Past Hero's Wishes
My name is David Horton and my wish is to take my family to DisneyWorld when I return home from my deployment. I would need (6) 3 day park hopper passes for me, my wife, my sister-in-law, and my 3 kids. We have 3 special needs kids, Brenden who is 16 with Early Onset Psoriasis, Asperger's Syndrome, Bipolar, and ADHD, Alayna who is 13 with Bipolar with psychotic features, possible schizoaffective, and ADHD and Andrew who is 12 with Chiari I Malformation, ADHD, Bipolar, and ODD. We want to bring my sister-in-law to help with the kids so if one is having an issue (ie psychotic break, migraine from the sun, meltdown etc) the others can still enjoy themselves. The date is an approximate date, as I am not sure of exactly when my leave will be, but it should be around that time.

U.S. Army (Veteran)
2001 - 2014

My name is Sergeant First Class Travis Evans. I have a family of five with three children from age 13 to 17. I found out I was deploying and I departed three weeks later. I was deployed their whole summer and they have no clue that I will be home at the end of September. My wish is to take my family to a Phoenix Mercury game. I think this will be a great suprise for them upon my return.

U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Alan donated $400.00
- Magaly donated $2.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you Vet Tix and the Phoenix Mercury for showing me and my family a great time by granting my Hero's Wish. I requested five tickets to the game and we were not only given floor seat tickets and suite parking. We were also provided with all our meals and drinks. During one of the time outs they put my entire family on the megatron to show their support and at the end of the game we were able to get autographs from the entire team. Thanks for an awesome family experence!
- Travis

My name is SGT Michael San Miguel, I am a wounded warrior that is in the process of getting out the army. I am a Big Houston Texans fan and my wish is to take my wife, daughter and father-in-law to the Texans v. Broncos game on September 23rd. I have never been to a football game. My family is a support line for me and they have been very helpful in dealing with with me and my disability. My wish is to take them to a Houston Texans football game since they have also never been.

U.S. Army (Severely Wounded Veteran)
2004 - 2012

Hi, I'm a proud husband and father to 5 great kids (4 girls and a boy..I know I know) who take turns driving my wife crazy and helping to keep her sane while I'm deployed. I grew up near Wrigley Field, and I have great memories of walking to the park, listening to the band play outside, smelling the hot dogs and beer, and listening to the crowd. I was outside the stadium for the first night game (8/8/1988), at least until it rained and changed the official night game until the following night. Due to our military committments over the past 18 years, I've been unable to take the kids to a game. My son was born on 8/8/2008, and I was sure that was an omen that the Cubs were going to win the World Series! That didn't happen, but I'd love to take my son (and the rest of the family of course) to their first Cubs game when I return from deployment, and that will be the year when the Cubbies finally win the World Series!

U.S. Air Force (Veteran)
1993 - 2013
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Christine donated $100.00
- Noel Anthony donated $10.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
My family and I just wanted to say thank you to both the Veteran Tickets Foundation, Chicago Cubs organization, and all private donors for an AWESOME experience at Wrigley Field! I couldn't believe the incredible seats provided to us, right behind home plate! My kids experienced their first Chicago-style hot dog, enjoyed the Wrigley Field experience, and have solidified their place as future Cubbie fans! I can't thank you enough for making this wish come true. Thank you and God Bless! Steve Warren
- Steven

My wife and I have not been home to New York since I came back in the military in 2007. I'm currently on my 3rd deployment since then and I know it's been hard on her. After this deployment I wanted to give her a great vacation back home to see our families. Neither one of our parents have ever met my 2yr old son. Unfortunately the flight from El Paso, TX to NY is around $2000. This leaves little money to really go to many events or attractions while we're home. My wife and I are huge NY Yankees fans. They have a program called the Yankees Inside Experience. They only do this a few times during the season and one happens to be going on during the time frame I'm home during one of the most exciting games of the year, when the Yankees play the Redsox. With this experience, you get to take pictures with the championship trophy and meet players, plus the game. The tickets for this are $700 per person. This would also be my son's first baseball game and wanted it to be very special. If I would be able to give this experience to my family it would mean the world . My family has been through many tough times with all these deployments and would love to be able to give this to them. Thank You and God Bless

U.S. Army (Veteran)
1998 - 2024
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Franklin donated $10.00

My name is Sonnie Simanski. I am a Logistics Specialist 2nd Class in US Navy. My wish is to take my daughter to Disneyland. She has been anxious to go to Disneyland when I come back from deployment. I would like to request 3 day Park Hopper passes. Hoping for your generousity to make my daughter as happy as she could be seeing me back plus a trip to her favorite place. Thank you very much.

U.S. Navy (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Alan donated $350.00
This Hero has not yet filled out a thank you message.

I am currently deployed to Afghanistan and will return back home in July. I would love more than anything to take my 5 yr. old daughter to Disneyland in Anaheim, CA. She has had a rough start to her life being that she was born with no kidney function and was on dialysis from birth to 1-1/2 yrs. old. She has been through numerous surgeries with her biggest one being her kidney transplant on Nov 4, 2008. I donated one of my kidneys to my little girl and she has been healthy and active ever since. It would be a wish come true to be able to take her to Disneyland with my wife and I.

U.S. Army (Veteran)
2003 - 2012

My wish is to get to go see Mr. Ronnie Dunn while I am on leave from Afghanistan and be able to take my newly wedded wife on my birthday to see him before I have to return too Afghanistan. I am currently deployed to Afghanistan and will be on leave between 18 July 2012 and 1 Aug 2012 and would like to be able to go to the Ronnie Dunn concert on the 28 July 2012 at EQC in Tacoma. I am en route to Washington has I speak. I have always been a fan of his and never had the chance to go to one of his or his groups concerts and would really love to meet him also.

