Past Hero's Wishes
Howdy! Just getting back from a year long tour in Western Afghanistan. I had the privilege of providing aerial support and security as an Apache Longbow attack pilot/gunner. Our main mission was to keep the ground troops safe. We worked mostly with Army and Marines, but also provided support for all our NATO allies in the region, mainly the Italian and Spanish forces. I have been a UFC fan for quite some time now, and looked forward to watching the fights every few weekends before I left. Because of my schedule while deployed, I only got to see 1 fight the whole year. My dream was to be able to take my wife and a few friends to an actual live UFC event before I go back to Afghanistan in 17 months. It would be such an honor to be able to attend the one in Houston, which is less than an hour from my house. Thank you so much for the support! My family and I are truly grateful!

U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Thank You Message from the Hero:
I just want to personally thank Eddie from, and Stephen Quinn from the UFC for making this wish a reality! We had a weekend that we'll never forget! Not only did Stephen work his magic to give us great seats to the fight, but we got backstage passes at the weigh-in the night before as well! It was such an awesome time. He also introduced us to The Iceman. I can't thank you enough for providing this awesome experience! Thanks Vet-Tix!!
- Rocky

My name is Paul Meigs and I have been in the military for 14 years. In 2006 I moved to FT Carson, CO. and I have not been home, to the east coast, to see my family since. I have been deployed twice since I moved out here; AUG 07 - OCT 08 and MAR 10 - MAR 11. My brother and I used to be close but we don't talk as much anymore. We have not seen each other since Jan '05. I thought since he is a big Redskins fan and I being a huge COWBOYS fan that maybe the two of us and our wives, could go to the new COWBOYS stadium to see a game together. I don't believe he has ever been to a pro game before and it would be a good time to catch up on old times.

U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Rodney donated $100.00
- Rodney donated $150.00
- Rodney donated $530.00
This Hero has not yet filled out a thank you message.

I am stationed in Wiesbaden, Germany and returned home from my second deployment to Iraq since 2007 in December 2010. I will be going home to visit my family for the first time since 2009 and I am dying to go to a Florida State Football game. Fortunately and Unfortunately, the only game while I am home is the FSU vs OU game and tickets for good seats are outrageous. Because of the amount of money I am spending for plane tickets for me and my wife to fly back to the US my funds are limited for tickets. Florida State University is only selling this ticket in a 3 game pass and I will only be home for the one game. I am not asking for free tickets, I would just appreciate a good price on four tickets for my wife, brother, father and myself to attend the game. Everything I have found is over 300 dollars for tickets on the sidelines. Because this is such a great game and my first game in years I would like to be able to find seats on the sideline for a decent price. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

U.S. Army (Veteran)
2005 - 2015
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Rodney donated $50.00
- Rodney donated $20.00
- Rodney donated $20.00
- Rodney donated $20.00
- Rodney donated $5.00
- Rodney donated $100.00
- Rodney donated $50.00
- Rodney donated $100.00
- Rodney donated $20.00

My wish is to attend the Arizona State vs. Missouri game on Fri Sept 9th with my family, my wife and 4 kids. My wish is to attend the game and sit in the new Sun Devil Suites to get the greatest game experience possible. I am a native of Arizona and have been an ASU fan all my life. I am preparing to deploy again on a back to back rotation cycle and would love to have the greatest game experience possible while I am home for the couple months in between deployments. I appreciate you taking the time to view my wish and thank you for your efforts.

U.S. Marine Corps (Veteran)
1997 - 2013
This Hero has not yet filled out a thank you message.

I am currently deployed in Afghanistan, but will be returning from my tour mid-March! Like most Soldiers, I have been deployed 12 months over the 2 years. I have been in the military for 22 years and have been deployed twice, once in each conflict. My family and I are big NFL fans and have never been able to go to any games due to time and resources. It has been hard on me, my wife and our children. When I have been home we play football together and my whole family gets involved. I would really like to take my family to their first NFL game when I return. I am stationed in Colorado, so the Broncos are the closest NFL team to us. I selected the Denver vs Chargers game to take them to, but any Denver Broncos game would be great. Thank you for considering my Hero’s Wish!

