Past Hero's Wishes
My name is Eboni Brown. I am a veteran soldier currently on active duty and I would love to finally attend a NY Giants Football Game. I had planned to go last year but I got called up to active duty from the reserves. I love the Giants and that would be a great wish come true and a birthday wish come true. My birthday is october 20. Please and thank you. This would mean so much after being deployed 3 times since 2002.

U.S. Army (Veteran)
2000 - 2015

Our Fallen Hero Chad Trimble was KIA in Afghanistan In 2008. He is a great father and loving husband. He Fought and lost his life in Battle during Operation Enduring Freedom. He is the Father of every year since 1995 when his first daughter was born and his 2nd baby girl in 2001, and a wonderful best friend and lover since 1994. Unfortunately his life was cut short and God had other plans for him, He is missed very dearly. He is a 49ers fan and my daughters remember him on game days in his 49ers jersey. They have followed in his foot steps and have also become 49ers fans. I would like to fulfill their wish of going to 49ers game here in Tn. On the 20th of Oct. 2013. Our wish is for Tickets to the 49ers vs Titans at Titan stadium on Oct 20 2013

U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you VetTix & the Ticket donor for fulfilling our Wish and making it possible for us to see the San Francisco 49ers in action against the TN Titans. My girls and I had a Blast and the 49ers won. It was a great game and an Honor to be their cheering on our Hero Pfc Trimble and our Favorite team!!! He Loves his Niner's.... You guys Rock!!!!
- Rosanna

Hello, My name is Howard Bell. I am a Lieutenant Commander and have been in the US Navy for 25+ years. I am currently serving a one year tour in Bahrain in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. My wish is to attend a Baltimore Ravens Football game with my wife and two sons. We are huge Ravens fans, while deployed I was able to watch the Superbowl and with the time difference of +8 hours the game came on at 2am, but watching my team win the Superbowl was well worth losing a little sleep. I will be back in the States after October 9th. I appreciate all who support our military. Thank you for your consideration.

U.S. Navy (Veteran)
1988 - 2018

My name is Matthew Schneider. I am a Chicago Native and a huge fan of the Chicago Bears. One of the things that I used to get me through this deployment was the thought of going to a game with my brothers. I will be returning from Afghanistan in early Septmeber and would love nothing more than to be able to go to a game with my Siblings.

U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you so much to everyone that made this day possible. It was even better than i could have imagined. Being with all of my siblings for a Bears game is something that I will truly remember forever. I can never repay the kindness that was shown to us by and its donors. Thanks again, Matt Schneider
- matthew

My name is Michael Wright. I was a Seargant the US Army and retired due to my injuries. I was wounded by an IED in Oct 2007 in Baghdad and sustained numerous injuries. I had TBI, low back injuries, internal injuries and injuries to my neck. My wish is to attend a Notre Dame Football game with my wife and two sons. It has been a dream of mine since I was little. This is the one thing other than being a father that I have dreamed of doing one day. I would sincerely appreciate it if I was ever given the opportunity to attend a Notre Dame football game.

U.S. Army (Severely Wounded Veteran)
2005 - 2010
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Kelli donated $25.00
- Magaly donated $1.00
- Camilo donated $25.00
- Dani donated $20.00
- Steven donated $100.00
- Yolanda donated $20.00
- David donated $15.00
This Hero has not yet filled out a thank you message.

Hello my name is Alexander A Hernandez. I am the 3rd child of a family of 4. I joined the Marine Corps so my brother would be able to have a role model in life. I went to boot camp in the summer of 2003 and after boot camp I went to S.O.I. After finishing that school I was sent to Hawaii to my first unit which was 1st battalion 3rd Marines. I will be serving with 1/3. I was sent to fight in the battle of Fallujah, Iraq and I served in Afghanistan in 2006. In the month of October 2004 I was hit by a IED on my left side outside of the town of Fallujah. The Wounds that I Received from the attack are Traumatic Brain Injury, PTSD, and loss of hearing and also upper neck nerve Problems. I am not going to receive TSGLI because I finish my obligations with an honorable discharge. We have a huge family of 6 that includes myself and my wife and four kids. My daughter has been asking to go see the horse fight at Medieval Times but due to having four kids and with the income I get we can't afford it. My wish is for (4)tickets because the baby's don't count. Family Status is as follows; I have the best wife(Amber)and the four best kids that any man can ask for my oldest is 10 his name is Anthony, then we have Audrey who is 5 then baby Alex who happens to be 1yr and 8 months and the new add-on to the family Angelika who is 2 weeks.

U.S. Marine Corps (Severely Wounded Veteran)
2003 - 2007

My name is SSG. Noel C. Rucks. a native of Tampa Florida. I am married to Valerie Rucks of Zephyrhills, Florida. I am currently enrolled in American Military University working toward a Bachelor's Degree in Sports Medicine. I joined the Active Army on October 13, 1994. I am currently coming of my 8th Deployment to include Macedonia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq 4 times and Afghanistan. I am fortunate not to have any visual signs of injuries, but I do suffer from PTSD and TBI. I have suffered 13 concussions, 11 of them from IED strikes. I would love to attend a Tampa Bay Rays Game. I am a huge fan and have always wanted to do that.

U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
- vanessa donated $20.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
I wanted to say thank you so much, I had one of the best times ever. You didn't only make my wish come true, you also made a wish come true to my family and with that I want to say thank you. Everyone thinks we are hero's but the hero's are people like yourself that take your time and money and do great things with it. So thank you.
- Noel

Hi My name is SGT. Burgos and I would love to take my family to Disneyworld. My wish is to receive five tickets to Disney world for me, my wife and three kids ages 3,5 and 7. I'm a 100% disabled injured Marine. My injuries have taken a big toll on our family. I would like to thank them for always being there for me. I would love to see my kids be kids.

U.S. Marine Corps (Severely Wounded Veteran)
2005 - 2010
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Alan donated $850.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Words can't begin to describe how thankful I am to this wonderful organization and Alan, who donated our tickets. We had such a great time at Disney, I smile like I haven't in awhile. My son even told me, "Dad, I haven't seen you smile so much in a long time!" My family and I truly had a great time and we were able to reconnect again. It is what they said, Disney is magical. Again, thank you so much for the tickets!!
- ambioris

My name is USAF SSgt Christopher Mingledorff. I am currently deployed to Afghanistan. I live in Kennesaw, GA (just north of Atlanta), with my wife April and our 12 year old daughter. My father-in-law is holding down the fort for my wife and daughter while I am away. He has always wanted to go to the night race at Bristol, and i'd love the opportunity to take him this year when I get home.

U.S. Air Force (Veteran)
2006 - 2014
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Dani donated $20.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
I want to say thanks for making our trip to Bristol possible! It was an awesome experience and was extremely rewarding for my family and I. It especially meant a lot to be able to take my father-in-law, after all he did taking care of my ladies while I was deployed to Afghanistan. THANK YOU! It really means a lot.
- Christopher

I am just getting home from my deployment. My Wife and I actually got married while i was in Afghanistan and so since being married have had absolutely no time to spend with each other whatsoever. Once i get home I would like to take my Wife out to Dinner at Teatro Zinzanni as a sort of Honeymoon that we havent had the chance to take with me being gone and all our financial going to moving the family across the states and into the new home.

U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
This Hero has not yet filled out a thank you message.

(Displaying results 481 through 490 of 622)
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