Past Hero's Wishes
My name is Nino Capanang. I am a medically retired Marine. My wish is to bring my 3 children to Disneyland in California. I am requesting 5 tickets so I could take the whole family. I have 3 children, ages of 10, 5, and 3. My youngest son is turning 4 and I would like to bring him to Disneyland for his birthday wish. We would love to go this coming week on May 20, 2013. I would really like to take them before summer time as our summer will be very busy.
U.S. Marine Corps (Severely Wounded Veteran)
2005 - 2006
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you so much for the Disneyland tickets. My family and I really had a great time in celebrating out youngest son's Bday. Thank you for all for what you do!
- Nino Ray
Take the family to Disneyland California
Bill is currently deployed to Afghanistan, returning soon. Unfortunately, he has only been home for 2 of our daughter Sage's 12 birthdays. He wanted to do something special for her 13th birthday, which is April 20 - the same day the Harlem Globetrotters play locally. Sage REALLY loves basketball, so this is perfect.
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thanks Vettix, My daughter had a GREAT birthday watching the Harlem Globetrotters in Columbus, OH. If it wasn't for you she would have never been able to see them. Her and her friends had a blast. Thanks again Vettix couldn't have made it happen without you.
- Bill Brannon
Harlem Globetrotters tickets
My name is TSgt Alex Mears. I have served in the military 14 total years. 4 years in the Marine Corps. and after September 11 I joined the Air Force for the next 10 years and still going. I am currently deployed in Qatar and will be heading home to my pregnant wife at the end of August. This is our first child, a girl, she is due in October. When I finally get home I get to take care of my wife, who will be over 7 months pregnant, since she has been taking care of herself the house and the dogs and still works too since I’ve been deployed. We both are big fans of the WWE and since we won’t be able to do much when I come back from deployment, we are hoping to go to WrestleMania XXIX after she recovers and have a little fun for ourselves. WrestleMania would really fun and exciting time for both of us and to go would be awesome. We are hoping to get tickets to WrestleMania XXIX and any AXXESS passes would be really cool too.
U.S. Air Force (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Matthew donated $10.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you for the tickets to Wrestlemania, my wife and I had a great time and we got to see the Rock for the first time which was awesome. Thank you again.
- Alex
WrestleMania XXIX
I am a widow of a fallen soldier, who was KIA, on March 5th 2007. I am 31 year old, widow, with 3 children. Living in Florida. I miss him so very much, and every day I still think about him. I played Kennny Chesney's song, "Who you'd be today" at my husband,Ryan's funeral. And Kennys music makes me very happy!!!!
I was never in the service (Family of KIA)
Thank You Message from the Hero:
I want to say thank you so much to Messina touring group for my chance to see Kenny Chesney in concert! I love him so much and it was an awesome experience! Hopefully I can go again one day soon!! I stayed up the night before, making signs, and getting No sleep, because I was too excited! !! I could not believe how close I was!! Oh man, BEST CONCERT EVER!! Thank you SO much once again!!! My husband, SPC BELL, would be proud to see me so happy, for once, after he passed.
- Teri
Kenny Chesney Concert
My name is SSG Kurt Balmer. Cirque Du Soleil: Amaluna is visiting Seattle from January 31 through February 24th, my wish is to be able to take my wife to a weekend showing of Cirque Du Soleil: Amaluna. I recently returned from Afghanistan and money is always tight as a Soldier. My Hero's Wish would be to make my wife's wish come true, to see Cirque du Soleil. I think taking my wife to this would be great since she has wanted to see this for as long as I can remember and would be a perfect way for us to get to know each other again after a long deployment. I am requesting for 02 February but any date would be great. If at all possible we would prefer a Friday or Saturday 8 o'clock show. Thank you for your consideration of my Hero's Wish.
U.S. Army (Veteran)
2006 - 2013
This Hero has not yet filled out a thank you message.
Cirque Du Soleil: Amaluna
I am SSG Mayes, Wyatt A. On June 24 2012 I was injured while in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. I was on patrol my vehicle was struck by a 200 pound command detonated IED, As a result of the IED strike I sustained a broken right Calcaneus (heal) and I burst fractured or shattered my L-3 Vertebra. I was Medevac’d out of country and underwent surgery at Brooke Army Medical Center to have my L-1 through my L-5 vertebra fused together. Due to the nature in which my Vertebra shattered I sustained major nerve damage causing intense pain and numbness that radiates through my back and left leg, I still do not have full use of my left leg. After my spinal fusion there were still a lot of pieces of my shattered vertebra in my back, one large piece was stabbing into my spinal column causing me a lot of pain so on November 13 2012 I underwent another surgery to remove pieces of my shattered vertebra and relieve the pressure on my spinal column. The surgery helped a lot but I still have Pain every day and still do not have a lot of feeling in my left leg. I am lucky to be alive after the accident I was in and I do not want people to feel sorry for me and I am not looking for handouts, this site is a great resource and I am trying to take advantage of the benefits. I am stationed at Schofield Barracks in Hawaii while I am recovering and my wish is to attend the Pro Bowl this year. I am requesting 4 tickets so my family can attend the game with me but I will take whatever someone is willing to give Thanks for reading my story, if you do not donate for my cause please help out one of my wounded brothers or sisters in arms.
