Past Hero's Wishes
I am SSgt Jorge Palomino. I have been married to my wonderful wife, Alicia, for 12 years. We have 3 daughters, Elizabeth, Emily, Eva, and my son Elijah. Their ages are 12, 9, 2, and 3. I am currently in Afghanistan on my 2nd deployment in 3 years. I will return around the fall 2014, and I would love to take my family to Disneyland Anaheim, California. I am asking for 6 of the 3-day park-hopper tickets for Myself, my wife, and our 3 daughters and my son, Thank you for your support.
U.S. Air Force (Veteran)
1996 - 2018
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Kolby donated $200.00
  • Jessica donated $25.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you so much!! to Vet Tix and the generous donors for the tickets to Disneyland! We had such a great time, made a lot of great memories and had a magical time together as family. Thanks so much again!!
- Jorge Palomino
Disneyland Tickets
I am coming home a little early to surprise my kids after a long deployment. Not only our we celebrating my return but we will also finalize my sons adoption! We are looking for 6 Disneyland tickets and would love park hopper or even the special military 3 day but would be overjoyed if we could get 4 tickets. With the cost of the flight home from deployment being out of our own pocket any and all family money has gone to air fair. With so much to celebrate I feel we should do it at the happiest place on earth DISNEYLAND! With myself, wife and four kids its a small fortune for us to go out to dinner let alone Disneyland.
U.S. Navy (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Alan donated $800.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Wow what an amazing homecoming! Thank you so much vet tix and donors you can never guess who much this meant to me. My kids, wife and my self bonded after a very long deployment. I could never tell you with words how thankful we are!
- Lucas
Disneyland for my AMAZING family!
Hi I am Spc. Jaron Mullins, I am currently deployed on my first deployment to Afghanistan. I have a very supportive wife back home Rebecca and a 2 year old son (Emmitt). Because of all my training and event leading up to this deployment and on the deployment, I have missed my son's 1st and 2nd bday. I also was not able to give my wife a honeymoon, since I deployed 2 months after we got married. So I really want to spoil them both with 10 days in Orlando in October prob end of the month entering November, I want to Take them to Disney World, Universal Studios, and of course Sea World. Money has always been a problem, especially now with my wife student loans, but I know they deserve it, because of everything I have missed. so anything yall can give or donate will be a blessing to me and my Family. Thank you For supporting the Troops
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Christopher donated $550.00
  • Michelle donated $100.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
- jaron
Disney World Vacation - OCT 2014
My name is Henry Rossi. I served as a Lance Corporal with the 1st Marine Division during the 1968 Tet Offensive at Quingai Province, Vietnam. During the Battle I became severely wounded and lost a leg. My wish is to attend a New York Yankees day game this season to see Derek Jeter play (this is his last year). A friend will assist me in traveling. I would like to sit in the handicapped section. If possible four tickets would be great, in order to share this experience with my buddies.. Thank you for your consideration and Cheers to VET TIX for the outstanding Hero's Wish Program
U.S. Marine Corps (Severely Wounded Veteran)
1965 - 1968
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • joyce donated $25.00
  • DAWN donated $5.00
  • Susan donated $10.00
  • Lori donated $100.00
  • sharon donated $10.00
  • Roberto donated $5.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
I like to thank Vet Tix and the people who donated though the Hero's Wish program. Especially The NY Yankees For the great seats I had for Myself and my family. They treated me special. This program shows Veterans that people do care about us. It made me feel good I also met a great friend at the game who helped make this dream come true thanks Joe. It will be a long time before I can forget this day I got to see my favorite player Derek Jeter play and the NY Yankees won what more can you ask for thank you Vet Tix.
- Henry
NY Yankees game to See Derek Jeter Play
My name is Roger Moore. I wish to take my family to see the Tennessee Titans. My wife and I are huge Titans fans. We would need 6 tickets for the family. I really want to do this trip for my wife. She has gone through a lot during the years, especially putting up with my issues. Her brother was KIA in 1967 in Vietnam when she was 17, she was married to me in 1968 and had a wounded husband at 18, was raising her 2 year old brother our first son at 18 and managed to take care of me during the early years of my disability. She was a keeper all the way. She loves doing things with family so I would love to be able to take the crew to Tennessee for an extended week end and as part of the trip enjoy a Titans game. I know it would be an event the whole family will remember. I've spent the last 45 years doing finance and accounting for the hospitality industry. Retired a couple of years ago and travel a lot. Was recently diagnosed with the impacts of Agent Orange. I'm the taller of the two in the picture from 68. Thank you for all you do.
U.S. Army (Severely Wounded Veteran)
1967 - 1969
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Angel donated $100.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
I want to thank the Veteran Tickets Foundation and Angel for making this event possible. My family had a good time watching Dallas and Tennessee . . . even though Tennessee came up a little short on the scoreboard. What your organization does for the individual veterans and their family is great. There should be more like you. Thanks again.
- Roger
Tennessee Titans Home NFL Game
I'm Sgt. David Emigh. I am recently returned from my 3rd deployment. I have been an Alabama Crimson Tide Football fan my whole life. I have never been to a game before. My wish is to have the chance to attend a home game with my father, like he and his father did.
