Past Hero's Wishes
Ive just come home from a deployment from Iraq and would love to go to a Seattle Sounders game with my family
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
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Seattle Sounders
I will return from my second deployment the end of July, and was trying to get We Fest tickets, held in minnesota the first week in August. I would like to get 3 day pass, and the early bird is $99.00 a ticket for the 3 day pass; running from 5 august to 7 august;
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
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We-Fest Tickets for August 2010
Our husband/father was KIA. My 8 year old daughter would like for us to attend a Justin Bieber concert.
U.S. Marine Corps (Family of KIA)
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Justin Beiber Concert
My family are really big nascar fans and he comes home soon from his tour in Iraq and it would be pretty cool to have something to do with him this summer. Ive been looking for garage passes for him for several weeks as he always wanted that exprience but tickets at Indy would be awesome.
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
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NASCAR tickets at Indy with garage passes
I'm currently serving at an undisclosed location in the Middle East. I got engaged to my girlfriend of 3 years in February of this year. We have set a date for July 17th while I'm home on mid-tour leave. For our first date 3 years ago I took her to see the Atlanta Braves play the Milwaukee Brewers. It so happens that the same two teams are playing on the night that would be our bachelor/bachelorett party night July 15, 2010. We've made plans to go to the game for said celebration, however there are 8 people in our wedding party and getting good seats for that many people is impossible on my budget (did i mention, her parents don't approve, so I'm paying for the whole wedding.) I know its a long shot, but one of the few things that we hold on to over here are the ones we love, and following our favorite sports teams in the news. I know the Braves aren't rocking anybody's world this year, but I would still love to see them play. I know this is a long shot, but its the only shot I've got. Thanks.
U.S. Army (Veteran)
2003 - 2011
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Dear VET TIX, My name is Gordon Ewell. I am a Severely Injured Iraq War Veteran, Medically Retired after over 24 years of service (U.S. Army). It was “My Dream” to spend 30 years in military service, and retire as a Command Sergeant Major. However, in 2006, an Improvised Explosive Device (IED), Blew up my vehicle. Injuries that I sustained deprived me of that dream, and many others. I suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), a Broken Neck, Lost my Right Eye, and Lost most of the Vision in My Left Eye (while I have some useable vision, I am legally Blind). I lost My Hearing (I have a Cochlear Implant), I have had the left side of my face rebuilt (jaw), and have been on a liquid diet for the better part of four years. I suffer from severe PTSD, a Flaccid Neurogenic Bladder, Cognitive Disorders, Myalgia, Abnormality of Gait, Fracture of the 6th vertebrae in my neck, with restricted right side stenosis, Fractured Jaw, Chronic pain, Dyssomnia, and Chronic facial Pain. My wife has had a dream of wanting to see the Broadway Show, “Wicked,” ever since it’s Premier. I told her in 2005, prior to leaving for Iraq, that I would take her when I got home. I lied. Instead of coming home, and taking her to see “Wicked,” I came home Severly Wounded, and have spent the last four years, in and out of 5 different hospitals, seeing over 43 different Surgeons, Medical Specialists, and Doctors, as well as over a dozen different Dental and Oral Surgeons, and again that many mental health professionals. Instead of me realizing my dream, or her realizing hers, We have done nothing but try to regain all of the physical and mental health we could for me. She put her life on hold, trying to help ensure, that I would have the best life I could, with what I had l left, in the future. Now, my dream has changed. My dream is to try to make her dream (and my original promise to her) come true. I have to be in Palo Alto, California for a Congressional Eye Study, that I am part of, Between 12 and 14 July. I noticed at the Orpheum Theater, on 1192 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94102 (415) 512-7770, The Off Broadway Play of “Wicked” is being performed. I was very excited. However, the tickets for the Orchestra Section of the Play are $95.00 a piece. It might not seem like a lot, but with SIX kids at home, the price is way “outside” of my grasp. If I could have a wish come true. It would be to be able to take her to see “Wicked,” while we were in the “Bay Area,” 12-14 July, the 14th if at all possible. I have not even told her that the Play is going on, for fear that she would just have her hopes dashed again, if I were unable to take her. Anyway, that is my dream. If there is anything you could do to make it come true, I cannot tell you how grateful I would be. If it just can’t happen, I totally understand, and would still like to tell you thank you for all you are doing and trying to do on behalf of all our Soldiers and Veterans. Thank you Very MUCH!!! Sincerely, Gordon “Gordy” Ewell Severely Wounded “Iraqi War Veteran”
U.S. Army (Severely Wounded Veteran)
1985 - 2010
