Past Hero's Wishes
My name is Spencer Gatwood. I am a Specialist in the United States Army. I have spent the last two years away from my lovely wife Keiran and beautiful daughter Emily. I am currently in Kuwait and come home this December I will finally have the chance to go home to my amazing family. After missing many birthdays and holidays over the last few years, I really want to make it up to my girls. They have both stood by me over the years and have been an endless source of support when times were tough. I'm hoping to surprise my daughter in Orlando, at Disney world. She has never been there, she doesn't know when I'm coming home and I know it would be a moment that she will never forget. My hope is to spend at least three days at the Disney parks with park hopper tickets. I'm not normally one to ask for help with things of this nature, but if the cost of the tickets were offset I could make the rest of the trip even more magical for my little princess. God Bless.
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Ethan donated $10.00
  • Phillip donated $100.00
  • Theresa donated $20.00
  • Scott donated $25.00
  • Heather donated $50.00
  • Ralph donated $50.00
  • Sean donated $50.00
  • Donna donated $10.00
  • Michael donated $10.00
  • Richard donated $225.00
This Hero has not yet filled out a thank you message.
Disney World Surprise for my wife and daughter
My name is Staff Sergeant Joshua M. Krueger. On February 28, 2005, my detail was struck by an improvised explosive device (IED). I was severely wounded in the blast and in critical condition. I was medically evacuated to Ballad, Iraq. I was then transferred to Landstuhl, Germany, and ultimately to the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. I suffered loss of vision to my left eye and sustained severe blast damage to my left arm. After numerous surgeries and rehabilitation, I was medically retired from the Marine Corps on November 26, 2006. I ended up having the injured eye removed in 2014. My wish is to take my twin daughters to their first Packers game for their birthday on December 4th. I am a huge Packers fan and would love to attend the game on December 4th where the Packers play the Houston Texans.
U.S. Marine Corps (Severely Wounded Veteran)
1997 - 2006
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Andrew donated $25.00
  • Anita donated $10.00
  • David donated $20.00
  • david donated $50.00
  • Peter donated $20.00
  • Colin donated $10.00
  • James donated $20.00
  • James donated $50.00
  • Kevin donated $25.00
  • A Generous Person donated $25.00
  • Bryan donated $100.00
  • Keith donated $50.00
  • Michael donated $5.00
  • Mario donated $25.00
  • WILLIAM donated $50.00
  • Edward in Honor of Ed and Terry Metcalf donated $25.00
  • Gregory donated $25.00
  • Brandon in Honor of You and your daughters. donated $20.00
  • Calista donated $50.00
  • Genevieve in Honor of Margaret and Benote Wimp donated $25.00
  • Heidi donated $5.00
  • Guy. W donated $5.00
  • Stephanie in Honor of Packer Fan & Veteran donated $20.00
  • jenny donated $10.00
  • Truett donated $10.00
  • shauna-kay donated $10.00
  • William donated $20.00
  • Andrew donated $10.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
"Thank you do much for your kindness and generosity. We had an amazing time and created great memories that will last a lifetime!"
- Krueger Family
Green Bay Packer Game Lambeau Field
My name is CPT Elliott Megquier. I am in the middle of an 18 month deployment in Afghanistan. My mid tour R&R leave is schedule for 11/21-12/5/16. I would like to get three tickets so I can take my parents to our first Boston Bruins game. They have home games on 11/22, 11/25, 11/27, or 12/1 during my leave. Whichever date is fine for me.
U.S. Army (Veteran)
2010 - 2019
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Laurie donated $50.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you to the Boston Bruins for donating three tickets and goodie bags so I could take my parents to our first Bruins game. What an exciting game. The Bruins tied the game with less than a minute to go in the 3rd Period and then they won the game in the overtime shootout. It was a highlight of my two Rest & Recovery. Now back in Afghanistan I feel recharged to complete the mission.