1989 - 2012

I will be on leave in August along with my son who is also deployed to iraq. I would really like it if we could go to Six Flags Fiesta Texas with 1 or 2 day park tickets and kinda get away from the day to day life...something extra special before we have to go back. My son and I have deployed together our last deployment but this time I am deployed to afghanistan and he is deployed to Iraq. My wife and my four girls have endured two straight deployments with both men of the house gone. So it will not only be a special event to reward my daughters for all their help, but a celebration for my youngest daughters birthday, and also a chance for me to have some extra special memories before I deploy again to Afghanistan and my son returns to Iraq.

U.S. Army (Veteran)
1989 - 2011
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Rodney donated $100.00
- Lynford donated $25.00
- Richard donated $160.00
- INDIA donated $20.00

Hello my name is SPC Navarro, I will be deploying to Afghanistan, I am married and have 2 kids. My wife and my kids are my treasures. I love them so much. My daughter is 3 years old and her birthday will be coming up, but unfortunately, I will miss her birthday since I will be overseas. Her biggest wish is to meet Mickey mouse... I will love to be able to take my family to disneyland before i deploy and be able to spend some very special memories with my family. 2 day hopper tickets will be so great but anything will be gladly appreciated . Thank you so much on behalf of me and my family.

U.S. Army (Veteran)
2009 - 2012

I will be on leave in July and I would really like it if we could go to disneyland with 3 day park hopper tickets and kinda get away from the day to day life so its extra special before I have to go back. My wife has family nearby so we don't have to pay lodging. My oldest son is 6 years old and he has been a wonderful help to my wife, both around the house, and with our new baby who will be turning one during my r&r. So it will not only be a special event to reward my oldest for all his help, but a celebration for my youngest sons birthday, and also a chance for me to have some extra special memories before I have to go back to Afganistan.

U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Robert donated $385.00
This Hero has not yet filled out a thank you message.

Born and raised in Chicago, I have grown up as a Die Hard Cubs fan. I went to many games with my grandfather back in the 80's and with friends and family in the 90's. I brought my wife to her first Cubs Game back in the early 90's. But, being in the Military and with all the deployments and moving around I have never had the opportunity to bring my whole family to a game. I am a father of three awesome childeren, Kayla 17, Mariah 15, and Brian Jr., 12. My dream is to be able to treat my wife Betsy and my three kids to box seats at a Chicago Cubs game at Wrigley Field. My Mother who lives in the Chicago area and who is as big a Cubs fan as I am has not been to a game in over 20 years. She has had a few health setbacks in the past few years. If possible I would love to be able to bring her with my wife and I and her three grandchilderen. This year the Cubs are hosting the NY Yankees...THAT would be the ultimate dream come true!

U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Thank You Message from the Hero:
I once again want to thank VET Tickets for making this summer a one to remember. Being able to take my entire family to the Cubs game was great. Not only that....We sat 8 rows behind home plate, and was escorted onto the field before the game for batting practice and pictures. Thanks Vet TIX and the Chicago Cubs organization for making that possible. CW2 Brian Travis
- Brian Traivs

My name is MSgt Robert Zehnder. I made the choice many years ago to serve my country in the Air Force, and I have just returned from my 3rd deployment. Because of my commitment to the Air Force, and to our great country, I have missed many important dates with my family, including birthdays, holidays, and anniversaries. Because of my example, both of my children have followed in my footsteps and enlisted in the Air Force to serve along side of their dear old Dad. Both my son and my daughter make me very proud with their service as Security Forces Fire team members. I am sure that there are many others more deserving of this wish than I. But if awarded a Hero's Wish, I would like to attend the Kenny Chesney concert at Blossom Music Center, June 23, 2011. I know this is a reach but I would like to meet Mr. Chesney and shake his hand to thank him personally for the support he shows our all of our troops. I would very much like to share this experience with my wife, as she has been the backbone of my military career and deserves this wish more than I do. Thank you in advance for your consideration in making my Hero’s Wish come true! Vettix is an amazing organization that has helped soldiers I know personally. Thank you very much for your consideration and for all you do for our veterans.

U.S. Air Force (Veteran)
1982 - 2014
Thank You Message from the Hero:
I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for letting myself and my family attend this concert it was one of the best I have ever see (being in the 5th row and actually shaking his hand and all of us getting our pictures taken with him). Your organization is a blessing and the people who donate to it are good hearted people thinking of our Veterans. Again thank you very much for the concert, it was a great night!!!!!!

(Displaying results 561 through 570 of 622)
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