Past Hero's Wishes
Hello my name is TSgt Richard Durstine. I am a firefighter in the Air Force. I am currently deployed and heading home soon. I can't wait to get home to my wife and three daughters. My wish is a trip to Disneyland. I live in AZ so getting there is no problem I just need 5 park hopper tickets for my family. Thank you so much for any help in making my girls dreams come true. I greatly appreciate all the support.
U.S. Air Force (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • A Generous Person donated $100.00
  • Lawrence in Honor of USAF Firefighters donated $60.00
  • A Generous Person donated $100.00
  • KELLY in Honor of ROBERT ESTEP donated $30.00
  • Mike donated $10.00
  • Samuel donated $25.00
  • Barry donated $20.00
  • Remainder of Wish fulfilled by the Veteran Tickets Foundation General Hero's Wish Fund.
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Me and my family would like to thank all of the donors who made this possible. This trip to Disneyland was amazing my girls loved it the wife had a blast and I thoroughly enjoyed myself thank you so much, Vettix rocks!
- The Durstine family
My name is Chief Petty Officer Patrick Sherlock. I'm currently deployed on a US Navy Ship and will be returning in the next few months. I've been gone for upwards of 400 days in last two years. I'm requesting 4 tickets to Universal Studio (3 or 4 day). I have reserved a hotel using Armed Forces Vacation Club in Orlando. My kids really would like to go to Universal Studios. If wish gets granted it would alleviate the cost and gives us the ability to really enjoy the experience. Any help would really be appreciated. My sons are 10 and 11. They both have got straight As in school and both won state Championship in wrestling while I was deployed. As you know wrestling isn't easy especially when you don't have your dad in the corner. They've studied hard and practiced hard. Now I'd like them to have a week where its fun time with dad and mom.
U.S. Navy (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Terresse donated $60.00
  • stephen donated $50.00
  • Daniel donated $990.00
  • Remainder of Wish fulfilled by the Veteran Tickets Foundation General Hero's Wish Fund.
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you so much for supplying my family and I with Universal tickets. We really enjoyed the new water park, Volcano Bay. It was a great trip. Spending family time after 7 months deployed and seeing my sons smile was awesome. I looked forward to this trip the last month of my deployment. Again, thank you. Chief Sherlock
- Patrick
Universal Studio for Navy Family
Hello my name is ABH2 Terrance Lee and I'm currently serving in the US Navy Reserve which I have been for the past 16 years. I have a family of 6. I will be on orders to Camp Djibouti. My wish is to take my wife and daughters to Disney World. I would like to make a wish for six 4 day park hopper passes to be used this summer before the kids return to school. I will be missing countless functions during my deployment. It is nothing more precious then time but this will mean a lot to me and them. My girls are Honor Roll Students, and they will cherish the family time being spent at the Magic Kingdom. I want say thank you to Vettix and the amazing donors. God bless you all.
U.S. Navy (Veteran)
2001 - 2020
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Natalie donated $10.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
I wanted to take this time on behalf of my family to say thank you to Natalie, Miltribe, and Vettix for fulfilling my families' wish. It means a lot when you are stressed out with a deployment away from your family and great donors like yourselves take the time out of you'll day to let service members and there families know someone cares about what they experienced. You allow them a chance to bond and not think about a deployment experience. My family will never forget the memory of this great experience. Disney is truly the Magic Kingdom. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts Thank You and God Bless You. Lee Family
- Terrance
Disney World  Park Hopper Passes
Hello, my name is SFC Ivan Hernandez and my wish this summer is to take my family of 5 on a vacation to Disney World. It has been a very long time since we have been able to take some time off as a family and enjoy some time together. I have missed many birthdays, anniversaries, and school activities. I hope this trip can help make up for some of that lost family time. I am currently deployed to the Horn of Africa and should return sometime in the summer. I will have a short time off before I start my training cycle once more and head back to the African continent. Thank you for taking the time to read my wish. Have a wonderful day wherever you may find yourself.
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Thank You Message from the Hero:
My family and I would like to thank VETTIX and it's staff. This program has given our family a much desired and overdue family vacation. VETTIX went above and beyond of what was expected for our trip. I will continue to support this fine organization to ensure our veterans past, present and future may benefit from what they have to offer. THANK YOU VETTIX!
