Past Hero's Wishes
My name is specialist Christopher Brunelle I am a Iraq war Purple Heart Vet. I have let the PTSD get the best of me. I was injured in 2005 when a suicide bomber attacked my hummer and blew us up. My gunner was killed in the explosion. I was to proud to let anyone help me or take help from anyone. I tried to do it on my own. I just about let the PTSD get the best of me. It cost me my marriage but I'm ok with that part now. I was at a very dark place in life didn't want to be here anymore. One day I was thinking what to do and how to do it, when one of my little girls came out and said daddy just want to say I love you. I still deal with the nightmares and flashbacks but I'm use to that now. My wish is to attend the night race at Bristol Motor Speedway. I am asking for 3 hot passes and race tickets for that day because I don't drive that far anymore. For the longest time I have been unable to get out and go places, with the help of some good friends and brothers I am able to now.

U.S. Army (Severely Wounded Veteran)
1998 - 2010
Wish Fulfilled By:
- A Generous Person donated $10.00
- Ryan donated $30.00
- CLARK donated $100.00
- sherry donated $50.00
- Larry donated $20.00
- Connie in Honor of Robert Cox donated $25.00
- Frank in Honor of OIF Purple Hearts donated $265.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
I had a great time at the race although it was postponed and we could not stay and watch the ending of the race we had a great time. We met some great people. We met some of the drivers a few owners saw a great concert by Craig Morgan and a all around great time. Even got a laugh out of Richard Childress. He walked by I was standing there just got done drinking a Ole Mokey Mountain Moonshine drink and still had the jar in my hand. He was standing there signing things and looked at me so I handed him the jar he asked me are you serious I said yep! He laughed and signed it! It was a great time!
- Christopher

My name is TSgt Luis F Mejia and last summer my family Alex (wife), Anthony (17), Valerie(14), and Natalie (4) were set to take a trip to Disney World. Instead I ended up deploying to Africa and Afghanistan, so we had to put our trip on hold. This trip was special for two reasons, first it would be our last family vacation before my son goes off to college and second it would be the first time my youngest daughter visits Disney World. I am humbly requesting 5 park hopper tickets for Disney world so we can share this vacation together. I have been in the military 17 years and would not trade the experience for anything. Thank you for all you do for our veterans!

U.S. Air Force (Veteran)
1998 - 2019
Wish Fulfilled By:
- richard donated $50.00
- Theresa donated $20.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
I would like to personally thank Richard,Theresa and Veteran Tickets Foundation general Hero's Wish Fund on behalf of my family. It was a great experience which would not have been possible without your generosity. It was the perfect vacation to transition from my son leaving to college, my middle daughter starting high school and my youngest daughter starting kindergarten. This will be a moment in time my entire family will look back on and reflect as our lives go in different directions. Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts.
- Luis

My Dads name is Sgt. Ian Thomas Sanchez. He died when his M Gator utility vehicle hit an IED during a security sweep. My name is Jesse and In 2011 I was diagnosed with my first brain tumor. I had to spend a very lonely two months in the hospital and a few years of rehab. Having an acquired brain injury changed my life in every aspect. My Mom who is chronically very sick could not stay with me and my Dad was KIA. I had a nice roommate, but felt sad I didn't have my Mother to stay with me. I used to Listen to Justin Beibers Song " Pray." It is what got me through that nightmare. Although I have another brain tumor, the prognosis is better than the first kind I had. Every day is a struggle with my health. Due to a lot of medical expenses, I can't afford to see Justin Bieber on his tour. I would love to take a friend with me and my Step Dad (my Mom would never let me go alone).

U.S. Army (Family of KIA)
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Robert donated $25.00
- Jeremy donated $100.00
- FRED donated $15.00
- Jill donated $25.00
- Clifford donated $25.00
- Christopher donated $10.00
- Vincent donated $100.00
- A Generous Person donated $40.00
- Edward donated $10.00
- William (BJ) in Honor of MSgt & Mrs.Billy J Williams donated $10.00
- richard donated $50.00
- todd donated $50.00
- Frank donated $20.00
- Erin donated $20.00
- Michael donated $50.00
- Teresa donated $10.00
- A Generous Person donated $50.00
- Michael donated $40.00
- John donated $20.00
- Frank donated $10.00
- Travis donated $10.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:

My name is SSG Smilowska, I have been on active duty for 18 years and served multiple combat deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. Since than I have returned home and married my wife and had four beautiful children Charlotte (5), Savanna (4), Jameson (2), and Abigail (1). I have been married to my wife for six years and she is the glue that keeps this family together. I went through the medical evaluation process and was determined that I could remain in service with limited capabilities. I am hoping to retire at 23 years and spend as much time with the family as possible. I have never been to Disney World and neither has my wife. I would love to take my kids and my wife together so we can all experience it together for the first time and see the priceless looks on the kids faces when they meet Aerial or Elsa. Thank You Vet Tickets for trying to make this wish come true. Even if we do not get this wish We truly enjoy the site and will continue to support for a long time to come.

