Past Hero's Wishes
Hi everyone. I just got back from Afghanistan and re-united with my family earlier this year and now have been informed I am going back to the same place this Jan. I would love to be able to take my whole family of 10 to the Kenny Chesney Concert at Lambeau Field in Green Bay, WI on June 11, 2011 on my R&R. My first child was born during my last deployment. My wife and I are blessed to have such a giving family that they helped her through everything while I was overseas. I got back looking forward to spending quality time with everyone after I got done with some re-class training. To not much surprise at all I will be heading back to Afghanistan very soon. It would be a dream come true to be able to take the whole family to a concert that they would love as a thank you for all they have done for my family. I myself have not ever been to a concert and would love to see some of my favorite performers live. I have never been the one to ask for much but I know there is no way that I could do this on my own. Thank you for all you guys do. Vet Tix is an amazing organization that has helped soldiers I know personally. Thank you again.

U.S. Army (Veteran)
2006 - 2011
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Lindsay donated $100.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
I want to to send the biggest thanks and well wishes to the Messina Touring group and individual donor for the great tickets to the Kenny Chesney concert in Green Bay, WI. It was truly and amazing experience with memories that will last a lifetime! Thank you Vettix for bringing these opportunities and people together and making long lasting memories for so many people! Sincerely, Brad
- Brad

On 24 September 2008 in Charkh Logar Province, the lead Humvee that Steve Martin was riding in was hit with an IED, Improvised Explosives Device. Steve was in Afghanistan embedded with the US Army as a Law Enforcement expert to assist in training the Afghan Police Force. Steve was blown thru the top of his vehicle and laid unconscious as Al-Qaeda fighters were dragging him away. If not for the actions of his squad leader Steve would not be here today. After a long journey home and numerous surgeries it was finally decided that it would be best to remove both legs...that surgery occurred on 3 November 2009. He has worked hard and recovered “one step at a time”...his first day back on the job and in uniform for AZ Department of Public Safety was 18 November 2010. Steve’s Hero’s Wish is to one day throw out the First Pitch to a home game for his favorite team...the Arizona Diamondbacks. Baseball has always been his first love and ever since the Diamondbacks came into existence he has been a HUGE fan! Steve owns every version of DBacks jersey ever made except one...the current home white jersey. His name, Martin, and #14 is on every one. He’s been to 26 countries and one of these jerseys has seen every country with him. Thank you for considering this Hero’s Wish and for any help to make it come true!

U.S. Army (Severely Wounded Veteran)
1991 - 1998

My name is Kevin Hardin and I was seriously wounded while serving as a front-line combat medic in Samarra, Iraq on 9/30/07. I was on my 13th month of deployment when I was injured. I endured over 32 surgeries while in the hospital and am now 100% disabled due to my injuries. When I was recently asked if I have any regrets for joining the Army, my answer is absolutely no. I have no regrets whatsoever for joining the Army and serving my country; what is there to regret? The only regret I might have is the fact that I can no longer serve my country and be a combat medic. My wife and I, along with my father who was recently diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer, are planning a trip to Orlando, Florida in May 2011. I wish for tickets for Universal Studios in Orlando. Thank you for any assistance you can be.

U.S. Army (Severely Wounded Veteran)
2004 - 2009
Thank You Message from the Hero:
I cannot thank you enough for the tickets for Universal! It was truly an awesome experience and I enjoyed every minute of it. Thank you so very, very much for granting my wish. It is very much appreciated.
UPDATE: Message from Kevin's mother Terry - "our precious son Kevin Hardin has suddenly passed away on 01/22/2012"
- Kevin

I am a die hard Texas Rangers fan and currently deployed to Iraq. I will be coming home on leave in the middle of May, around the 10th. I will be home a couple weeks after my first anniversary as well as my daughters second birthday. Both my wife and my daughter are big Rangers fans also. Last season was an amazing year for my Rangers, with not only winning their first ever playoff game, but making it all the way to the World Series. I was in Iraq during their epic journey and could not enjoy any of the games of my beloved team. I did the best I could to keep up with the games, but with my hectic schedule that was fairly difficult. For my Hero’s Wish I would like to be able to take my wife to a game for our anniversary while at the same time taking my daughter to her first MLB and Texas Rangers game for her 2nd birthday. Thank you for your consideration in making my Hero’s Wish come true!

U.S. Army (Veteran)
2009 - 2015
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Rodney donated $250.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
I just want to say thank you for giving me an opportunity to see my favorite team play after missing their World Series run the previous season. Unfortunately my daughter was not able to go to her first game due to being sick, but she was at home with grandma watching ever second of it cheering "Lets go Rangers".
- Gregory

If I were given just One wish; what would it be? That seems easy but I have so many answers to that question and most of them are self gratifying. So....I really soul searched and remembered who gave up everything to support me in my crisis after deployment. The physical and mental rehabilitation alone demanded her constant attention. You see...she had been studying to be a Veterinarian for over 5 years, and this was her dream. When I returned from the Middle East, all that changed. I was no longer the man that she agreed to marry prior to deployment. Never the less, she honored our commitment to each other and we got married. Her and I had talked about what we would do for our honeymoon almost daily before I left, and always narrowed it down to a weekend in a Las Vegas Suite. We would fantasize of toasting our champaigne glasses while sitting in our hotub over looking the Las Vegas strip. We would sometimes disagree on the shows we wanted to see, but found compromise when the Cirque du Soleil venue came to life. Unfortunately upon returning from war, Melisa had to quit her graduate studies and take care of me. She never did get to continue that dream, but we had 3 beautiful children that became her priority. Her and I never did get to go to Las Vegas for our Honeymoon. We spent our honeymoon at a V.A. hospital in Palo Alto, California. If Vet Tix is offering to me a "Heros Wish" than I have a very expensive answer. I would like to take my wife to Las Vegas to see the "O" Show by Cirque du Soleil. The tickets range from $98.00 to $150.00 each. I can cover the traveling expenses and probably a hotel room somewhere close by, but that would be all I could afford due to our financial position. Thank you for hearing my wish and Thank you for being there for us.

