Past Hero's Wishes
Hi. We are a family of 4 stationed in southern Arizona. My husband is currently in his 3rd deployment and able to come home on R&R during the first few weeks of December. Our 6 year old son, Joshua, started playing his first year of football right after his dad had to go. He was disappointed when he learned dad wouldn’t be there for the whole season but also understands there will be more years to come since he now wants to play football when he grows up! We do our best to record the games and send them off so they both feel dad is more a part of it. Joshua has talked about wanting to attend a “real” football game ever since he started playing. His team is the Cardinals Red Flag and I am wondering if it’s possible to get tickets to the Cardinals game in Phoenix on December 12th to surprise both father and son with. We have never attended a professional sporting event before mainly because we have never been able to afford to do so. I thought it would be extremely memorable to experience a first as a family at a time when memories are so valuable to us. We would appreciate 4 tickets to the game so we can go as a family, but would feel just as blessed with only 2 so father and son can at least attend. Thank you for considering us and for any help in making this wish come true. The Yates Family
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Just wanted to write in a big heartfelt thank you to everyone that was involved in making this wish come true!! It was above and beyond what we were expecting! Thank you to the one who donated the tickets, to the Cardinals for the field passes, to Vet Tix for offering such a wonderful way to help make things like this come true, and to Eddie and anyone else who worked everything out for us. This wish was something we were not expecting to be fulfilled with the short time notice. But to our surprise, it was :) The seats were excellent, it was a perfect view of the field. The field passes for father and son were such a wonderful surprise...our son's eyes lit up walking onto the field!! The kids never let those bears go you gave them either Eddie...that was a surprise they loved. We had an absolute great time!! Thank you for all the time and effort that was put into making this happen for us. This is something we will never forget!!! The Yates Family
- Dustin
Cardinals Football
My name is SPC O'Donnell. I am currently deployed in Afghanistan. I have been here since November 2009 and should be heading home in Late October of this year. I have been a life long Notre Dame fan and have never seen them play in's my wish to take my father to see the ND Irish play against Army in Yankee Stadium on Saturday 20 November. I have already purchased the air tickets to go, however I cannot find any tickets for the game. I have looked at the ticket outlets online and the prices are out of my range. I plan on going to the game with my Dad, also a lifelong Irish fan. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!! Thank You
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you so much! I have been a life long Notre Dame fan and you made it possible! I want a month after I got back from deployment. I went with my dad. It was the first football game played at Yankee stadium. It was a memory of a lifetime! Thank you and God bless!
- Doug
Notre Dame vs. Army @ Yankee Stadium,
I am currently on the tail end of my third deployment overseas, second time in Iraq with an Afghanistan inbetween them. My Company will be redeploying at the beginning of Sept and my request is for 2 tickets to the Red River Shootout which is the annual OU vs UT game at the Cotton Bowl. This year it will be held on Oct 2 and will right at the start of my post deployment block leave. I would like to take my dad to the game, he is a Veitnam vet. I have never been able to attend this game in the past and Sooner football is a huge passion in my life. It would be a great event to be able to go to with my dad. If possible tickets on the an OU section would be greatly appreciated. A little bit about my unit that kind of makes this deployment unique. I am currently with C Co 1-3 IN (The Old Guard). We are better known by our Soldiers who keep constant watch over the Tomb of the Unknowns in Arlington and for conducting military funerals in Arlington National Cemetery. This is the first combat deployment that an element from our unit has been on since the Veitnam War. Two Companies have been sent to Africa in the past few years but none to an active combat zone that is until us. Once we deploy back to Ft Myer we will reset and continue with our ceremonial duties in Arlington National Cemetery and around the National Capitol Region. It is a huge honor and humbling experience to be part of this unit. Thanks for all you do for us. John
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Rodney donated $480.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
I just wanted to say thanks to the University of Oklahoma, the donor and the crew at VetTix. The Red River Shootout was a great experience and great game this past weekend. Thank you for assisting and making this happen for my father and myself. The Texas State Fair was an amazing atmosphere and the game was great. It was a pretty exciting finish to a great performance put on by the University of Oklahoma. I wish I could attend every single Red River Shootout for the rest of my life. That is how great it was and how much I am very thankful for everyone's participation in making it happen. Once again thank you from the bottom of my heart! RLTW.