U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Reginald donated $50.00
- Alan donated $900.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Having a great time at Disney, Kids love it and already have said they do not want to leave. So much to do and so little time it feels like we will never get to do everything and will most certainly have to come back. Thank you Vet Tickets and My Hero's Wish Disney World Vacation and all the Donors who made this trip possible. I never seen kids with bigger smiles than they have right now. This is truly a magical place. I don't know who is having more fun though me or the kids. Still have two more days left and lots to do.
- brian

My name is SGT Francisco Cisneros and have honorable served active duty in the United States Army for 7 years. I am married to the most amazing woman in my life and have two amazing sons (2 & 4yrs). I am currently deployed in East Africa and was previously stationed in Germany the previous 18 months. Throughout the entire time abroad, I have been away from my wife and kids. My 4 year old son suffers from severe asthma, food allergies and eczema. Due to the winters in Germany (which is what severely triggers his asthma and eczema) and the care he was receiving back home, we elected to not to risk his health and keep my family in the states. With me being away, my wife had nobody to share the responsibility of raising two boys by herself, especially one as fragile as my 4 year old. Multiple emergency room visits, being flown to other hospitals and constant late night cares have really taken a toll on her. She does so much and has sacrificed her health for our kids, and I can't do anything but wish I could be there to take the responsibility from her. This wish is not so much for a service member, but for a military spouse since they endure they're own hardships as us deployed. My wish would be to take my entire family to Six Flags once I get back to the states. My wife has always been a huge fan of such and my kids have yet to see an amusement Park. My younger son has always been a very healthy, and my four year old is doing A LOT better now! I truly do appreciate the chance to do something extremely special for my wife and boys, and thank my wife for the mother she is. Thank you for the support.

U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Susheel donated $300.00
This Hero has not yet filled out a thank you message.

I am an Iraq and Afghanistan veteran. I was injured during my last deployment while clearing a Taliban training camp. My wife and 3 kids have been through a lot with their dad being deployed and watching me struggle with a traumatic brain injury and PTSD. When I got home, I tried to move on with my life but couldn't. I quit my job as a paramedic at Vanderbilt University in the Emergency Room, lost my Paramedic License because I was unable to remember drug dosages and other critical things in medicine. I ended up in inpatient at the VA. There I admitted for the first time I needed help in 2013. It was the worst day of my life, but also the best as I began to get help. Now I would be able to go with my family to Disney World as before PTSD kept me from being around people and was ruining my life. I would love to give back to my family for what they have given me in allowing me to serve my country as a Combat Medic in the U.S. Army. I desire to bless my family as they have supported me through this tough time. Disney World in Orlando Florida for the 5 of us for 4 days is my wish. For Jaden 13, Natesa 12, and Kole 11, along with my wife and I to hang out together in Disney World would be a dream for all of us.

U.S. Army (Severely Wounded Veteran)
2007 - 2011
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Andrew donated $25.00
- Charles in Honor of Fred Sherman donated $25.00
- Daniel donated $125.00
- jenn donated $50.00
- Amy donated $20.00
- Sarah donated $10.00
- DAVID donated $20.00
- Tracey donated $75.00
- James donated $25.00
- A Generous Person donated $125.00
- A Generous Person donated $100.00
- A Generous Person donated $50.00
- Holly donated $100.00
- Ryan donated $20.00
- A Generous Person donated $50.00
- Abe donated $30.00
- Edward donated $50.00
- Ethan donated $25.00
- Ryan in Honor of Joseph Marmo (RIP) donated $20.00
- Daniel donated $50.00
- Jenny donated $105.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
I can't tell you how much my family and I appreciated this time we had together at Disney World. It is so encouraging to know there are people out there but still love this country and are willing to support the troops. We are so blessed for each one of you but donated. That was so much family time we needed as a family and one of the best vacations we ever had. God Bless Andrew donated $25.00 Charles donated $25.00 Daniel donated $125.00 jenn donated $50.00 US Army (RET) donated $20.00 Sarah donated $10.00 DAVID donated $20.00 Tracey donated $75.00 James donated $25.00 Bryan donated $125.00 Richard donated $100.00 MAJ Mary donated $50.00 Holly donated $100.00 Ryan donated $20.00 Andrew donated $50.00 Abe donated $30.00 Edward donated $50.00 Ethan donated $25.00 Ryan donated $20.00 Daniel donated $50.00 Jenny donated $50.00 And the Veteran Tickets Foundation general Hero's Wish Fund.