U.S. Navy (Severely Wounded Veteran)
1992 - 2010
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Rodney donated $20.00
- Rodney donated $430.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
WoW, what a show! I want to thank Veterans Tickets Foundation and its donors for making my wife and my dream come true. We experienced a new love while spending this time together. Thank you. I am having problems with my pictures at the moment but will get some on the website as soon as possible. Thanks again VetTix.
- Anthony

My name is SGT Pedro Encinas, and I am currently on my second deployment to Afghanistan. I deployed for the first time in 2007, when my first daughter was only 3 months old, and came back from that deployment when she was over 1 year old, so you can all imagine how much of her life I missed. On this, my second deployment I left when my second daughter was 9 months, so I missed her 1st birthday too! I do not regret serving my Country, I really enjoy my job, but as we all know, this job is very unpredictable and unfortunately, I have missed very important times with my family like birthdays, anniversaries, first steps, first words, and many more milestones. For that reason and because I love my little family, I would love to be able to, in a way make it up to them, try to make up for lost time by taking them to Disneyland, a place that I know will put a smile on their face, and let them forget for a couple of days all the sadness and loneliness we have all felt because of the deployments. Thank you very much for this opportunity, and God Bless!

2004 - 2012

I am a single mother of two young girls ages 11 and 12. After a 5 year custody battle I won primary custody of my girls. I missed out on a lot of their lives and have never done things with them that most parents have with their children. We are all San Antonio Spurs Fans and although I have been to a game before in the past, I have never been able to attend a game with my daughters. All the games I have been to have been "nose bleed" section games! :( I would love to get some GREAT tickets, maybe floor tickets for myself and my two daughters to any Spurs game. I am about to deploy again for my third time in Mid April and would love to just enjoy a great game with my daughters and make a memory that I can carry throughout this deployment!

2005 - 2013
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you VetTix, today my daughters got to experience their first NBA game with me. This is a memory that they will carry as I prepare to leave for my 3rd deployment within the next couple of weeks. I am thankful that you were able to fulfill my request!! It means a lot to me and to my daughters!! Great game, ended the Spurs losing streak!! Many many many thanks for everything that you do for us who do or have served. It means more than you will ever know!! ~ SPC Rivera; Fort Hood, Texas!
- Edith

I have lived in Colorado for two years and I have turned into a hockey fan. I have never been to a game. My girlfriend's family offered me a ticket last season, but the fact that I had to go to the National Training Center to get ready for deployment caused me to miss the game. I will get back from Afghanistan some time in March and I would like to take my girlfriend and her family to see the Colorado Avalanche play the Calgary Flames in Denver. Both she and her parents are HUGE Avalanche fans. I am going to ask her to marry me as soon as I get home, and this particular weekend will be the first time I am around her parents after the engagement. It would be great to be able to spend time with them while enjoying something they are so passionate about. Thanks!!

U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
This Hero has not yet filled out a thank you message.

I am 1LT Josh Dodson. I am from West Virginia. I attended West Virginia University where I recieved my commission after 6 years of enlisted service. I have been in the Army for 8 years now, and have multiple deployments. I love my job and what I do for America. My family has backed me up 100% of all my deployments. I have always watched and followed all UFC fights. Spending a year on deployment here in Afghanistan I was not able to watch any. It has always been a dream of mine to watch a fight live. It has been an extremely long year on me and my family. I would really enjoy watching a fight live. Thanks-

U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
This Hero has not yet filled out a thank you message.

My name is Eddie Jarrett and I am coming back from Afghanistan in late February and this would be a great opportunity for me to unwind and enjoy some time with my best friend! I have a 1 year old boy and 2 year old girl and I really look forward to getting home to them! I have events planned for them. My best friend and I have been wanting to attend an actual UFC event for 3 years now! My wish is for floor level tickets to UFC 128 on March 19, 2011, but any seat in the house would be great! Ticket prices range from $300-$500 per event and Newark, NJ is close enough to my hometown and there is a 'Shogun' Rua vs Rashad Evans match already lined up for this event! We are huge UFC fans and have never attended an event. This would be the weekend to remember forever! I have been on 2 deployments already and this gift would be so amazing if you can make it happen! This would be the perfect opportunity!! Thank you for this opportunity!

U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Eddie and Vet Tix, below are a couple pics from last night. The bottom pic is me, Josh Dodson, and Josh Poling. The top is Kevin, Josh Dodson, Luke, and me. Thanks so much for the chance to go to UFC 128!! We sat on row 15 and had great seats!! You guys worked hard to get us the tickets and we are so grateful. We not only saw 11 great... fights including the light heavyweight championship, but also met Chuck Liddell, Rashad Evans, and sat with a couple guys from "American Chopper". We had such a great time and this was a great way for us to celebrate getting home from AfghanistanSee More
- Eddie

(Displaying results 571 through 580 of 622)
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