Past Hero's Wishes
I am First Sergeant Tyrone Bennett of the US Army. I am a huge Cowboy fan and have never been to a Cowboys game in person. It would be awesome for me and my family to so see the Cowboys vs Eagles on Thanksgiving day. I have a wife Tamara and 3 children Keonte' age 21 in College at Salem State, D''leonn 19 waiting for next semester to start college at Prairie View to be a nurse, and my baby son Tyrone Jr 16 attending Bowie High School in Arlington TX. I have never attended a Pro Football game and would love to attend the Cowboy vs. Eagles game, however any home game for the Cowboys would be greatly appreciated.
U.S. Army (Veteran)
1975 - 2017
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Candice in Honor of US Air Force donated $5.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Dear Donor for granting my wish. The game was awesome and my wife and my children loved it. Being at the game was nothing like watching the game on TV. The ambiance was unbelievable. Even though the Cowboys lost we enjoyed every minute of the game.
- Tyrone
Dallas Cowboys v. Eagles on Thanksgiving
I wish to take my three children and wife to Disney World. I am requesting 3 military salute 4 day hopper passes (For my wife, son, and me. Two of my children are free). I was a police officer for 10 years, but in 2013 I was fired after attending annual tour. The department was angry that I took time off of work. I finished my bachelor of science degree while deployed to Afghanistan, and was accepted to law school before returning home. I was unable to treat my kids to a fun vacation after my return as we had to load everything we had into a U-haul truck and drive to Missouri from Utah. My hope is to become a JAG after school ends in 2017. This led to me volunteering for a deployment to Afghanistan to make sure that my family had a roof over their heads. Since returning, we have moved half way across the country and I have gone back to school. My hope is to provide a better life for my family by getting a degree. My wife and I do not work. We are surviving on the GI Bill stipend (70%), and the small amount that I get from drill weekends. I fly from Missouri to Utah to attend drill once a month. We will be in Orlando for a military conference and would love to take the kids to Disney World while there. Thank you for your consideration.
U.S. Air Force (Veteran)
2009 - 2017
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • jennifer donated $20.00
  • Leslie donated $100.00
  • Colby donated $25.00
  • Thomas donated $500.00
  • Tim donated $5.00
  • Karen donated $5.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Our family is so very grateful to all of the donors who made this trip happen. Thank you to Jennifer, Colby, Tim, Karen, and especially Leslie and Thomas! This kids has such a fun time. We had heavy rain on Tuesday, which meant that instead of being one of the busiest days of the year, the Magic Kingdom was nearly empty (it was a warm rain and we were prepared with head-to-toe gore tex and a stroller cover). Our oldest daughter cannot stop talking about meeting Ariel, her favorite princess. Our son is a die hard Star Wars fan, and loved meeting the characters and riding on Star Tours. My wife and I are so happy that we were able to spend a few days at Disney World with our kids. The weather was warm and it was good to get away from the cold winter. Thank you to all the donors, and thank you Vet Tix! God bless everyone who made this possible, and God bless America!
- Martin Family
Disney World November 2014
After 12 years on off with the Marine Corps I was injured while running a scout team through the city of Fallujah, Iraq. I spent 7 months back and forth from a hospital in Bethesda, Maryland only to have the VA lose all my medical records. I've had a battle nonstop since 2008 just to get a proper claim submitted. I've battled PTSD and lost my best friends due to this epidemic. I finally feel as if I'm in control of this and heading in the right direction being a good husband and father. Still being run through the system with the VA I was supposed to be at 100% since I'm not allowed to work due to a spinal issue and brain injury. So I found a Purple Heart site that offered to send my family to Disney World as long as I saved money for our flights. Well it turned out to be a scam and like that the site was pulled. I don't want to let my family down and would appreciate any help. Our plan was to stay at Disney for a few days then drive to Space Coast and stay a few more days. Any info even on discounts or to help save any money would be greatly appreciated.
U.S. Marine Corps (Severely Wounded Veteran)
1998 - 2007
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • leigh donated $20.00
  • Javier donated $25.00
  • Harry donated $20.00
  • Melinda donated $100.00
This Hero has not yet filled out a thank you message.
Take my girls to Disney World
My name is Richard Olson. I was medically retired out of the military after stepping on an IED. I received a number of injuries severe PTSD, severe TBI which resulted in me learning how to walk and talk again. Ankle injury, jaw and teeth injury, shoulder injury, burn on my face and and severe tinnitus. During my 13 years in the army I have trained so much, been on 5 deployments and then after arriving home I had hospital stays and time alone for personal recovery. I am trying so hard to find my place in my family and bond with my children who I have missed out on their lives so much. I have a 13 year old daughter, a 11 year old son and a 9 year old son with down syndrome that I am trying to get to know and understand. I am originally from Massachusetts and many times I missed Patriots games on TV and opportunities to go. That is one thing everyone in my family loves, It would mean the world to me to be able to go to a Patriots game as a family and enjoy that experience, that would be a priceless gift to me. I also want to do this as a thank you to my wife as well for standing by me and raising great kids, taking care of me when I was at my worst and needed her the most, she is so self less and has been the back bone of this family, I know she would never stop smiling to be able to watch a game in person. I have lost soldiers and friends, it is something I battle with everyday I have good days and bad days and I feel bad for my family that this is the way I am now. I am asking for 4 tickets to see the Patriots play. My wife advised me that our son with downs syndrome unfortunately will be over stimulated and not be able to handle it. God Bless.
U.S. Army (Severely Wounded Veteran)
1998 - 2012
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Bruce donated $20.00
  • Jacob donated $20.00
This Hero has not yet filled out a thank you message.