U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
This Hero has not yet filled out a thank you message.

Hello, My name is SGT Matthew Hite. My wife and I are a dual military family with a 6 year old son. We have been together for (4) years and married now for almost one year. I am headed out on my 3rd deployment in May and my wife is a huge Celine Dion fan. You could say she is my wife's idol. Due to financial hardships it hasn’t been possible for me to surprise her with tickets to see Celine in concert. My wife and I do not get a lot of time together and with this 3rd deployment approaching fast, it is a very stressful emotional roller coaster. If I could have one wish granted it would be to take my wife to see Celine Dion Concert in concert at Caesar’s Las Vegas. Thank you for considering my Hero’s Wish!

U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Rodney donated $20.00
- Rodney donated $20.00
- Channon donated $30.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
I first would like to apologize for the lateness of this letter of appreciation, I have recently been moved by the Military and it was been rather stressful moving and starting a new job. Below I wrote about my experience with my wife at the stay at Caesars Palace Las Vegas, Our Celion Dion Concert, and our time in Las Vegas. We arrived at Caesars Palace in the afternoon. We were taken by the heat a little bit but totally taken in by the sights and sounds. While we were waiting to check in, there were two hosts who greeted us. We were checking in a little early so they offered to take our bags and bring them to our room when it was ready. We decided to go and eat on the property of Caesars and had by far the best food; of course we had some cocktails. The Bartender at Caesars was very friendly and just happened to be from Minnesota like us! He gave us some good tips on staying in Vegas. Shortly after our meal and drinks the Hotel called us and said our room was ready. We went to get our keys and went to our room. We walked in to our room and were BLOWN AWAY. Everything from the view to how much room there was. The bed by far was our favorite as it was like laying in the clouds. The next day was my favorite. This was the day for the Celion Dion concert. We started off our day taking in all the sights and sounds down the strip. Did a little shopping and walked through almost every casino. Later that afternoon we decided to check out the pool at Caesars Palace, again we were blown away from how elaborate it was. The attention to detail in the structure was flawless. We laid out by the pool for a couple hours and of course had some drinks and something to eat. Please note; this was by far the best pool to be at. The atmosphere, people, and casino hosts are what made it. We finished our time at the pool and went up to our room to get ready for the main attraction in Las Vegas...,Celion Dion Concert. We headed down to the will call desk for our tickets and once we had them in our hand, it was all to true. My wife was shaking because she was so nervous. We met with our host and others who were going to meet Celion Dion. Anticipation has led up to this point. Finally the moment came and we were escorted down to the meet and greet area, While waiting, a gentleman approached us introducing him to my wife and I. I did not think twice until a minute later a woman approached my wife and I, who stated the fine gentleman who just introduced himself to my wife and I was the president of Caesars. I was dumb struck and to this day wish I could take back time to simply say "Thank You" from my wife and I for them providing the opportunity of a life time. After I cleared my head, it was our turn to finally meet Celion Dion! I kept quite as this was a moment for my wife. This was my "Hero's Wish" coming true! My wife didn't •have much to say either as she was star struck I think. I did thank Celion Dion and told her how we got to meet her. After my wife turned ghost white, we were ushered up to our seats for the show. The show I cannot put into words as it was by far incredible. Not only because Celion Dion was putting on an amazing show, but the look on my wife's face was priceless. After the show we ended up at the Celion Dion gift shop where I made sure to treat my wife to whatever she wanted. She picked a DVD/CD combo which she can watch or listen to anytime. We ended the night on a nice walk down the strip. I wish I could find better words to describe my trip, but the experience we had cannot be put into enough words. Pictures don't even do justice, I would personally like to thank Veteran Tickets Foundation for taking this BIG Hero's wish on. Youfollowed through and kept in contact with me over a year. This shows how much dedication and true support you have not only for Soldiers but for the care of our families also. Your organization continues to grow and strive to support all of us service members, even our spouses and family. This just shows how passionate your company is so THANK YOU! I would also like to personally thank Caesars Palace President and everyone involved. You made my wife and I experience the best I could ever ask for. We truly were put in a dream hotel. We even donated $200 to your slot machines! It's the least we could do I guess! But seriously, THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts. I know with such a big organization and business, taking YOUR time and money to show your support for an Army Service Member and his wife are beyond words. Just please note, you made my "Hero's wish" come true and for that words cannot express the deep gratitude. We hope to make it back to Vegas one day and will defiantly be staying at your hotel. Thank you again to all organizations. If I could personally come shake your hand, I would. My point of contact below is below if you have any questions or need to get in contact with me. "THANK YOU AGAIN FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS"
- Matthew

My name is SPC Simily, David, I deployed to southern Afghanistan in March of 2011 and returned home in March of 2012. During my deployment I received two Purple Hearts for receiving two TBI's (traumatic brain injury) and shrapnel. The first one was a dismounted patrol, when I walked up on an IED. The second one was when my lead vehicle hit a 200 pound IED. I suffer everyday due to my brain injuries. I know its not as serious as some others, but my injuries will be with me and my family forever. My wish is to attend a St. Louis Cardinals baseball game and meet the Cardinals players before a game at Busch Stadium. We are huge baseball fans and the Cardinals are my favorite team. We go to as many games as possible. It has always been a wish of mine to go on the field and meet them. The reason I'm requesting four tickets is so I can bring my wife and children to the game as well.

U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Christine donated $100.00
- Eric donated $50.00
This Hero has not yet filled out a thank you message.

(Displaying results 521 through 530 of 622)
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