My name is Travis, I did 4 years in the United States Marine Corps. I served from 2002 through 2006 as an infantryman. I was part of the initial invasion in Iraq in 2003, in 2004 I deployed to Africa and in 2005 I went back to Iraq. On mothers day in 2005 I was wounded by an RPG and a gun shot during Operation Matador while clearing houses along the Syrian border. In the Picture is part of my fire team. From the left is my Lcpl Lawrence Philippon (k.i.a May,8 2005) Myself (w.i.a May,8 2005) Lcpl Emanuel Nelson (w.i.a May 8, 2005). I would like to surprise my wife and kids to a vacation to Disney World. They are my biggest support system and are well deserving. I would like 4 four day park hopper tickets to Disney World.

U.S. Marine Corps (Severely Wounded Veteran)
2002 - 2006
Wish Fulfilled By:
- nathan donated $50.00
- Joe donated $25.00
- A Generous Person donated $20.00
- Norbert donated $10.00
- Charles donated $50.00
- Joe donated $25.00
- Todd donated $20.00
- John donated $20.00
- Pamela donated $100.00
- Andrew donated $25.00
- Leland donated $25.00
- jenn donated $50.00
- - in Honor of Robert G. Windsor from Clair, Eric, Ben, Libby, Rob and Ashley donated $680.00

My name is Msgt Johnathon Johnson and this year I deployed two weeks before my oldest son turned 15 and returned after my youngest turned 8. I would like to take them to Walt Disney World to Celebrate with a park hopper. For most of my career I have been away for my wife's birthday however this year I was home for hers and missed our sons. I would like to make up the time missed by celebrating at Walt Disney World. They have been troopers, enduring two deployments during an 18 month period plus the typical stateside TDY's. I love my family and cherish the time I get to spend with them. I can't think of a better way to celebrate not only my return but also the moments we missed during my deployment. My son turns 16 in April and this would be a great way to celebrate!

U.S. Air Force (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Andrew donated $25.00
- Shawn donated $25.00
- Ryan donated $25.00
- Foxfire Events in Honor of Darl Miller donated $50.00
- Ryan donated $25.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:

My name is Sgt. Justin Bond. I was born in Kings County rejoined the US Army after our homeland was attacked on September 11, 2001. After being shot through the center of both knees in the battle of Fallujah Iraq and losing my left leg above the knee I spent most of my 6 and 8 year old girls lives in the hospital and going through surgeries. This last year was the worst as I ended up with stomach and colon cancer from the burn pits in Iraq and had to go through chemo and more surgeries. I have wanted to take my Disney fans, my girls to Disneyland for several years but couldn't. Now they are a perfect age and I am surgery free for the rest of this year other than 1 small one... I checked on tickets and realized that the tickets alone are very expensive. I am unable to come up with the funds for this to be able to spoil my family and take a trip and can't see how I will ever be able to afford that while my girls are in school on a disability income and continuing my medical issues so I was told about this site from Disneyland and decided to give it a try... Thank You

U.S. Army (Severely Wounded Veteran)
1997 - 2005
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Jenna donated $25.00
- Roger donated $100.00
- Carol donated $50.00
- A Generous Person donated $425.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
I cant thank you enough for helping get my girls to to Disneyland!!! Everyone enjoyed themselves so much!!! Makalya 6 and Jennifer 8 each spent time with their Disney Princess and I was able to spend a few quality days with my Princesses, my girls!!! I know that money is tough in this world so for all of you to help us get to Disneyland for a few days to escape reality really means a lot to us! It was truly a weekend we will NEVER forget and we honestly and truly would not have been able to go without your support! Thank you Vet Tix and to the donors that are helping to create memories when they would not otherwise be possible!!! Sincerely, Justin Bond

My name is ETC Christopher Green. I am married with 4 wonderful children, two boys ages 19 and 17, and two girls ages 13 and 10. I have spent the last 16 years of my Coast Guard career missing several birthdays, holidays, and other special days through-out the life of my children. The last three years have been the most difficult due to being stationed on a cutter and completed 9 deployments, keeping me away from my family for 18 months out of those three years. We recently had to rescue my oldest son from an unfortunate event which left him homeless and is now living with us again. I have always put my kids first whenever it came to our family's finances and therefore I have never taken them anywhere but to see other family, which was usually in conjunction with transfers. I am now stationed in Florida where I get to spend plenty of time with my family again, but still dream of getting to take them on a vacation. Being close to Orlando at this point, I would love to be able to take them to Disney World, especially before my oldest gets back on his feet and decides to move out again, but the combination cost of tickets, hotel, and food, especially for a family of 6, is still extremely high. Thank you Vet Tix for providing opportunities to our service members and all those who donate to help fulfill these requests.

U.S. Coast Guard (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Andrew donated $25.00
- Crystal donated $25.00
- Gary donated $20.00
- Susan donated $50.00
- Charles donated $20.00

(Displaying results 361 through 370 of 622)
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