Past Hero's Wishes
I am currently serving my second deployment in Afghanistan and will be coming home in a couple of weeks. My wish is to really get to experience a Chicago Cubs game at Wrigley field with my wife and parents. I have been a Cubs fan since I was young and because I have been stationed in Colorado, we haven't been able to afford tickets when we visit my family there due to the high cost of them. My wife is a huge baseball fan as well and would truly enjoy the game as well as the history of Wrigley with me. Of the three years we have been married I have been away for two of them and I want take advantage of the time we will have together during this leave. Between her and my parents I have had so much support and part of this wish is to somehow show them how much I appreciate it. It would mean a lot to me and to them. We will be going to visit my family June 15th to July 5th so either the Red Sox or Astros would be fine. Preferably a weekend game as my father works during the week but I would be grateful for anything during that time period. Thank you all so much for what you do it truly makes a difference. God Bless!
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Thank You Message from the Hero:
I just want to say Thank You for sending us to the cubs game. My family and I had an amazing time and will always remember that day. We had great seats and the Cubs won the game so that made it even better.
- Justin
The Chicago Cubs Experience
Since being home I have not had a lot of opportunity to do something special with my wife and children. My youngest son's Birthday is coming up and he has always wanted to go to Disneyworld in Orlando Fl. I am unable to afford these tickets as I can not work due to my disabilities. I have family that lives down there that would let us stay with them. So, my Hero's wish is for 6 Disneyworld Park Hopper tickets to take my son and the rest of my family to the most fun place on earth. That would mean so much to my wife and I to surprise the kids with that. Anyway Thank you for this opportunity to even have a chance at this!
U.S. Army (Severely Wounded Veteran)
2002 - 2005
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • David donated $100.00
  • Alan donated $800.00
  • Christine donated $100.00
  • Alan donated $500.00
This Hero has not yet filled out a thank you message.
Disneyworld with the family
I am a wounded warrior and just had back surgery today. My family has sacrificed so much for me, from deployments to doctor visits, they are always there for me, I have missed so much from watching my son grow up, birthdays, holidays, anniverseries and so much more. My wish is to take my family to see Kenny Chesney and Tim McGraw Brothers of the Sun tour in Nashville on June 23. It will be perfect timing with my kids' birthdays coming up and our anniversary. I could really use a good time after this major surgery :) We are a large family - my wife, myself and five to be honest, it is too expensive for me to be able to pull off something like this on just my income. I would need five tickets for my wife, myself, two older daughters and oldest son. My youngest daughter and youngest son are too young to attend.
U.S. Army (Veteran)
2006 - 2015
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Alan donated $650.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
I can not thank you enough for the tickets to see Tim McGraw & Kenny Chesney! We had a BLAST! This wish filled so many voided spots in our life - most importantly it gave us a chance to spend some quality time together as a family - much needed afte so many deployments! My wife was SUPER excited when Faith Hill got on stage to sing with her husband, Tim McGraw - extra special to us since it was the song that we first danced to at our wedding! And of course our teenage daughters were excited to see Kenny Chesney! And our son was thrilled when Matt Hasselback threw footballs into the audience!! Again - thank you so much !!!! The Lindley Family
- SSG Lindley
Wounded Warrior Wishes to take his family to see Kenny Chesney & Tim McGraw @ LP Field
My name is SPC Louis Memis. I am 32 years old. I have been deployed to Afghanistan for 12 months and I am getting ready for another 12 months. I have been in the army for 6 years. I am married to my wife Dawn and I have 2 kids, my son Sebastian, who is 3 and my daughter Gabriella who is 22 months. My wish is to see PHISH in concert and possibly meet them. The concert is on June 23rd in Burgettstown, PA. I would like to take my wife Dawn with me to the concert. I would love this wish to come true and I thank you guys for all your help.
U.S. Army (Veteran)
2007 - 2023
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Robert donated $10.00
  • Alan donated $315.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
I want to thank the donors that made my Hero's Wish come true I do not consider myself a hero but the two tickets that were donated to me gave me and my wife the quality time together with no thoughts of war and for that I thank you, with your help and Vet Tix you help veterans feel appreciated thank you for my wish and all you do for every single veteran
- Louis
Phish Concert
My name is Sgt Thomas Jeremy Adams. I have served 2 deployments to OEF. My wish is to be able to attend a Texas Rangers game with my family. I would need 4 tickets to the game. I would like to meet Josh Hamilton and be able to shake his hand and let him know how his book helped me overcome my injuries suffered in Afghanistan. I would like to be able to throw out the first pitch at the game if at all possible.
U.S. Army (Severely Wounded Veteran)
2007 - 2012
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Christine donated $100.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you for letting us attend the rangers family and i had a greatime we had great seats and the package the rangers sent was great. thank you so very much
- thomas
Texas Rangers game
My name is SGT Ryan Libby. My fiance and myself are both deployed to Afghanistan. I am on my 3rd deployment and my fiance is on her first. We are getting married the beginning of June and my Hero's wish would be to take our kids to Disneyland so they have chance to equally share a childhood dream. I have two daughters, one lives with me, the other lives in Boston. Sadly I have never been offered a chance to meet her due to losing custodial rights for missing paternity court due to my 1st deployment. My fiance has custody of her 10 yr old brother and 8yr old sister. We have hotel reservations for 1 night already and would be extremely grateful if we could find a way to get the kids to Disneyland. We would need (5) one day park hopper passes. We will be driving in from WA state to California to visit my fiances family and to pick up her two siblings.
