Past Hero's Wishes
Hello my name is Lawrence Guerro. I was wounded in Iraq May 25th, 2007. After many surgeries and one more to go I will be able to get out and do more activities with my kids and wife. I will be cleared to board Airplanes. I would appreciate if you could help me spend at least a few days with my kids in a happy place. After I got hurt my kids were not kids anymore. They had to grow up fast because I got hurt and they had to help me deal with my situation. I just want to thank them and remind them that they are kids and also give my wonderful wife a break. I would like to thank you even if you keep us in your prayers that would be much more grateful than a trip. Thank you everyone that makes this VET TIX possible.
U.S. Army (Severely Wounded Veteran)
2005 - 2009
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Shaun donated $25.00
  • Robert donated $25.00
  • Alvino donated $25.00
  • Debbie donated $25.00
  • Phillip donated $50.00
  • Mary donated $650.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
I would like to thank everyone that donated to help me and my family experience Disneyland. Me, My wife and kids had a blast. it was a dream come true for us all. I would again like to everyone that made it possible for me and family to attend such a beautiful and magical place. God bless you all. thank you vettix and donors
- Lawrence Guerro
My name is Sgt. Isaac Vasquez of the US Army. I have a fiance, and my mom and brothers live in California. I'm currently deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF). I am a Patrol Explosive Detector Dog handler. I'm on a 12 month tour and I plan on going on RnR for two weeks at the end of June into Early July. My favorite baseball team is the San Francisco Giants. My wish is to attend a game when the Giants host the LA Dodgers (July5-July7). I've been a fan of the Giants for years and it would be the first time that I would get to see the Giants in person. My favorite Giants players are Sergio Romo, Buster Posey, and most of all Barry Zito for his support and work with the troops!!
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • denise donated $15.00
  • Scott donated $285.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Tickets were great seats had zero problems getting tickets from will call window. It capped off a few great weeks of R&R THANKS so much in making my Hero's Wish come true. It was my first Giants game...ball park was great, weather was great, fans were awesome and couldn't have asked for more. Giants got a win that night so noting but a great time, Thanks again!!
- Isaac
San Francisco Giants v. LA Dodgers Game
My name is 1SG David Rye. I've been a fan of racing since going to small tracks with my Dad as a youngster. When NASCAR was first televised in 1979, watching it with my Dad became kind of a tradition. I never got to go to a NASCAR race with my Dad, but the race on Father's day would be kind of fitting to take something there to remember him. You see, he passed away this last November while I was deployed, and I didn't make it back in time to say goodbye. I've been in the military for 20+ years and have been deployed three times since 2006, with additional training events I think I have been home a total of 8 months in the last 6 years. I have never asked for anything from the military other then to serve and protect the soldiers I have led under me. My friend told me about this program and I thought if I could get accepted I could take a few soldiers I know would appreciate it. As far as favorite drivers, Dale Jr, Tony Stewart, and Matt Kenseth I guess. My wish would be to watch a NASCAR SPRINT cup race from the Pits.
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Dani donated $20.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Words cannot express the experience we enjoyed with the 5-Hour Energy Folks and Clint Boywer at the Quicken Loans 400 at MIS. The Family type enviroment and the hospitality of the sponsors was so enjoyable it truly became an emotional event as we were treated so special. Tim Gattshall was instrumental from 5-Hour in making sure we had access to pit tours and garage passes, truly making it an experience to remember. My Dad was smiling that day as I got to spend Father's Day with my son at the race, something I never got to do with my Dad. Thank you VETTIX for making this happen!!!
- David
NASCAR Sprint Cup Series: Quicken Loans 400
My name is Sean Anderson. I have recently returned from deployment in Afghanistan. I will be granted leave in June. We will be taking a long trip to visit family as my wife just had a baby at the end of February. My son is finally tall enough to ride all the roller coasters at Cedar Point. Since the focus has been mostly on the baby, we would like to do something special with him while on leave. My wish is take my family to Cedar Point Amusement Park. This was also the theme park that I went to when I was a child. It will be great to share my memories with him.
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Melissa donated $10.00
  • jamie donated $5.00
This Hero has not yet filled out a thank you message.
Cedar Point Tickets
My name is Sgt. Jorge Segura. My wish is to take my wife, caregiver, to see George strait on June 1, 2013. I would need 2 tickets for the concert. My injuries consist of multiple traumatic brain injuries, right forearm blown off, reconstruction of right forearm. Limb salvage, multiple shrapnel wounds to upper left chest, and lower back. Removed part of my right thigh to save my forearm. My family is my greatest support I could ever have. My Wife, Stefani, my daughters, Samantha(5)and Olivia(2). My oldest daughter suffers from PTSD as do I from being and seeing such traumatic events. I left when she was three, and my wife was pregnant with my youngest child. It would be very amazing to give this gift to my wife for everything she has done for me, ever since my injury.
