Past Hero's Wishes
My name is CPT Nathan Lubba, I have been deployed for the past six months in East Africa and prior to that twelve months in Afghanistan, missing the holidays and my daughter's birthday. My wish is for a family trip to Disney World to spend some much needed time reuniting with my family, wife 8 year old daughter and 3 year old son. My wife not only cares for my 8 year old daughter and 3 year old son, but works as a kindergarten teacher taking care of 20 other children. This would be our first trip to Disney World and something to make our time reuniting that much more special. We hope to be able to spend 4 days at the park with park hopper passes. This would be an amazing trip and something my kids will enjoy and remember for years to come. Thank you for your time and consideration.

U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Matthew donated $0.36
- Johnette donated $100.00
- Andrew donated $30.00
- Ryan donated $25.00

I am Richard Brier, A First Class Petty Officer in the USN Seabees. I am currently assigned as part of a Joint Task Force in Africa. My Military career has resulted in missing a lot of important days and events over the years. My Bride of 31 years has been great at dealing with this. What I would like to do is for us to be able to Celebrate our 31st Anniversary at Disney World in Orlando Fl. I have arrange R&R during this time frame. As like most of my deployments this one is going to be another long one. Looks like 18 plus months. I would like to make this time in our lives very special. We want to create new memories together at one of the most happiest palaces in the world. As our children are all grown we are going to create our own memories starting on this date. This would be so great for my Bride to be able to start our next 30 plus years together in this Magical World.

U.S. Navy (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
- RANDY in Honor of NMBC 40 donated $40.00
- John donated $10.00
- christopher donated $50.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Sorry it took so long to say thanks. After i returned I was sent back out were I had no access to my internet accounts. So here goes. I want to thank all those who donated to my wish. My Bride and I had a great time making new memories for our 31st anniversary. We spent four wonderful days park hopping. There was even one day that Kim wanted to go to Animal Kingdom. On the day that we did this I commented to her that I traveled 12K miles just to come back to Africa at Disney. On our Anniversary night we were at Epcot were we stayed to see the wonderful fireworks that they have there. On our way out the Magic Kingdom started there fireworks and we were able to see most of that as well from Epcot. As all the pics that we took I left at home I am unable at this time to provide a pic. However at a future date I will do this. Again I want to thank VetTix and all who helped make our 31st Anniversary one that we will remember for a life time.

My name is Capt. Robert Anderson. We will be traveling to Florida this year for spring break to see our family, and would like to take our children to the Magic Kingdom to meet some of their favorite characters. In particular, we would like to have our son with Autism, Ross, meet his favorite character from Toy Story, Mr. Potatohead. I have been in the military for 13 years and owe a great deal of my success to my wife and children. Unfortunately, with five children, affording a day visit to the park is just not feasible at this point. My children (11, 7, 6, 4, and 3) have faced significant hardship as Army children, and I would like to reward them with a surprise day at the Magic Kingdom. 7 tickets to the Magic Kingdom is just not feasible for our family right now.I would like to surprise them with a visit to the Magic Kingdom to honor them for all they have done for me.

U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
- A Generous Person donated $50.00
- A Generous Person donated $100.00
- John donated $10.00
- Adrian donated $25.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you so very much for giving us the opportunity to enjoy Disney World together as a family. We don't get very much family time, and the days we spent at Disney World will be a wonderful memory for all of us. Above all, your generosity gave us the gift of time spent together, something rarely afforded to military families. Please know you have changed 7 lives for the better, and we could not be more grateful.
- Anderson Family

Greetings, My name is Melvin. I am a Purple Heart wounded veteran. I've been on numerous deployments and of course any veteran that can relate will tell you it can take a toll on you physically and mentally. PTSD and depression should never be taken lightly. I'm a huge WWE fan. My only wish is to attend WWE WrestleMania 32 in Dallas and/or WWE Monday Night raw in San Antonio. I've never personally attended an event such as this. My son would always ask me if he can ever go and experience what that's like but I can't afford that opportunity whenever they're in town. It's never nice to see the frowns on his face every time WWE is within the vicinity. It would mean the world to me to see his facial expression to have him attend a live event such as this. I know things like this happen only once in a lifetime but the memories will always be priceless. Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this letter. Thank you and God Bless.

U.S. Army (Severely Wounded Veteran)
1997 - 2007
Wish Fulfilled By:
- DAVID donated $20.00
- Tamika donated $25.00
- Andrew donated $50.00
- A Generous Person donated $100.00
- Ken donated $20.00
- A Generous Person donated $50.00
- VetTixer donated $50.00
- steve donated $30.00
- Shawn donated $25.00
- Jesenya in Honor of My Dad SGT. Ian Thomas Sanchez 1979-2006 donated $10.00
- Jon in Honor of Melvin donated $320.00
- Ryan donated $20.00
- Natasha donated $25.00
- Stephanie donated $50.00
- A Generous Person donated $105.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
I cannot thank you enough and we are forever grateful to Vet Tix and all the individual donors who made it a reality for my son and I to attend Wrestlemania 32 . It was the greatest and most exciting experience to be live and in person and witness history. My son was telling all his friends in school and this left one of the most happiest of memories that will forever be near and dear to our hearts. I literally shed a few tears after my 7 year old told me it was the best day in his life. Once again thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you to Vet Tix and all the individual donors once again
- Melvin

I have a family of 7 so at times it is hard for me to afford to take my family to do fun things like this so I'm hoping this will allow me to do that for them. I 'am requesting 6 three day hopper tickets to Disneyland in Anaheim Ca. 6 three day hopper tickets to Disneyland in Anaheim Ca for me, my wife, and five kids. Didn't ask for the last because my youngest is 1. Me and my wife have been married for 2 years now but we have been together for 5 years I have completed 2 deployments since being together both for a total of about 12 months first to Afghanistan then to Japan. My wife has been a trooper taking care of 5 kids while I have been away and I KNOW that I couldn't do it and all of this was less than a year after having my son and having very major complications and doing so, so much so that she almost died. Thank you!

