Past Hero's Wishes
My name is James Bolling. I have been a huge country music fan since I was little kid. George Strait has always been someone I could listen to his music and relate to him. While Deployed if I play his music it seems to lift the stress off my me. His music calms me and helps me relax after a long day. Listenng to it helps me able to sleep in deployed locations. I am currently deployed until Feb and George put out his final concert series. And having a final concert June 7th at the Dallas Cowboy Stadium in Texas. I have never been able to attend one of his shows due to conflicts with the military or family and this may be the last chance.
U.S. Air Force (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Patrice donated $50.00
  • Carl donated $10.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
I want to thank the Messina group for the time of my life. That was the best show ever and I would of never been able to attend with out your donation. Its great to see people who still respect and appreciate our Nations military. Thank you.
- James
George Strait (King George)
Hi my name is Sean Luke. My wife and I have been married for 9 years, we have 3 wonderful kids. We have yet to go on a honeymoon and I would love to take her to Walt Disney World at the beginning of June this year. We already have hotel reservations but are having a hard time coming up with the money to buy park tickets.
U.S. Army (Severely Wounded Veteran)
2003 - 2006
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • William donated $400.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you so much for donating tickets so we could go on this trip! We needed this trip and park hopping all 4 days made it that much sweeter! We re connected and such a wonderful time. It would not have been possible without Vet Tix and our donor!!!!! Thanks again we truly appreciate you!!!
- Sean
Disney World park hopper tickets for 2
First before anything else thank you for your time in reading this. My name is CW2 Larry Wesgaites and I will soon be returning from Afghanistan. As with all deployments this one has been long and I look forward to coming home to see my wife and family. My family and my wife's family are split between PA and FL and have never had the opportunity to spend time with one another. I would like to get everyone together down in FL and for a few days take the PA gang to Disney as they have never been there before. I am requesting 6 tickets if possible to help offset the high costs of getting everyone down there and taking them out. I thank you for your time and I hope you have a great day/night.
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you for making a family vacation that much more fun with your kind donation! This donation allowed for my family and I to focus on having fun and not sweating the high cost that comes with a large gathering. Thank you again and have a great day/night!
- larry
Disney World Family Vacation
I am CPT William Carroll. I am happily married to my lovely wife, Diana. We have been married for 6 years. We have two wonderful children, my daughter Rose (4) and son Liam (9 months). I left for this deployment when Liam was only 2 weeks old and I barely knew him. I am currently deployed to Afghanistan and will be returning in a couple of months. We have booked a vacation to Disney World at Shades of Green (05/23/14 - 06/01/14). Going on this vacation would allow me to spend some time with my son who I really haven't had the chance to meet and it would mean the world to my "Princess" Rose. This would also be a wonderful time to relax with Diana and have fun together as a family. I am asking for 3 (2 adult & 1 child) of the 5-day park-hopper tickets for my family. I have already paid for the reservation at the hotel, but with Diana in her last semester of college money is really tight. Thank you for supporting the Troops!
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Rosemary donated $25.00
  • Kelly donated $10.00
  • Jamie donated $10.00
  • Cynthia donated $100.00
  • james donated $20.00
  • Alena donated $40.00
  • Shirley donated $345.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you Vet Tix for making my family vacation come true. This donation allowed for my family to afford to go. My Daughter, Rose, loved it and I enjoyed spending time with my family...thank you again for everything!
- William
Park-Hopper Tickets to Disney World
My name is Joshua Pabellon. I got deployed 2012-2013 & Mentally coming back home I was unstable and I received help but the relationship with me and my fiancé was falling apart. We are big Yankee and Mets fans an I know that baseball is one of the things that we both love and can maintain a healthy relationship down the road. We are die hard fans and like to go to every home game, we just need help financially to go to the games (just me & my fiancé) Please help me get Good Seats to a METS Games at Citi Field or Yankee Games at Yankee Stadium For me and my beautiful fiancé
U.S. Army (Veteran)
2011 - 2019
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Jacob donated $5.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you guys for the tickets, my fiance and I had a blast and we couldn't thank you enough for making our love life stronger that day. Thank you Vet Tix
- Joshua
YANKEES v METS at Citi Field
Hello everyone, My name is Walter Vizcaino. I've served in the Marine Corps on active duty for almost 17 years. I'm stationed in Okinawa Japan executing a two (2) year unaccompanied tour. My family is still in California and I miss them very much. My beautiful wife is holding down the fort and is taking care of our 12 year old daughter "Gabriela" and three year old son "Elijah". The burden of taking care of the house and kids followed by the daily hour long trips for school and soccer has taken its toll on her. She's definitely due for a vacation and a relief. Furthermore, I'm a huge baseball fanatic especially when it involves my Yankees. Due to the multiple deployments, special duty assignment, operational tempo and location of duty stations I have not been able to see my Yankees play nor spend the much needed quality time with the family. With all that said, I would love to treat my wife, family and myself to several days in Anaheim while watching the Yankees beat up on the Angels. According to the MLB schedule they face each other May 5th, 6th and 7th, in Anaheim. Acquiring tickets for these games is always tough so I'm asking for this wish of four tickets to each of those games. I would surprise my wife with other comforting gifts during my stay. Igniting this wish was caused by missing and being so far apart from my family followed by MLB's greatest Captain Derek Jeter waving the retirement flag. All this created a sense of urgency to watch him play and visit my family. Any assistance you can provide would be heartwarming and greatly appreciated. Thanks for being there.