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Thank You Message from the Hero:
This was the most amazing time myself and my family had enjoyed since I returned home. It had been 20 years since my father attended an Alabama game. I had never attended one and neither had my fiancee. This really shows me that people care about us veterans. I greatly appreciate the work the veteran tickets foundation did to get me these tickets as well as the donors who provided them. The seats were amazing. The game was amazing. It really made me forget about anything and everything except enjoying time with my family. Thank you again.
- david emigh
Alabama Football
Hello all my name is Eddie Slovak. I am a purple heart recipient veteran that served the US Army for 5 1/2 years. I have deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. My wish is to take my family of four (Myself,wife, 8 year old son and 4 year old daughter) to watch our favorite team San Francisco 49ers. We are from Texas and this would be the only chance to watch them play here until four more years. Sunday September 7, 2014: 49ers vs Dallas Cowboys at At&t stadium. Please help us fulfill this wish. Thank you all and God Bless.
U.S. Army (Severely Wounded Veteran)
2006 - 2012
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you to the person who donated the tickets. Our family enjoyed the 49er game. Thank you to Vet Tix for making it happen, we greatly appreciate it!
- Eddie
San Francisco 49ers Football game
I have five wonderful kids, with my wife of 14 years Lindsey, who are huge fans of The Wiggles. The weekend of my birthday The Wiggles are coming for a show at the Florida Theater in Jacksonville; that doesn't happen very often. I would LOVE tickets to take our 4 oldest children and one parent to the show. They are 9, 5, 3, and 2(we aren't sure our 5 month old would know what was going on). We are living on my VA Compensation while I go to school and this would mean so much to us! I think it would cost around $350 after taxes for the tickets.
U.S. Army (Severely Wounded Veteran)
1999 - 2012
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Kenneth donated $10.00
  • Darryl donated $15.00
  • Lori donated $100.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thanks so much for giving me the opportunity to take my children to a Wiggles concert. It's something that they've always wanted to do. I was thrilled to have the chance to do this with them, because before I was injured I spent a lot of time away from home in the Army and now I spend a lot of time at school and at doctor's appointments. This was something they will never forget, they even got to meet some of the performers after the show. We had so much fun! You guys are the best! Thanks again for giving me and my kids a fun and memorable experience; it means the world to us!
- Paul
The Wiggles Tickets
My name is GM1 Vargas and I'm preparing to come home from my 4th deployment. I would love to give my wife and children (ages 11,8,7,3) a trip to Disney World once I get back. My wife of 9 years has been doing a great job keeping everything on track in picking up my part in the house and with the kids. The kids have been great little helpers as well. This deployment has been particularly rough on all of us and we are in need of some fun and relaxation. I've missed several important events such as their soccer games in which they were all first time players, school awards, a birthday, and our anniversary. On top of that our hopes of going to our hometown (after not being home for 3 years) have been shattered due to deployment extension. So to make up for all of the sacrifices we've all had to make, I am requesting help with (6) 3-day one park per day tickets to Disney World.
U.S. Navy (Currently Serving)
Thank You Message from the Hero:
A big thank you to Vet Tix and the donor for making our family trip possible!!! We had a great time visiting each of the parks!!! It's a memory that will stay with us forever! From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for making it possible!!!
- Richard
Family trip to Disney World August 2014
Hi my name is Spc Brandon Flanagan. I am a medically retired Army Infantryman, I was severely wounded in 2008 in my first deployment to Iraq and suffered a traumatic brain injury among other injuries in a bombing. The last 6 years have included huge highs and lows as thanks to God I survived and recovered better than anyone expected, but I still have ongoing struggles and was also left by 2 wives since my accident. But 3rd times a charm and I am glad to be married to my current wife, who has been wonderful and helpful to me, caring for me when others wouldn't and being my advocate with the VA and such. But we have a hard time sometimes. I can't work and she left her job to care for me and the kids so finances are tight. I have 2 sons ages 7 and 8 from my 1st marriage that I have joint custody of and my wife and I have a daughter age 2 together. None of us (except for my wife when she was a kid) have ever been able to afford to go on any really nice and fun trip or vacation and definitely never anything with all 5 of us together. I would love for us all to be able to go to Disney World! The boys and our little girl would have the time of their lives, they have never been to any real theme park much less Disney World so it would blow their minds! Could be good for us as a couple as well since we never were able to have a honeymoon. This trip could be a good opportunity for us all to de-stress and connect as a family. We would need 4 of the 4-day park hopper tickets. Thank you for looking and considering helping us out even if just a little! It's very appreciated!
U.S. Army (Severely Wounded Veteran)
2006 - 2010
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Lawrence donated $25.00
  • James donated $5.00
  • Kimberly donated $25.00
  • Tracy donated $100.00
  • Edward donated $25.00
  • Sharon donated $25.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you so much to Vet Tix and the generous donors for the tickets to Disney World! We had such a great time and made a lot of great memories as a family. This was our first time getting to go on any kind of trip with my boys, Olivia's stepsons, so it was all 5 of us and was awesome watching all 3 kids have a magical time together! None of us but Olivia had ever been to FL and probably never would have been able to if it hadn't been for this! Thanks so much again!
- Brandon
Disney World Vacation AUG
(Displaying results 421 through 430 of 606)
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