U.S. Marine Corps (Severely Wounded Veteran)
2003 - 2013
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • NIKOL donated $50.00
  • Dani donated $100.00
  • Dani donated $65.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Me and my wife had an amazing time at the concert. We enjoyed every moment of it. It brought us closer together. Thank you again for the tickets and for the opportunity to go.
- jorge
George Strait in San Antonio
My name is Ryan Timms. My wish is to take my wife, and if possible,my son and my sister to see Taylor Swift Live, with seats as close as possible. I have served in the Army for 4 years. I was recently deployed to Afghanistan for 12 months with the 11th Theater Tactical Signal Brigade (Fort Huachuca, AZ), while my wife, Holly, stayed home alone to work and care for our pets. We both are big music fans, she being a huge country fan, especially Taylor Swift. It would be amazing to take her to this concert since this summer we will relocate so I can attend the Defense Language Institute and don't foresee much opportunity to do extra fun things while in school the next 2 years. It would be a really fun and exciting time for both of us, and our family, if were able to go. We are hoping to get tickets to Taylor Swift's RED Tour in Glendale, AZ (May 28 or May 29), and seats as close as possible would be really cool too.
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Kathleen donated $25.00
  • Matthew donated $10.00
  • Susan donated $20.00
  • Kara donated $20.00
  • JAMES donated $10.00
  • Dani donated $50.00
  • Dani donated $65.00
This Hero has not yet filled out a thank you message.
Taylor Swift
My name is Nino Capanang. I am a medically retired Marine. My wish is to bring my 3 children to Disneyland in California. I am requesting 5 tickets so I could take the whole family. I have 3 children, ages of 10, 5, and 3. My youngest son is turning 4 and I would like to bring him to Disneyland for his birthday wish. We would love to go this coming week on May 20, 2013. I would really like to take them before summer time as our summer will be very busy.
U.S. Marine Corps (Severely Wounded Veteran)
2005 - 2006
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you so much for the Disneyland tickets. My family and I really had a great time in celebrating out youngest son's Bday. Thank you for all for what you do!
- Nino Ray
Take the family to Disneyland California
Bill is currently deployed to Afghanistan, returning soon. Unfortunately, he has only been home for 2 of our daughter Sage's 12 birthdays. He wanted to do something special for her 13th birthday, which is April 20 - the same day the Harlem Globetrotters play locally. Sage REALLY loves basketball, so this is perfect.
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thanks Vettix, My daughter had a GREAT birthday watching the Harlem Globetrotters in Columbus, OH. If it wasn't for you she would have never been able to see them. Her and her friends had a blast. Thanks again Vettix couldn't have made it happen without you.
- Bill Brannon
Harlem Globetrotters tickets
My name is TSgt Alex Mears. I have served in the military 14 total years. 4 years in the Marine Corps. and after September 11 I joined the Air Force for the next 10 years and still going. I am currently deployed in Qatar and will be heading home to my pregnant wife at the end of August. This is our first child, a girl, she is due in October. When I finally get home I get to take care of my wife, who will be over 7 months pregnant, since she has been taking care of herself the house and the dogs and still works too since I’ve been deployed. We both are big fans of the WWE and since we won’t be able to do much when I come back from deployment, we are hoping to go to WrestleMania XXIX after she recovers and have a little fun for ourselves. WrestleMania would really fun and exciting time for both of us and to go would be awesome. We are hoping to get tickets to WrestleMania XXIX and any AXXESS passes would be really cool too.
U.S. Air Force (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Matthew donated $10.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you for the tickets to Wrestlemania, my wife and I had a great time and we got to see the Rock for the first time which was awesome. Thank you again.
- Alex
WrestleMania XXIX
I am a widow of a fallen soldier, who was KIA, on March 5th 2007. I am 31 year old, widow, with 3 children. Living in Florida. I miss him so very much, and every day I still think about him. I played Kennny Chesney's song, "Who you'd be today" at my husband,Ryan's funeral. And Kennys music makes me very happy!!!!
I was never in the service (Family of KIA)
Thank You Message from the Hero:
I want to say thank you so much to Messina touring group for my chance to see Kenny Chesney in concert! I love him so much and it was an awesome experience! Hopefully I can go again one day soon!! I stayed up the night before, making signs, and getting No sleep, because I was too excited! !! I could not believe how close I was!! Oh man, BEST CONCERT EVER!! Thank you SO much once again!!! My husband, SPC BELL, would be proud to see me so happy, for once, after he passed.
- Teri
Kenny Chesney Concert
(Displaying results 491 through 500 of 622)
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