U.S. Army (Veteran)
2003 - 2012
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Alan donated $500.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you so much my family had the time of their life and it was great to see the kids expression when we arrived at disney land. It goes to show how appreciative members are and that we have supporters that still appreciate the sacrifices of the men and women in the military. Thank you very much for all that was done to make this dream happen for our family. Sincerely Ryan and Jackie Libby and the kids of the Libby Family
- Ryan
Disneyland California June 15th with my family
My name is SSG Patrick Hughes with the Tennessee Army National Guard currently serving on my second deployment in 3 years. I have 3 little boys ages 4, and twins who are 2. I have missed so much time with them over the past 3 years and my Hero's wish is that I would love to take them to Disney World when I return from this deployment. To be able to spend 4-5 days seeing their little faces light up when they see Donald, Goofy, and of course Mickey Mouse would truly be a blessing. I would need 5 tickets for my wife, myself, and my 3 little boys. Thank you all so much for everything you do for us and God Bless.
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you so much for making my family's dream come true. Your generous donation allowed me to give my kids the vacation of a lifetime. To see their faces light up when they saw Mickey Mouse is a memory I will cherish for the rest of my life. Again, thank you for the kindness and generosity you have shown to my family. God bless.
- Patrick
Disney World Family Adventure
My name is SFC Nicole Durbin and I left my family on April 11th of 2011. Our adventure begins when the Army PCS’d me from WI to MI, before the move we could say we were given the short end of the stick leaving us with little money and a lot of pain in our family. Once we got to MI, hoping for a better life and ready to start fresh, I was informed the unit was deploying, a bit of a shock since we moved to MI in Nov and the unit was deploying in Apr. We decided it would be good way to save money and take the family on a Disney trip since we had gone through as much as a family could handle. Shortly after my departure my husband informed me the house we currently live in needed $2500 worth of electrical and plumbing and if it wasn’t taken care of they would have to be removed from the home, about a month later our transmission in our car seized up costing us $3000. Recently on my R&R when my husband picked me up from the airport, heading home we were in an accident, a part from a semi truck flew off and smashed into the front of our vehicle. Besides starting the R&R off badly, my children were beyond surprised to see me it was the best Christmas gift a mother could ask for. For the past 9 months I've watched my babies grow up from Skype, little videos and pictures, my husband has done a phenomenal job with the boys since roles have been reversed in life. This deployment has been really hard on my youngest son not understanding why mommy is gone for so long, my oldest just keeps telling me he wants me to come home. When I returned from R&R I was informed our house is so outdated that there is no insulation in the house and it needs to be done as soon as possible to keep the house warm for the kids and pipes freezing. I really want to take my family to Disney World despite all the mishaps in the past 9 months, I just want to give my children a vacation and see the biggest smiles on their faces. I think this would be a dream come true; Regardless if you answer my wish or not thank you for all the wishes you have answered and the support you provide us. This trip is planned for when I come home from deployment. I would need 3 Adult and 1 child 4 day Park Hopper Disney World Orlando tickets for: My spouse, myself, son (11 years old) and son (5 years old) We would arrive on 20 May thru 25 May 2012. Thank you so very much if you answer our wish.
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Alan donated $575.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!! This was the best trip ever and a dream come true for my family. I am soooo beyond grateful for the opportunity to take my family to Disney World and spend time together as a family. Thank you Veteran Tix you are the best and thank you to the donors!!!!
- Nicole
Disney World Dream
I am currently in Afgahnistan and scheduled for block leave in May 2012. My wife and I celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary January 16th 2012 and again for the 4th time I was not there. When we were married we were not in a typical wedding and I never proposed in the conventional dream way. My Hero's wish is to take my son (1yr), daughter (5 yr), and wife to Disney World in Orlando Florida in May and somehow arrange a public vow renewal where I can wear my Dress uniform and get on one knee for my much deserving wife. She has supported me through every moment of our life and my career with minimal complaint. I would love to show her that she and my Family are what keeps me focused and able to maintain my resiliancy through deployments and my Army career. Additionaly this would grant the wish of my daughter which asks if I will take her to Disney and get her cotton candy. There is no date but if this dream is possible I am sure I can get the date arranged to work together for this. Thank you again for all you do as sponsors and supporting Soldiers.
U.S. Army (Veteran)
2000 - 2013
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Michael donated $25.00
  • Alan donated $550.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you for every Donation recieved and the support that everyone has given. This wish was a truly amazing memory for my family and I. We recieved the tickets for Disney right before my return from Afghanistan and then Disney went above and beyong by granting my wish to renew my vows to my wife in the rose garden in Dress Blues. We also had a princess breakfast in the castle for my wife and daughter. Needless to say this was very amazing and we are so greatful to everyone. Thank you very much.
- Jacob
Disney World Vacation - Renew vows three wishes in one
My Hero's wish is to enjoy a full Nascar weekend with pit passes and if possible, meet Dale Jr. Don't really care which race or where. I am currently in Afghanistan on deployment with the 45th IBCT, 1/179 INF BN, E Co 700 BSB as a part of the Recovery/Maintenance Team. We have suffered many losses here. While here many of us where able to watch a few of the races. Many of us ordered cars and trucks and started a RC race schedule with qualifying and points. Of course, I put the "88" and a few logos on the side of my truck. Sent pictures to JR Motorsports. They thought it was cool. I didn't get to make all the races due to missions but, when I did, it was a good way to get away from the elements. What a way to get back into the swing of things after I get home. I am not real sure when that will be yet. Should be before the race at Texas. My request would be at a track that I have not been to yet. Maybe Kansas Speedway? Like I said earlier, any track is good with me.
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Christine donated $100.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
The package was totally awesome. Three OEF soldiers and their families had the time of our lives. Can't Thank You enough.
- William
Kansas Motor Speedway Sprint Cup Race
(Displaying results 531 through 540 of 622)
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