Past Hero's Wishes
Hi, My family and I would love to have our dream vacation come true to Disney World Orlando Florida. I am currently deployed to Kuwait and this is my second deployment is a year and a half. I am suppose to be home in January which is right after the holidays. To me this would be a perfect late Christmas present to my wife and daughter. My daughter is 8 years old and I think that she is old enough to understand family time and how important it is, and the memories we can make at Disney World would be amazing and forever something she will remember. I know my whole family would be forever appreciative if this dream can come true. My wife's Birthday is on January 9TH so this could also be a birthday surprise for her as well. We would love a 4 day pass so we can see the whole park for all 3 of us. Thank You
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Kerrin L donated $200.00
  • Andrew donated $25.00
  • Julie donated $100.00
  • Cindy in Honor of Craig Creed donated $500.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you for all those who donated to support my trip to Disney world! You have no idea what it meant to us.
- Daniel
Dream Vacation to Disney World Orlando Florida
I am SSgt Robert Bond and have served in the Air Force for over 11 years. I have been married to my beautiful wife for almost 10 years now and we have 2 beautiful children. This deployment I am missing a birthday, and the Holidays during this time away. As my return home approaches and my 10 year wedding anniversary peaks its head around the corner I've been trying to find a way to do something really special for my family when I return home. I have known of Vet Tix for a while now but recently learned of the Hero's Wish program and thought, hey it never hurts to ask right! So I would LOVE for 3 Disneyland in Anaheim CA 3-Day Park Hopper Tickets for myself, my wife and my soon to be 4 year old, my son is just turning 2 so he will not need a ticket. This deployment came a few months after a PCS so it would be really welcomed to take a family vacation to reconnect after this hectic time away from one another. Thank you to the wonderful supporters of Vet Tix and to the awesome folks who created and continue to operate this wonderful non-profit organization for the opportunity.
U.S. Air Force (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Andrew donated $25.00
  • Connie donated $25.00
  • Stephen in Honor of Craig Creed donated $500.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank You! Thank you so much Vet Tix and all their wonderful sponsors, especially Stage 3 Motorsports that made my family's trip to Disneyland possible! We ended up going during my now 4 year olds' birthday and she absolutely LOVED having everyone at Disneyland tell her Happy Birthday! This was exactly what my family needed after my return from deployment. Vet Tix and everyone that provides donations towards them, Thank You So Much! You are making a different in service members lives, past and present and this organization is one of the best ones out there supporting the troops!
- Robert
Disneyland Getaway
Hello I am SGT Darren Bertram, I ama die hard Carolina Panthers fan since 2003 the year they went to the Super Bowl. I was born and raised in NC and I would love to go see the Carolina Panthers play in a home playoff game. I do not know if it will be wildcard weekend or divisional round weekend, but either would be great. I been to a regular season game a few time, but a playoff game would be a once in a lifetime event, and the best Christmas present I could ever receive. I would love to attend, but I can not afford it on my own. I lost my best friend during my first deployment to a IED, and I use football as a copping device as he loved football too. I even stay up past midnight during my deployments to watch football as I were 8 hours ahead. With me being gone all the time due to deployments and training this event would be a time that my wife and I can spend together and would value the rest of our lives. Thank you so much for reading. Thank you for your time and consideration.
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Brandy donated $10.00
  • kevin donated $10.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you vettix and the donors who made my dream come true. My wife and I are very grateful and will never forget this experience.
- Darren
Carolina Panther Playoff game
My name is SGT Justin Zelenak. My wish is to go to the 2016 New England Patriots playoff game with my amazing wife. It would be my first time at a game with my wife. I love what I do for my country. I joined in 2007 to serve and protect my future friends and family. I went to BCT in Fort Jackson, NC, then to Aberdeen Proving Grounds in Maryland to complete my AIT. My first duty station was Baumholder, Germany. I was then shipped to Iraq for 1 year and 3 months. They made me a part of a PSD team transporting high ranking officials, detainees, and also working with Civil Affairs. I was part of a great mission helping Iraqi nationals build schools, water facilities, waste systems, and even played sports with the kids. Half way thru my deployment I received a Red-Cross message stating that my mother is dying with stage-4 cancer spreading thru out her body. I was immediately sent home. On my way to the hospital my mother passed away. They sent me back to Iraq after 7 days of emergency leave. Three quarters of the way thru the deployment I received another Red-Cross message stating my Father passed away. The time I was deployed I went thru 2 funerals and lost 3 friends. 2008-2009. In 2010 I got out and decided to go to college for Criminal Justice. I met my wife in college. We got married in 2012 and now have 2 children that are amazing. My wife has been with me thru thick and thin. I am back on Active duty to support my family so my wife can be home with the children. My biggest wish is to take my wife to the Patriots playoff game.
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you so much for the tickets, i was able to bring my dad, father in-law and my wife for their very first NFL game. The experience i had yesterday with my family will last forever. I cannot say thank you enough for donating the tickets. It was a amazing game. GOOO PATSSSS
- Justin
New England Patriots v. Kansas City Chiefs Playoff game
My name is SFC Paul Johnson (Ret), the dream I have is to take my fiance, Sandra and our son to Disneyland. After all she has done for me this is the one thing I want to do to show her my appreciation for what she has done. In 2003, while serving in Iraq I was wounded. I was treated at the field hospital and returned to my unit. The blast fractured bones in my lower back. Upon my return to the states I asked for help to deal with a wide range of injuries and help with my PTSD. While in the Wounded Warrior Program I met my fiance Sandra. She helped save my life in many different ways. At the time I was dealing with a heavy drinking problem and misusing my prescription pills. In 2013, I was medically discharged from the Army for PTSD, TBI, neck and back injuries and ankle and shoulder injuries. In January of 2014 I had surgery on my right shoulder and there was a complication with the surgery and I almost died on the table. They had to revive me and when I came to all I wanted was Sandra and our son. In March of 2014 they finished the operation. In December I was fully disabled at 100% by the VA and my PTSD was rated at over 70%. All I have ever wanted to do is show Sandra how much I am thankful to have her in my life. She has had to endure my ups and downs and two near death experiences in 2014. She has had to help me over come my drinking problem and find ways to deal with my anger and so many other things. With out her I would not be where I am today. She has become my angel in so many ways. It would mean the world for us to go to Disneyland as a family and help bring light to so much darkness.