- John
Boomer Sooner
I am hoping to be able to attend a Cubs game with my family. It is pretty expensive to take a family to a MLB game. I have been to several and usually can only afford two tickets. I would like to be able to take my entire family to a game. We all love the Cubs and it would be awesome if we all could go at the same time. I am returning to the United States at the end of July and would like to attend a Cubs game before the kids return to school. Thank you in advance for your consideration.
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Rebecca donated $60.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Id like to thank everyone involved in fulfilling my wish. We were ablt to attend the Chicago Cubs game against the Atlanta Braves on August 22nd. My family and I were treated very well while at Wrigley Field. We were treated to onfield passes during Cubs batting practice and great seats a couple sections back from home plate. Got a couple autographs and some great pictures of the players. Thanks to Dwayne and Eddie at Veteran Tickets Foundation for all their help in making this day become a reality. Thanks to the Chicago Cubs and Jamie King with the Wrigley Field Ambassadors. She made sure we were taken care of and even came back during the game to see if we were doing ok. Thanks to all who donate money, time and tickets to make these wishes come true for Veterans and their families. We certainly had a great time and it will be a day we wont forget. Getting to go onto the field during batting practice is something not many get to do. The Cubs went "all-out" with taking care of us. Thanks again. Go Cubs!!
- Timothy
Chicago Cubs tickets
My husband will be coming home on R&R on Aug 18th- Sept 1. We desperately need a "date night." We didn't get to spend much quality time with one another before he left because of the move back to NJ and many sleep deprived nights up with our newborn. I would love to surprise him by staying overnight in Atlantic City for dinner and a Crosby Stills & Nash concert. I know he needs the break and you would make one very special hero happy...and wife :)!
1995 - 2013
Thank You Message from the Hero:
We want to say thank you so much for doing what you do! We were blown away when we saw that we had front row seats!!! The night was very special and from the bottom of our hearts, thank you!
- Michael
Hi my name is Jason I am currently on my second deployment and deployed to Afghanistan with the Airborne CAV stationed out of Germany. When I deployed I was told that I would not be getting mid tour leave but I recently found out I will be getting leave in early/ mid August. I am extremely excited about leave because my wife flew back state side to Illinois in April and just gave birth to my first daughter two weeks ago. She is currently staying with family along with our 10yr old son. I would love to take my recently enlarger family to Disney or Wisconsin Dells Kalahari indoor / outdoor water park resort for leave. This would not only be a wonderful surprise for our ten year old son but it would be a wonderful way for our family to re-bond without all the extra family around since we do not have our own place state side. This would also be extremely exciting for my family because we still have 2 years left to serve in Germany and it is very hard for us to come home for visits or vacations. Right now till the end of July I can get hero tickets to Disney World for $99.00 each plus tax, I would need 3 tickets. After July 31st the four day pass for 3 would be $85.00 a day per person $1020.00. Or I can get passes to Kalahari indoor / outdoor water park resort for 2 days for my whole family for $399.90 I know that this is a lot to ask for but it would mean the world to my family and me. I missed so much of of the pregnancy and my daughters birth that being able to have this time and amazing experience with my family would mean everything to us. Thanks for reading my wish. Sgt Jason Livingston
U.S. Army (Severely Wounded Veteran)
2004 - 2014
Thank You Message from the Hero:
I just wanted to thank you for all that you did for me and my family. we had a great time together and gave us a chance to make the most out of my R&R and also gave me a chance to spend time with my new baby girl. Thank you for everything again
- Jason
Disney World / Wisconsin Dells
Ive just come home from a deployment from Iraq and would love to go to a Seattle Sounders game with my family
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
This Hero has not yet filled out a thank you message.
Seattle Sounders
I will return from my second deployment the end of July, and was trying to get We Fest tickets, held in minnesota the first week in August. I would like to get 3 day pass, and the early bird is $99.00 a ticket for the 3 day pass; running from 5 august to 7 august;
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
This Hero has not yet filled out a thank you message.
We-Fest Tickets for August 2010
Our husband/father was KIA. My 8 year old daughter would like for us to attend a Justin Bieber concert.
U.S. Marine Corps (Family of KIA)
This Hero has not yet filled out a thank you message.
Justin Beiber Concert
My family are really big nascar fans and he comes home soon from his tour in Iraq and it would be pretty cool to have something to do with him this summer. Ive been looking for garage passes for him for several weeks as he always wanted that exprience but tickets at Indy would be awesome.
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
This Hero has not yet filled out a thank you message.
NASCAR tickets at Indy with garage passes
(Displaying results 601 through 610 of 622)
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