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Dear Vet Tix Team, Recently I submitted a wish to you. I was going to be in the Bay Area (San Francisco), in July 2010, for some ongoing medical testing and studies as a result of severe injuries suffered in Iraq in 2006. I noticed the off-broadway production of the play "Wicked," was playing at the Orpheum Theater in San Francisco. It was my wife's wish to see the play. It was MY WISH, to make her wish come true, as a way of saying thank-you for taking care of this Wounded Warrior, So Badly Broken, and different than the Warrior you sent off to War. It was very short notice, and the premium tickets were way outside the price range for the parents of six kids. But, it was worth a shot, so I took the chance to make my wish come true and contacted you. I do not know how you pull off the miricles that you do. My reasoning is simple, because you are all angels... or helping them do their work anyway :) You not only made my wish come true, by arranging for us the very best seats in the Theater, but arranged a night at a luxury hotel and dinner at one of the very best reastraunts in the city. To top it off you arranged a Limo to take us to each destination the entire evening. It was truly a remarkable evening! Your Expertise and Contacts in the Entertainment Industry, took my wish and added to it wonderful elements that I never would have thought of, never could have afforded, or ever would have attempted to pull together on my own. Thank-You! It will never be enough for the memories that will last a lifetime, for one of the best things to have happened since my injuries, or for the opportunity to see my wife smile and laugh, after so many hard years filled with 5 different hospitals, 43 different specialists, surgury after surgury, and driving hours every single day for intensive out-patient therapies. Thank-You Vet-Tix for literall making "OUR" wishes come true! Very Special Thank You to Eddie Rausch. Thanks Eddie! You are all AWESOME! Mission Accomplished! Thank-You!!!
- Gordon
Dream to See
I will be home early June and would like to take my 3 year old to his 1st Rockies game.
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Thank You Message from the Hero:
I just came home from a year in Iraq and I contacted VTF, they were really helpful in getting me great seats for me and my family. I took my son to his first Red Sox game and we had a great time. The seats were awesome and Dwayne and Eddie were great. I cannot say enough. Great job and thanks a lot.
- 1LT Joshua Solove
Rockies Tickets vs. Boston
Shortly after I married my wonderful wife Amy I deployed to Iraq. Now that I am nearing my return home I would like to take her to Disney World in Orlando Florida for our Long awaited honeymoon. My wife has never been there and I think it would really be something we will always cherish and remember. The tickets are $99.00 each for 4 day passes. We are asking for 2. Thank you very much for taking the time to look over this and May God Bless you for your donation.
U.S. Army (Veteran)
2003 - 2014
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you so much Vet Tix for everything you do...and to the person that donated the funds to make our long awaited honeymoon wish come true, THANK was AWESOME!!!
- Jonathan
Long awaited Honeymoon.
Hi there. I'm PVT Kirk Downing, currently serving overseas (with the Florida National Guard) in Operation Iraqi Freedom. I don't think that answering the call of duty for the greatest country on earth makes me a hero, as I am just one of millions who have done it. But I am definitely learning how hard it is to be away from the people I love and care about. I was blessed to receive a "Rest & Relaxation" leave for next month (May) and am excited to get home to Florida and see my Family and my Girlfriend. I miss them like crazy, and it will be extremely great to get away from the stresses of life over here. There is a Tim McGraw concert at the Cruzan Amphitheatre in West Palm Beach on May 8th, and I would love to drive up from Miami and take my girlfriend or sister to the show. Tim McGraw is my favorite artist in the world, and that would pretty much "make my whole year!" To those of you reading this and the many others, thank you for all you do to support us. The amount of love in the way of gifts, greeting cards, care packages, etc. is overwhelming and awesome. We can't all thank you enough for helping to make our time away from "home" a little easier. God Bless you all.
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
This Hero has not yet filled out a thank you message.
Tim McGraw Concert for R&R
Just got home from my second deployment in 3 years. The Suns are going to the playoffs. I would like for myself and the guys I served with have a chance to watch them play...and beat the Trail Blazers!
U.S. Army (Veteran)
2005 - 2019
Thank You Message from the Hero:
It has been a very long while since my first ever suns game, a playoff no less. But, I can remember every moment of it. I brought a few of my hometown friends as my battle buddies were all on vacation after returning home from deployment. I spent a good portion of my deployment watching the Suns in my free time whenever they were on AFN. The opportunity to go to a Suns game during the playoffs with some of my life long friends was an experience I will never forget. Your contribution sincerely helped with my reintegration into civilian life and brought laughter and joy back into my world. It was a great experience I thank you so much for that opportunity! Sgt Knudson US Army
- Jay
Suns Playoffs!
(Displaying results 591 through 600 of 606)
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