U.S. Army (Severely Wounded Veteran)
2001 - 2013
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Joe donated $25.00
  • A Generous Person donated $20.00
  • A Generous Person donated $20.00
  • Jorge donated $10.00
  • Stuart donated $25.00
  • A Generous Person donated $100.00
  • A Generous Person donated $20.00
  • Lisa donated $20.00
  • A Generous Person donated $10.00
  • Jared donated $25.00
  • A Generous Person donated $20.00
  • A Generous Person donated $25.00
  • A Generous Person donated $780.00
This Hero has not yet filled out a thank you message.
Disneyland Vacation
I recently returned from another deployment and would like the opportunity to take my beautiful wife and two kids on a family vacation to Disney World. I would like to take my family of 4 on the 4-day Park Hopper that way we can enjoy all that Disney World has to offer. Disney World is somewhere my daughter Evelyn (6) and son Jacob (4) have always wanted to go, but with work and deployments we've never been able to plan and execute the trip in the past 6 years that I have been in. As I prepare for my post-deployment leave, I hope that I can make my kids dreams come true by taking them to Disney World to have an incredible family vacation that they will remember for the rest of their lives. Nothing makes me happier than seeing the smiles on my kids faces as they are having fun, so I can only imagine how great of a feeling it would be at Disney World.
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Stage 3 Motorsports INC in Honor of Stage 3 Motorsports donated $1,000.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
My family and I had an amazing time at DisneyWorld, I'm very grateful to have experienced it with my kids and hope it is something they'll remember for years to come. Thanks Stage 3 Motorsports for their generous donation and VetTix for helping make it possible.
- Javier
Disney World
My name is SSG. Casey McEuin. Prior to deploying to Afghanistan in 2011 I made a promise to my 3 kids that when I returned home that I was going to take them to San Francisco to a 49ers game when the new stadium opened. Unfortunately, I was injured late in 2011 and received numerous surgeries and subsequently was medically retired from the Army. I get asked constantly when we will go to the game, but with not having the means to afford to take them to the game, I put my faith and goodwill into to assist me in fulfilling the promise I made my children. Thank you!
U.S. Army (Severely Wounded Veteran)
2001 - 2014
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Delaina donated $25.00
  • Erin donated $75.00
  • David donated $200.00
  • Jenny donated $100.00
  • Michael donated $150.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you so much to the Donors that helped my children and I live a dream come true. I was able to fulfill a lifelong dream and bring my children to a San Francisco 49ers game. Not only did they give us tickets, but they gave us field passes that gave my kids the opportunity to shake hands with some of their favorite players. Thank you so much!
- Casey
San Francisco 49ers Game
My name is T.J., I serve in the US Air Force. My wife, Sarah, and I got married just over two years ago in the middle of my AF training. As such, we were unable to take a honeymoon at the time and have not had the opportunity since due to non-stop training and a deployment. My wish is for ski lift tickets for two days in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. I am finally back from my deployment and have the time off to be able to take Sarah on our dream mountain honeymoon. We are stationed overseas, but we are making the long journey stateside to spend the holidays with family in Colorado. Our plan is to take a few days for ourselves to spend in the beautiful Rocky Mountains. This will be our first time ever skiing together, so it will definitely be a lifelong memory.
U.S. Air Force (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Andrew donated $25.00
  • A Generous Person donated $500.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you to Vet Tix and the generous donors (Angie and Andrew) who helped make our wish come true. My wife and I were able to spend two beautiful, sunny days skiing in Colorado's amazing Rocky Mountains. We had a wonderful time and made memories that will last the rest of our lives. Thank you very much!
- Trenton
Honeymoon Ski Lift Tickets
My name is Nick Buchhaas. I am a retired Marine CPL. With putting my wife and children first I would never be able to attend a Blackhawks game. I am asking for this wish to take my wife and children to have this experience together as a family. I would like to thank anyone who visits this page and even more to those who donate so my wish can be fulfilled.
U.S. Marine Corps (Severely Wounded Veteran)
2009 - 2013
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • A Generous Person donated $20.00
  • Guadalupe donated $10.00
  • Andrew donated $25.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
I would like to thank everyone who donated to make my wish possible. We had a great time and had great seats, and of course even better the Hawks won!
- Nicholas
First Chicago Blackhawks Game
I am Thaddeus Willey and I served 13 years. I was hit by an IED in Iraq in 2009 and med-evaced to Walter Reed army hospital. After about a year of recovery I was then medically retired. I would like to take my family to a Steelers game as it has always been a dream for us. I am requesting 4 tickets to a Steelers home game for myself, my wife and my 2 daughters. Thank you for reading.
U.S. Army (Severely Wounded Veteran)
1998 - 2010
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you vettix and Pittsburgh Steelers for giving us the chance to go to a game. Had a great time and enjoyed watching the Steelers dominate at home.
- Thaddeus
Pittsburgh Steelers Game
(Displaying results 361 through 370 of 606)
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