Disney World Family Vacation
My son and I are huge Metallica Fans (my wife a little too) and we were so excited when we heard about their 2017 tour. It is my wish that we could see them in San Diego (or Los Angeles) this year prior to me reporting to my next deployable unit. We've never seen the Metal Gods and it has been a dream of ours for a few years. I am a Navy Corpsman and will be assigned to a Marine Infantry unit whom I will soon deploy with. There is no preparation that gets your mind ready to leave your family for 6 months, all you can do is come together and make the best of the time you have with each other. This summer will be my family's last time together for a while, and attending the Metallica Concert would be a perfect send off and lasting memory for us to refer back to during our second deployment.
U.S. Navy (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Martin donated $20.00
  • A Generous Person donated $20.00
  • Timothy donated $40.00
  • Ryan donated $30.00
  • Andrew in Honor of Ruthie donated $10.00
  • Christopher donated $10.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
I cannot thank everyone involved enough for granting my Hero's Wish and sending my family to see Metallica! It was easily the best concert I have ever been too. It was such a great night for my wife, son, and I that created memories that will last a lifetime.
- The Ferguson's
Metallica Concert
My name is TSgt Brent Frazier. I am Active Duty Air Force, currently deployed. My wife and I are Mil-to-Mil. I am a flying crew chief and always gone or deployed. Being apart is hard but luckily my wife is very strong and she understands my mission. Lately it has been really getting to her. Not only does she manage the home front but being active duty herself she has her own career to maintain and manage. My family has been very resilient through TDYs and deployments and all the moves, it would mean so much to me to be able to give back. We have planned a trip three times now and cannot get everything to line up. After my last deployment we had plans on going but received orders while I was deployed and my wife had to PCS on her own with three small children. That move depleted our savings and we were not able to take the trip. It would mean the world to me if I was able to take my three little girls to Disney World. I have three daughters(10, 8 and 4). My wish is for 5 tickets to Disney World.
U.S. Air Force (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • A Generous Person donated $5.00
  • Susan donated $15.00
  • Gary donated $25.00
  • Holly donated $100.00
  • A Generous Person donated $50.00
  • David donated $50.00
  • Jean in Honor of Bogie Williams Jr. donated $20.00
  • Joseph donated $10.00
  • David donated $10.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
My family and I cannot express enough gratitude to the kindness that we recieved. This was more than a blessing!
- brent
Disney World Tickets
Hello, I am MSgt Douglas McGraw & have served in the USAF for 22+ years. I'm the 3rd generation of my family who's been proud to have served our great nation. My Grandfather was a WWII Battle of the Bulge and Dachau concentration camp liberator, my father who served in the 82nd Airborne from Dominican Republic, Air Cavalry in Vietnam 65 LZ X-ray and then finally the Gulf War in the Air National Guard. I myself have just returned from a 1yr deployment to Kandahar Afghanistan as an Advisor to the Afghan Air Force working daily side by side with my Afghan counterparts. I am married to my wife for 22yrs and been together for 24years. We have 2 grown children. This has been my 5th career contingency deployment among countless other times spent away from my wife who has been by my side faithfully for longer than my military career. The past year saw high stress and even family member death affect our whole family but our marriage in particular suffered. My wife and I have always been in unity in putting our children's needs above our own, to the point of signing over my GI bill to our children. Additionally while in Afghanistan I adopted a stray dog that strayed onto our end of the flight line in Kandahar that has made the transition back to daily stateside life a bit stressful. My deep felt wish is to surprise my wife and take her on that long overdue fun filled vacation to show her and my girls how much I appreciate their support. If anyone is able to help bless us, I wish to take them on a 4 day Disneyland park hopper pass. I appreciate Vet Tix for giving Veteran's this amazing platform and to all those who support our men and women in uniform. God bless MSgt Douglas McGraw
U.S. Air Force (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • A Generous Person donated $100.00
  • Ronald donated $20.00
  • Susan donated $15.00
  • Remainder of Wish fulfilled by the Veteran Tickets Foundation General Hero's Wish Fund.