- Elliott
Boston Bruins Hockey Game
Hello, my name is Staff Sgt. Thomas Duval. I am currently on my third deployment with the U.S. Army and set to return just in time for the holidays. My wish is to take my wife and three children to Disney's Epcot for one day during the long Thanksgiving weekend. Our three kids, 8yo, 6yo and 3yo, are counting down the days till my return and this would be the ultimate surprise. I have no sad stories. Like the thousands of military families, mine has had its struggles with the back to back deployments however, we get through them like all the other great military families. We are thankful for the military the opportunity to serve and we are thankful for organizations like this, who are trying to help make the impossible possible. Thank you for any considerations! The price requested is strictly for 1 day at Epcot for 2 adults and three children. Thank you all again.
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • wendy donated $10.00
  • Joseph donated $25.00
  • Quinten in Honor of Q. Roehm growing up in the 352 donated $15.00
  • A Generous Person donated $25.00
  • Vinton donated $100.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Had a wonderful time with the family at Epcot! It was only possible because of such caring and generous donations of the Vet Tix supporters. Being able to do this 3 days after my return from deployment really made the reunion even more special! Thank You ALL for everything! A special thank you to the donors that made this possible... words cannot explain how thankful myself and my family are.
- Thomas
1-day Peak pass for Epcot for my family
My name is Sgt. Robert Aiken. I have two wonderful daughters, ages 5 and 10, Disneyland is our dream of a lifetime! Born in Orange, California I have fond memories of Disneyland while my father, also a Marine, was stationed at El Toro. In 2000 I enlisted in the Marine Corps serving two combat tours beginning with the invasion of Iraq in 2003. In 2004 I got shot up pretty good in Ar Ramadi during a fire fight and subsequently retired medically in 2005. Currently residing in north Texas I've been married to the love of my life for 12 years now. Her unending love makes our lives special everyday. The magic of Disneyland for a few days in sunny southern California is surely in order for her especially. Thank you for your consideration and making dreams come true. God bless.
U.S. Marine Corps (Severely Wounded Veteran)
2000 - 2005
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Laddin donated $25.00
  • Ian donated $10.00
  • Connie in Honor of Robert Cox donated $25.00
  • Shane donated $100.00
  • A Generous Person donated $440.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
California dreamin' turned into reality.... with plenty of Pixy Dust to boot! We enjoyed the experience of a lifetime! From the moment our Hero's Wish was accepted our girls Samantha and Gina began counting down. The day before traveling they even painted my nails with pink glitter polish for the trip and off we flew to California to celebrate Thanksgiving holiday with Mickey and friends. Gigi and I relished every moment making wonderful memories with our children. John, Shane, Connie, Ian, and Ladin, may your kindness bring you blessings this holiday season and for many moons to come. The timing couldn't have been better! Our girls are at the perfect age. They had so much energy for all three days, my wife and I couldn't believe it. Now we know the deal when it comes to getting chores done around the house....HA! We are absolutely thankful.
- Aiken Family
Disneyland - California Dreamin'!
My Name is Sherrie Norden. I am a Gold Star Daughter of USAF CAPT. CARL E. JACKSON MIA, VIETNAM, 27 JUNE 65. We asked our 11 year old granddaughter, if you could go anywhere on vacation, where would you want to go. Of course, she said Disney World. We booked our hotel (Wyndham Cypress Resort in Kissimmee, FL) for Thanksgiving week. As luck would have it, the transmission went out in our vehicle and due to that expense, had to cancel the trip. We can afford the hotel, but not theme park tickets :( Taylor has been a real trooper about it though.
U.S. Air Force (Family of KIA)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Norbert donated $15.00
  • Andrew donated $15.00
  • Christopher donated $20.00
  • Ron in Honor of Vietnam Marine Vets donated $250.00
  • Jeffrey donated $20.00
  • Ian donated $20.00
  • Jason donated $50.00
  • jesus donated $20.00
  • Holly donated $50.00
  • brian donated $20.00
  • James donated $20.00
  • David donated $25.00
  • Christine donated $20.00
  • Robert donated $20.00
  • David donated $50.00
This Hero has not yet filled out a thank you message.
Disney World for granddaughter...