U.S. Marine Corps (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Erica donated $10.00
  • Brian donated $10.00
  • Geoffrey donated $40.00
  • Deb donated $640.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Good morning, Just wanted to leave my testimony in appreciation for a granted wish by the "New York Yankees-MLB, Rocky with the Yankees, four individual donors and "Veteran Tickets" that blessed my family and I. I've been overseas on unaccompanied orders and I was afforded the opportunity to take leave. In doing so, I contacted Vet Tix regarding a wish to see the Angels vs Yankees in the 2014 season. The Yankees are my team and I had never been able to attend a game due to operational commitment. Non the less, this would be Derek Jeter's last stand in Anaheim so I had to attend with the family so we can see one of the greatest Yankees play. The game was awesome as we were able to see Jeter hit a homerun and be presented a surfboard as a token of appreciation by the Angels. We all would like to say thanks to the New York Yankees-MLB, the four individual donors and "Vet Tix" for blessing us with this wish as we spent an amazing day at the field together as a family. Go Yankees R/S The Vizcaino family
- Walter
Visit the family and take them to the Angels VS Yankees games
My name is Jessica Fleurimond. I am currently serving overseas on my first-ever deployment in my 13-year tenure in the USAF. I had to deal with a lot of obstacles that were getting in my way to prevent me from doing what I wanted to do and that was to serve my country overseas. I will be returning home after 6 months (one month of training and 5 months deployment) towards the end of March 2014 and would love to be able to take my son on a Disney Vacation. When I asked him what he wanted for his 8th birthday which is in April 2014, he said he wanted to go to Disney. The possiblity of being able to fulfill my son's wish would be totally amazing. I have never been away from him for this long and it has been the toughest thing to deal with. My spouse has been doing a marvelous job taking care of our son, puppy, and house while I've been gone and my son has been doing really well in school and I couldn't be more proud of them along with serving the country that I love. I'm kindly requesting 3 (2 adults/1 child) of the 3-day park-hopper tickets for my family. If someone is able to help us with this wish, I would be eternally grateful!!! Thanks to all those who support and love us from afar and thank you for this opportunity!
U.S. Air Force (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • EVANS donated $20.00
  • joyce donated $25.00
  • WANDA donated $25.00
  • Eliza donated $50.00
  • Alice donated $30.00
  • Eugene donated $10.00
  • Joseph donated $100.00
  • Jessica donated $25.00
  • jayson donated $10.00
  • Scott donated $25.00
  • Tara donated $20.00
  • christopher donated $210.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
From the bottom of my heart I would like to take this moment to thanks the organization for giving me and my family this opportunity of a lifetime to have been able to submit a Hero Wish!!! A huge, heart full of gratitude to all those who kindly/generously contributed to my wish being fulfilled! We are having a phenomenal time in the land of miracles ...where every person can be kid no matter the age. The look on my sons face when the surprised was revealed was amazing and I couldn't of done it without all of you!!!! I'm humbled, thankful, but most importantly blessed!!!! From my family to you and yours...Thank You!!!
- Jessica
Help me Take my Son to Walt Disney World
Hello. My name is SPC Christopher Anderson. I have a beautiful family who has stood by my side during my deployment and I would like to take them away to Walt Disney World to show my appreciation to them. My beautiful wife has been caring for our special needs son on her own, as well as making sure our daughter gets to all of her activities. I am currently getting ready to see my family for the first time in 10 months and would love to make this wish come true for us. We are grateful to those who serve our country as well as the generous people who donate to make these wishes come true. Thank you and God bless!
U.S. Army (Veteran)
2011 - 2017
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Terrence donated $10.00
  • Scott donated $20.00
  • Leah donated $100.00
  • Samuel donated $25.00
  • Terry donated $50.00
  • Carmelita donated $395.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you for this wonderful program and the support. My family and I will certainly enjoy this getaway and appreciate the time together.
- Christopher
Please help our family go to Disney World
I am SGT Murphy. I have been married to my wonderful wife, Michelle, for 5 years. We have two little boys, Jacob (4) and Elliot (2). I returned a few weeks ago from my second deployment in Afghanistan. I would love to be able to take my family on a vacation to Disney World in 2014. We've spent so much time apart that it would be nice to relax and have fun together. I am asking for 4 of the 3-day park-hopper tickets for my family. Thank you for this opportunity!
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Carmelita donated $676.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
I truly appreciate having the opportunity to take this trip with my family after coming home from a second deployment in Afghanistan! For one week I was able to spend time with my wife and sons, giving them my undivided attention without the everyday stress of Army life. The best part of our vacation was watching the joy and excitement our kids' felt as the experienced everything for the first time at Disney World. Thank you VetTix for providing the Hero's Wish program and thank you to the donor that made our incredible once in a lifetime trip possible!
- Michael
Family trip to Disney World
My name is Andy Marquez. I was injured in Iraq therefore receive disability compensation. At this time My fiance stays at home to care for our three beautiful children ages 1, 5, and 9. Our only income is my disability compensation as well as my GI Bill compensation. My children's birthdays are in December, January, and March. I would really like a day dedicated to each one and would love to make it a reality for them. My wish would be for the Southern California City Pass for two adults and two children. My youngest wouldn't need one because he is an infant. It would mean a lot if I could provide a day of happiness for each of my children. Our income is only enough to pay our rent and bills so I do not see us being able to pay for something like this but would mean a lot if someone could do this for our family. Thank you in advance.
U.S. Marine Corps (Severely Wounded Veteran)
2004 - 2008
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Robert donated $10.00
  • Kevin donated $20.00
  • Andrew donated $20.00
  • Christina donated $50.00
  • Jason donated $40.00
  • The Check-6 Foundation donated $1,084.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
We cannot begin to express our gratitude for this awesome experience. Our kids had a blast and it was all made possible by this great organization. Thank you to all who made this trip possible. We truly are grateful!
- Andy
Family Birthday Trip Southern California City Pass
(Displaying results 441 through 450 of 606)
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