U.S. Navy (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Andrew donated $25.00
- william donated $25.00
- Rosendo donated $100.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
I just want to thank Vettix and my donors for giving this opportunity to my family. This trip meant the world to us it allowed our family to visit Disneyland for the first time as a family, and allowed us to go before our oldest daughter graduated from high school. People like you guys really show us veterans that people really do care about us and it will definitely not be forgotten. P.S. WE ARE HAVING A GREAT TIME!!!
- Terry

Hi my name is SPC. Omar Herrera. I am huge fan of the Lakers yet never been to their games. As Kobe plays his last games, I would enjoy going to one of his games before he retires. I love the infantry. Never for a second doubt what I've done. Since I have left the military after being wounded I never found that fulfilling feeling. After being married to my wife, she changed my world. I would love to take my wife and to this event.

U.S. Army (Severely Wounded Veteran)
2004 - 2008

Hi, My family and I would love to have our dream vacation come true to Disney World Orlando Florida. I am currently deployed to Kuwait and this is my second deployment is a year and a half. I am suppose to be home in January which is right after the holidays. To me this would be a perfect late Christmas present to my wife and daughter. My daughter is 8 years old and I think that she is old enough to understand family time and how important it is, and the memories we can make at Disney World would be amazing and forever something she will remember. I know my whole family would be forever appreciative if this dream can come true. My wife's Birthday is on January 9TH so this could also be a birthday surprise for her as well. We would love a 4 day pass so we can see the whole park for all 3 of us. Thank You

U.S. Army (Currently Serving)

I am SSgt Robert Bond and have served in the Air Force for over 11 years. I have been married to my beautiful wife for almost 10 years now and we have 2 beautiful children. This deployment I am missing a birthday, and the Holidays during this time away. As my return home approaches and my 10 year wedding anniversary peaks its head around the corner I've been trying to find a way to do something really special for my family when I return home. I have known of Vet Tix for a while now but recently learned of the Hero's Wish program and thought, hey it never hurts to ask right! So I would LOVE for 3 Disneyland in Anaheim CA 3-Day Park Hopper Tickets for myself, my wife and my soon to be 4 year old, my son is just turning 2 so he will not need a ticket. This deployment came a few months after a PCS so it would be really welcomed to take a family vacation to reconnect after this hectic time away from one another. Thank you to the wonderful supporters of Vet Tix and to the awesome folks who created and continue to operate this wonderful non-profit organization for the opportunity.

U.S. Air Force (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Andrew donated $25.00
- Connie donated $25.00
- Stephen in Honor of Craig Creed donated $500.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank You! Thank you so much Vet Tix and all their wonderful sponsors, especially Stage 3 Motorsports that made my family's trip to Disneyland possible! We ended up going during my now 4 year olds' birthday and she absolutely LOVED having everyone at Disneyland tell her Happy Birthday! This was exactly what my family needed after my return from deployment. Vet Tix and everyone that provides donations towards them, Thank You So Much! You are making a different in service members lives, past and present and this organization is one of the best ones out there supporting the troops!
- Robert

Hello I am SGT Darren Bertram, I ama die hard Carolina Panthers fan since 2003 the year they went to the Super Bowl. I was born and raised in NC and I would love to go see the Carolina Panthers play in a home playoff game. I do not know if it will be wildcard weekend or divisional round weekend, but either would be great. I been to a regular season game a few time, but a playoff game would be a once in a lifetime event, and the best Christmas present I could ever receive. I would love to attend, but I can not afford it on my own. I lost my best friend during my first deployment to a IED, and I use football as a copping device as he loved football too. I even stay up past midnight during my deployments to watch football as I were 8 hours ahead. With me being gone all the time due to deployments and training this event would be a time that my wife and I can spend together and would value the rest of our lives. Thank you so much for reading. Thank you for your time and consideration.

U.S. Army (Currently Serving)

My name is SGT Justin Zelenak. My wish is to go to the 2016 New England Patriots playoff game with my amazing wife. It would be my first time at a game with my wife. I love what I do for my country. I joined in 2007 to serve and protect my future friends and family. I went to BCT in Fort Jackson, NC, then to Aberdeen Proving Grounds in Maryland to complete my AIT. My first duty station was Baumholder, Germany. I was then shipped to Iraq for 1 year and 3 months. They made me a part of a PSD team transporting high ranking officials, detainees, and also working with Civil Affairs. I was part of a great mission helping Iraqi nationals build schools, water facilities, waste systems, and even played sports with the kids. Half way thru my deployment I received a Red-Cross message stating that my mother is dying with stage-4 cancer spreading thru out her body. I was immediately sent home. On my way to the hospital my mother passed away. They sent me back to Iraq after 7 days of emergency leave. Three quarters of the way thru the deployment I received another Red-Cross message stating my Father passed away. The time I was deployed I went thru 2 funerals and lost 3 friends. 2008-2009. In 2010 I got out and decided to go to college for Criminal Justice. I met my wife in college. We got married in 2012 and now have 2 children that are amazing. My wife has been with me thru thick and thin. I am back on Active duty to support my family so my wife can be home with the children. My biggest wish is to take my wife to the Patriots playoff game.

U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Thank You Message from the Hero:

(Displaying results 371 through 380 of 622)
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