My name is SSgt Darnall and I am a disabled OIF/OEF veteran and Purple Heart recipient. I was in an IED explosion on foot patrol in 2010 that has changed my life. I would love to take my son and wife to Disneyland this year to thank them for all the have done to support me. I would appreciate three, 3 day park hopper passes. It would mean the world to my son.
U.S. Marine Corps (Severely Wounded Veteran)
2002 - 2012
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • A Generous Person donated $550.00
This Hero has not yet filled out a thank you message.
Disneyland trip for my family.
My name is SSgt Scott Heninger. I am currently serving in the USAF and on my fourth deployment in 12 years. While this is my first 365 day deployment, the family back home has to endure all of the life challenges without me. I have two wonderful women in my life, my wife of 8 years, and our daughter who is 6. We may have one of the hardest jobs, having to leave our family behind while we are all serving our country. But that is nothing compared to what our family's have to bare while we are away. My wife is the most amazing person I know working full time as a church secretary, she still has time to take care of our daughter, two dogs and the cat. This is no easy feat due to my wife being a paraplegic, paralyzed from her chest down, all because of a drunk driver. I am planning on coming home for my mid tour sometime in Nov. My wish is to surprise my family with something we have talked about for years, but just haven't had the funds to do. 3 Disneyland 3-Day Park Hopper Tickets would not only be a dream for my wife but for my daughter as well, she is always talking about all the princes and how she would love to meet one. But the most important thing for me would be the quality time you can spend with loved ones creating those lasting memories you will cherish for a lifetime. Thank you for considering my wish and to all who support these and other organizations that try and give back to all the brave men and women that serve this great country.
U.S. Air Force (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • RaShonne donated $50.00
  • Michelle donated $200.00
  • A Generous Person donated $20.00
  • Valid USA donated $280.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
I just wanted to say a big Thank You to all that made my wish "family's wish" come true. It was an amazing adventure that we were able to make lasting memories on. All three days at the park were filled with a lot of giggles and smiles from my daughter, which made this vacation the best for my wife and myself. It is a time we will all remember for years to come. Again a big Thank You to all donors and to Vet Tix for making this all happen! Scott Heninger
- Scott Heninger
Disneyland 3-Day Park Hopper Tickets
My name is Staff Sergeant Jeff Baker. I've been Active in the Army serving as a Airborne Ranger for over 11 years with 9 deployments (3 to Iraq and 6 to Afghanistan). In 2012 while serving on my 9th deployment I was injured by a Vehicle Borne IED. I've had 3 surgeries and countless hours of therapy. I've been trying to recover for nearly four years and I'm currently away from my wife and two daughters for three months to attend a special rehabilitation program in Virginia to help with my physical injuries, and my traumatic brain injury. After the stress of being away the past few months, my wish is to take my family to Walt Disney World after I return home. So I am asking for 3 military Park Hopper tickets to Disney World. Thank you greatly for the opportunity and consideration.
U.S. Army (Severely Wounded Veteran)
2005 - 2016
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Trish donated $50.00
  • Christina donated $20.00
  • Christine in Honor of Wounded Veterans donated $200.00
  • Mark donated $20.00
  • Mike donated $50.00
  • Lin in Honor of My hero donated $310.00
This Hero has not yet filled out a thank you message.
Disney World
My name is Capt. Ramon Leonguerrero. I want to take my family on a once in a lifetime vacation to Disneyland. I have missed so many birthdays and anniversaries for all 5 of our kids and this would be a great way to celebrate them all. I have only seen one of my children on their first birthday. With 5 kids it is so hard to have a family vacation. We would only need a total of 5 tickets for me, my wife, our daughter Mandi 22 in college, Emily 16, Natalie 4. We probably don't need tickets for the 2 smallest ones Rita 2 and Ramon Jr 1. Thank you for the consideration.
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Milton donated $25.00
  • A Generous Person donated $25.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you for making our family wish come true. My kids were amazed by Disneyland and we had the best time. You truly helped us make them happy
- Ramon
Disneyland Wish
(Displaying results 321 through 330 of 606)
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