to Disneyland, my children have not experienced the fun and magic of Disneyland, I would love to share that with them. I would like to request 12 three day park hopper passes so we could all go together. My children are 17, 16, 15 & 15 (twins), 14, 12, 8, 4 and nearly 3 & 3 (twins).

U.S. Air Force (Severely Wounded Veteran)
1997 - 2014
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Marissa in Honor of Michael G. Mooney donated $300.00
- William in Honor of William Apel donated $50.00
- James in Honor of SSgt Larry Murphy, USAF donated $100.00
- Curtis donated $50.00
- Christina donated $10.00
- A Generous Person donated $100.00
- Mary in Honor of SrA James Hansen donated $25.00
- A Generous Person donated $25.00
- James in Honor of Bob Smith donated $540.00
- A Generous Person donated $300.00
- A Generous Person donated $25.00
- Franco donated $75.00
- Remainder of Wish fulfilled by the Veteran Tickets Foundation General Hero's Wish Fund.
This Hero has not yet filled out a thank you message.

I'm LCDR Kim Hendricks, a Navy Nurse Corps Officer. The University of Utah Utes will be going to the Rose Bowl on January 2, 2023 - having just won the Pac-12 championship. I went to the University of Utah for my undergraduate degree and Utah Football had been a part of my family's lives ever since. I met my husband at the U and we spent many date nights at football games. Once I joined the Navy, we had to settle for games on TV except for the occasional game, this time with our kids, most recently a game last year when they happened to play San Diego State, where we are currently stationed. We will be relocating to the East Coast this summer and the Rose bowl will likely be the last game we can attend while the kids are still young. We would be incredibly blessed for our family of 5 to able to attend the Rose Bowl this year!! I came back from deployment 2 months ago and this would be an amazing family experience. I am requesting 5 tickets so that I can attend with my husband and 3 kids, ages 12, 8, and 4.

U.S. Navy (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Henry donated $25.00
- Marcie donated $50.00
- Ulric in Honor of Larry Conception donated $100.00
- Brian donated $220.00
- Raul donated $100.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
To our generous donors - Henry, Marcie, Ulric in honor of Larry Conception, Brian, and Raul: Thank you so much for sending us to the Rose Bowl - the Granddaddy of Them All!! This was an incredible experience to cheer on our team the Utah Utes. My husband and I have been Utah football fans since we attended "the U" as undergrads. We spent many date nights attending home games. Utah Football remains a big part of our lives with our kids as we catch games on TV and attend the occasional game, though being stationed away from home makes that difficult. The Rose Bowl was likely one of the last games we will be able to go to due to our next set of orders and we are so grateful to be able to have those memories with our kids while they are still young. They had a blast, even in the rain! The parking was seamless and somehow there was no traffic in LA. The VIP tailgate passes gave us an opportunity to kick back, enjoy some good food and drinks while playing games with the kids and chatting it up with fellow fans. The seats at the game took our breath away - we had a perfect view of the field from around the 40 yard line, and of course in Utah territory where it was just like home. Having recently returned from deployment, family events become so much more important and meaningful. Reintegration can be challenging and experiences like these really bring our family together. Thank you again for your incredible donation for this once in a lifetime opportunity! We are forever grateful!!!
- Kimberley

(Displaying results 81 through 90 of 622)
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