Patriots Game
U.S. Marine Corps (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Veronica donated $1.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you Vet Tix and the generous donor that made my dream come true. It was an awesome game, the seats were great , the crowd was electric , and it is an experience I will never forget. Thanks for making my dream come true.
- tommy
My name is Spec 4 David Richards. I have a beautiful and very supportive wife who's Native American and her name is Blue. She is one of the greatest things in my life. We have been blessed with 4 children: David, Dawn Marie, Heather and Kellianne. I served in Vietnam from Dec. 1967 thur Nov. 1968. I was a dog handler. I walked point on an ambush and Recon squad until I was hit on Oct. 20th 1968. My dog saved the squad from being ambushed. The second time she saved a squad from being ambushed she was awarded a Bronze Star for her contribution. I'm a service connected disabled veteran. My wife and children put up with a lot abuse while I was servicing my tour in Nam. When I returned to 'The World' due to this not being a popular conflict, Americans elected to express their anti-war feelings both with words and by throwing objects; on those that served and their families. This experience led me to ask myself if this was America? I served to honor my uncles memory who died after being captured by the enemy in the Korean War. I believe in freedom for all and respect all individuals. I would like to show my family the other-side of the American spirit by taking them to Disneyland. I would like 6 Disneyland 2 day park hopper passes (tickets), But we would be happy and appreciative of any cost relief offered. We plan on going in Oct. 2014 on the 30th and returning home on Nov. 1st. God bless those that have served, their families and God Bless America. Thank you for your consideration.
U.S. Army (Severely Wounded Veteran)
1967 - 1969
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Amy donated $110.00
  • Beverly donated $10.00
  • Carrie donated $10.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Disneyland Ticket's There are Not Enough Words To Say Thank You. My family and I would like to express our gratitude to Veteran Tickets Foundation and their supporters for fulfilling our wish. Its difficult to express our thankfulness, you know how when you write or say a word over and over again It starts to look odd, and you start to wonder if you're doing it correctly, but the only words that come to mind again is "Thank You". We really appreciate the efforts put forth by the personnel at Veteran Tickets Foundation. Without these caring and hardworking individuals, people like me wouldn't be able to participate in such wonderful events. This organizations kindness enables families to bond and create moments that last a lifetime. Thanks so,so,so much. The Richards Family
- David
Take My Family to Disneyland
My name is Thomas Collins. I am requesting four 4 day tickets for my family (myself, my wife, and our three children) to Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. I am a Purple Heart Recipient. Our children have been asking for a long time to go to Disney World, and I myself have always dreamed of going. I am finally medically retired and we are able to take the time to go on a trip. Thank you for your support in helping make this dream come true for all of us.
U.S. Army (Severely Wounded Veteran)
2009 - 2013
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • James donated $25.00
  • Melissa S donated $25.00
  • Eric donated $800.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
I wanted to write a note to say thank you to those who donate to my wish and made this unbelievable experience come true for my family and I. We had a wonderful, relaxing time. It was so nice to go and just relax and be there with my family, seeing how happy my children were, and finally being able to visit Disney World myself. I will never forget your generosity. Thank you all.
- Thomas
Family Trip to Disney World Oct 2014
I am SSgt Jorge Palomino. I have been married to my wonderful wife, Alicia, for 12 years. We have 3 daughters, Elizabeth, Emily, Eva, and my son Elijah. Their ages are 12, 9, 2, and 3. I am currently in Afghanistan on my 2nd deployment in 3 years. I will return around the fall 2014, and I would love to take my family to Disneyland Anaheim, California. I am asking for 6 of the 3-day park-hopper tickets for Myself, my wife, and our 3 daughters and my son, Thank you for your support.
U.S. Air Force (Veteran)
1996 - 2018
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Kolby donated $200.00
  • Jessica donated $25.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you so much!! to Vet Tix and the generous donors for the tickets to Disneyland! We had such a great time, made a lot of great memories and had a magical time together as family. Thanks so much again!!
- Jorge Palomino
Disneyland Tickets
I am coming home a little early to surprise my kids after a long deployment. Not only our we celebrating my return but we will also finalize my sons adoption! We are looking for 6 Disneyland tickets and would love park hopper or even the special military 3 day but would be overjoyed if we could get 4 tickets. With the cost of the flight home from deployment being out of our own pocket any and all family money has gone to air fair. With so much to celebrate I feel we should do it at the happiest place on earth DISNEYLAND! With myself, wife and four kids its a small fortune for us to go out to dinner let alone Disneyland.
U.S. Navy (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Alan donated $800.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Wow what an amazing homecoming! Thank you so much vet tix and donors you can never guess who much this meant to me. My kids, wife and my self bonded after a very long deployment. I could never tell you with words how thankful we are!
- Lucas
Disneyland for my AMAZING family!
Hi I am Spc. Jaron Mullins, I am currently deployed on my first deployment to Afghanistan. I have a very supportive wife back home Rebecca and a 2 year old son (Emmitt). Because of all my training and event leading up to this deployment and on the deployment, I have missed my son's 1st and 2nd bday. I also was not able to give my wife a honeymoon, since I deployed 2 months after we got married. So I really want to spoil them both with 10 days in Orlando in October prob end of the month entering November, I want to Take them to Disney World, Universal Studios, and of course Sea World. Money has always been a problem, especially now with my wife student loans, but I know they deserve it, because of everything I have missed. so anything yall can give or donate will be a blessing to me and my Family. Thank you For supporting the Troops
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Christopher donated $550.00
  • Michelle donated $100.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
- jaron
Disney World Vacation - OCT 2014
(Displaying results 431 through 440 of 623)
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