U.S. Army (Severely Wounded Veteran)
2008 - 2012
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Boot Campaign donated $650.00
This Hero has not yet filled out a thank you message.
Pro Bowl tickets for a Wounded Warrior
My name is SGT. Brandon Kober. I am currently deployed in Afghanistan. I have been away from home for 9 months now. I am a lifelong Cowboys fan, and my wife is a die hard Redskins fan. I will be released from active duty on December 10th 2012. My wish is to get tickets to The Redskins vs Cowboys game on December 30th. What a better way to come home than to take my wife to a game.
U.S. Army (Veteran)
2001 - 2017
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Vet Tix and Donor, My wife and I can't thank you enough for this extremely memorable experience. Although the outcome wasn't as I had hoped, it was perfect for my wife since she is a Skins fan. The seats were incredible, and the pictures I captured will last us a lifetime. So from the Kober's I want to express our deepest gratitude for making our wish come true. Thank You a million times over, SSG Kober & Wife
- SSG Kober
Cowboys v. Redskins game
My name is SGT. Stanley Sharp. My wish is for 4 tickets to the Saints game in New Orleans, LA. I'm currently serving in Afghanistan and will be returning the end of Aug or first of Sept. My wife and have been talking about/planning the trip ever since I deployed last Sep. Last month my wife was having some medical problems and went to the Dr. She was tested and the results came back positive for Lupus. Now the Air Force is planning to send her to a Medical Evaluation Board (MEB) once all of her tests are completed.
U.S. Army (Veteran)
1985 - 2017
Thank You Message from the Hero:
My family and I want to thank everyone for all that you have done for my family in fullfilling our wish. Due to a recent injury we were unable to reach the seat that we were given but the awesome staff at the Superdome was extremely nice and permitted us to set in the handicap area where there were extra seats availible. We ended up on the 50 yard line at eye level. Even though the Saints lost it was an awesome game to attend. We want to extend our warmest gratitude to everyone that made this event happen for us. Thank you all so very much.
- Stanley
Football: Saints Game
My name is WO1 Brian Alterowitz. I am currently deployed to Afghanistan, and won't be home until mid-February. My family: Kristina, Brianna (8), Maggie (7) and Michael (22 months), are diehard Seattle Seahawks fans. So much so that Maggie has her room decorated with Seahawks jerseys and one of Michael's first words was "Touchdown!" Kristina and the kids want very badly to go to a home game in Seattle, but we simply can't afford it. Because of this, the family has never been able to attend a game together. On December 23rd, The Seahawks play our conference rival, the San Francisco 49ers, at CenturyLink Stadium in Seattle. Please help me get them to that game! I cannot be there, because I will still be deployed, but it would make me happy knowing that, with your help, I was able to make their Christmas wishes come true. Specifically I am asking for four (4) tickets to the Seahawks / 49ers game on 23 December 2012. That would be one for Kristina, Maggie and Brianna, and one for Kristina's father, Dan, who will help her wrangle the kids. I don't think Michael needs a ticket because he won't be two years old by the time the game is played. I know I am asking a lot, but it would mean the world to me knowing that, despite the fact I can't be home for the holidays, Kristina and the kids know that there are people who support what I do, and that I am thinking about them.
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Vertical is the greatest program I've seen in years for all of my heroes. While Brian was deployed to Afghanistan,he got the most amazing gift for our kids and I. Through the work of the Seattle Seahawks, vettix,and a very kind family with a suite at centurylink field,we were able to enjoy the greatest football game in comfort. When I received the call, I actually thought someone was trying to pull my leg because what I was being given was so incredible. Thank you vettix. Thank you Macomber family. Thank you Seattle Seahawks. And finally,thank you to all who do and have served. Spread the word about this great organization.
- Brian
Seahawks v. 49ers; Help Make My Family's Christmas Great!
Corporal Hardy Mills was born in Azle and raised in Millsap TX. In December of 2002, he joined the U.S. Marines, and deployed to Iraq with the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force as an Artillery Forward Observer in January of 2004. On June 29th of that year, in the city of Fallujah during Operation Phantom Fury, one of the bloodiest engagements of the war, he was on top of a guntruck when he and a fellow Marine were struck by a mortar. He was knocked unconscious and woke up with a hole in his back, and covered with blood. For several days after the attack, he was unable to hear due to the explosion. His injuries included a lacerated spleen, broken scapula, severed leg artery, both lungs collapsed, infections, and severe burns among others. The doctors said that he would probably not live through the night due to a tremendous loss of blood. After being evacuated to Germany he went through three surgeries and then to Bethesda, Maryland where he went through more surgeries, including multiple skin grafts. It was there that he was told that he would never walk again, but he proved them wrong. Corporal Mills has been medically retired from the Marine Corps and now lives with his wife Danielle and children Shane and Madelyn in FT Worth TX where he is working on a Masters Degree in Business Administration His wish is to attend a Dallas Cowboy v. Washington Redskins game with my family maybe a suite and meet some cowboys.
U.S. Marine Corps (Severely Wounded Veteran)
2002 - 2006
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Marnie donated $20.00
  • Christine donated $150.00
  • Stacy donated $5.00
  • Tyler donated $875.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you so much God Bless you! I had so much fun!
- Hardy
Cowboys game
(Displaying results 481 through 490 of 606)
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