Thank You Message from the Hero:
It's not enough to simply say thank you for the honor of having my heroes wish granted. We are indebted to the sponsors and Vettix for allowing our family the opportunity to make happy memories at Disneyland that will last a lifetime. Disneyland is truly the happiest place on earth! Hopefully someday we will be in the position to help someone else as you have helped us. We were especially fortunate as Disney had just begun the Maxpass deal and we got wonderful professional photos with Groot, Darth Vader and Chewbacca in particular. The icing on the cake for us was attending the flag retreat ceremony at the town square. I had the increadible honor of being given the Disneyland challenge coin which truly is something I will treasure. Thank you so much again for making a lifetime of memories for me and my family at Disneyland. V/R MSgt Douglas McGraw & family
- Douglas
Disneyland Park Hopper Passes
Hello my name is SSG Imelda Alaimaleata. I am proudly serving in the Army. I am currently deployed in Djibouti, Africa for 6 months, and I should be redeploying in July. This is my very first deployment, and so far this is the hardest, especially leaving behind my kids and spouse. Being away from family is one of the hardest things in life. As a soldier, this is the norm, because we would always be gone - whether it be deploying, attending schools, or in training. My wish is to take my family of four to Disneyland this July. I want to spend our family time and the remainder of summer at Disneyland before my kids go back to school. Also since I will be missing out on their birthdays this year. I want to make it up to my family! I would really appreciate it if you would help me and my family fulfill this wish. Thank you all & God Bless!!
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Victor donated $100.00
  • A Generous Person donated $20.00
  • George donated $5.00
  • Michael donated $10.00
  • IVAN donated $50.00
  • Raymond donated $10.00
  • Karen donated $10.00
  • Susan donated $15.00
  • Remainder of Wish fulfilled by the Veteran Tickets Foundation General Hero's Wish Fund.
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Sorry this is late, but we would like to thank Vet Tix and everyone who donated to help make our wish come true! We had a great time at Disneyland with my family! God Bless! - The Alaimaleata's
- Imelda
Post Deployment Disneyland Wish
Hi ! My name is MSgt Ayshah Tual, I have been serving in the Air Force for 16 years now and I am currently Deployed to an Undisclosed location in the Middle East. I will be home in a few weeks after being away from my Family for 7 months. This Deployment has been really hard especially being a mom but even harder on my two Children. I have missed my daughters first day of Kindergarten, Halloween, my sons 11th Birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter and several school events that my kids are involved in including my sons first school dance. Being away from my children has been the hardest thing I've ever had to do . To try and make up for all the missed Birthdays and Holidays I would like to take my Family to their first Broadway show , to see The Lion King . For my Hero's wish I would like to request (4) Tickets for my family and I to attend the June 10th showing at the Minskoff Theatre.
U.S. Air Force (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Richard donated $10.00
  • Juliet donated $10.00
  • William donated $25.00
  • Tera donated $10.00
  • Odell in Honor of LCpl Theodore Crockett donated $10.00
  • Karen donated $5.00
  • Tony donated $10.00
  • Mike in Honor of George W DeBow, WWII Army Air Corps donated $100.00
  • Patricia donated $40.00
  • Susan donated $15.00
  • Remainder of Wish fulfilled by the Veteran Tickets Foundation General Hero's Wish Fund.
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you Vet Tix and all the donors that made it possible for my Family and I to attend The Lion King on Broadway! The show was amazing, our seats were perfect and the kids were in awe the whole time with the show. It was our first ever Broadway show and we LOVED it! Thank you again to everyone who made this possible and thank you for the support!. Its greatly appreciated .
- Ayshah
The Lion King on Broadway
My name is Joshua Morcom. After a long, grueling deployment in the Middle East on-board the USS Monterey, I would love to take some time and reconnect with my wife and children, and let them enjoy something special. I missed the birth of my son during the deployment and would love to be able to make it up to him. I have four little girls that are infatuated with all things Disney. I would love to grant their wish for them. Unfortunately, being a large family, big vacations are extremely rare. Please help me make this a reality for my family! I would need a larger number of tickets than what is normally needed (6 total tickets). My son is still well under the age of needing a ticket. Any assistance that you could provide my family would be immensely appreciated.
U.S. Navy (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Joseph donated $50.00
  • David donated $50.00
  • Remainder of Wish fulfilled by the Veteran Tickets Foundation General Hero's Wish Fund.
This Hero has not yet filled out a thank you message.
Morcom Family's Disney World Wish
(Displaying results 311 through 320 of 622)
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