Past Hero's Wishes
My name is CPT James Houston. Our family has just survived a year long deployment. This included a move across the country for my wife and five teens while I was away. They are all avid Harry Potter fans and I'd love to create a memorable, relaxing experience to have a delightful time together with one week for all 7 of us at Orlando Universal Studios' "Wizarding World of Harry Potter". Our kids have always dreamed of going but we have never been able to make that happen. Would love to have this trip be our Christmas this year. Thank you so much.

U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Hanson donated $100.00
- Kimberly donated $20.00
- RAY donated $20.00
- John donated $20.00
- Vance donated $25.00
- Armando donated $50.00
- Andrew donated $100.00
- Scott donated $10.00
- Jason donated $200.00
- A Generous Person donated $50.00
- A Generous Person donated $100.00
- Kay in Honor of David Hoh donated $35.00
- DAVID donated $25.00
- VetTixer donated $25.00
- A Generous Person donated $10.00
- Doug donated $250.00
- Marlo donated $40.00
- Sonia donated $25.00
- Anna donated $305.00
- A Generous Person donated $10.00
- Teresa donated $25.00
- Gary donated $5.00
- Samantha donated $10.00
- Justin donated $25.00
- Timothy donated $15.00

My name is 1LT Steven Sexton and I am currently deployed with the 79 Infantry Brigade Combat Team in support of Operation Joint Guardian. As it stands now, I will be home just in time for Christmas, therefore my wish is for 4 Disneyland/California Park hopper tickets so I can celebrate a special holiday season with my family when I return. Once this deployment is completed; of my first 29 months in the service I will have been away from my family for 16 of those months. Through it all, my wife has been very supportive each time I have had to leave for deployment, schools or state emergency, all while holding down a full-time job as a first grade teacher and taking care of our two energetic daughters. So this wish is not just for me but for my family who I believe deserve a special gift for the holidays. Thank you.

U.S. Army (Veteran)
2016 - 2020
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Laura-Lee donated $20.00
- Heriberto donated $80.00
- A Generous Person donated $10.00
- Heather donated $50.00
- Rick donated $100.00
- Rick donated $100.00
- Richard donated $540.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you so much VETTIX and all of the donors that made our trip possible. We had a wonderful Disneyland vacation! It was great catching up on lost time from the deployment. Especially grateful are my two girls as they were able to fill their autograph books with Disney characters and meet every princess at the park because we were there for four full days. My wife Lindsey wants to thank VETTIX and all the donors as well as she was able to meet the Disney character she never got to meet as a child, Mary Poppins! I can't thank you enough for fulfilling our wish. It was an experience that we will never forget.
- Steven

My name is SSgt Luke Jones and I am currently deployed. I have a lifelong dream to take my wife and my parents to see a Vikings game in Minnesota. We are HUGE Vikings fans and it would be a dream come true. Since I was a child I've always wanted to beat the drum or blow the horn before the game. November 24 is my wife's birthday and I would love to take her to the November 26 Sunday Night game vs the Green Bay Packers. March of last year my brother passed away unexpectedly and at the one year mark I was deploying. It has been a rough year on my whole family and my biggest wish would be to bring smiles to my parents faces.

U.S. Air Force (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Catherine donated $100.00
- Mary donated $250.00
- Rena donated $100.00
- Jamie donated $50.00
- Jared donated $50.00
- A Generous Person donated $20.00
- A Generous Person donated $50.00
- A Generous Person donated $25.00
- Stephen donated $25.00
- A Generous Person donated $25.00
- JENNIFER donated $55.00
- Wayne donated $50.00

I am CW3 Dennis White, a member of the Indiana National Guard with the 38th Sustainment Brigade, currently serving in Kuwait in support of several operations. I have been blessed to serve my State and this great Nation for over 23 years. I am married to Angela and have three boys Shad, Jaden and Brenner as well as a sweet girl, Brayleigh. All of my kids and especially my wife, have made countless sacrifices in order for me to serve. I have missed countless anniversaries (2 back to back these past years), birthdays, and a majority of my son's Senior year in High School. I also coach sports for my hometown school, Paul Hadley Middle School, as a lay coach and have missed this years sports teams and the ability to coach and mentor young student athletes. I really want to represent them and my family well while serving and want to take my family to Disney as a thank you for their enduring sacrifices they make so that I can do the job I love. I would love to take the family to Disney World after my deployment. The past year even for the train up has been non-stop with over 8 weeks on and off of training and now this deployment. Would love to be able to spend time with my family of 6 at Disney World. We have had to table trips because of many other time demanding events and need some away time as a family. It would be a true privilege to receive this Wish of 6, 5 day Armed Forces Salute tickets in order to treat my family to a well deserved get away. Thank you for your consideration and thank you for supporting this who serve.

U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Cory donated $20.00
- Will donated $100.00
- Brian donated $100.00
- Mandy donated $100.00
- Brad and Connie donated $50.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
We cannot say "Thank You" enough thanks to the generosity of the six specific donors that made this much needed trip a reality. We were blessed to spend a week reacquainting and relaxing with one another. It was especially great to celebrate the Christmas season at the happiest place on Earth. Again, thank you just does not say enough of how much we appreciate this opportunity. Dennis White and family.
- Dennis

My name is SGT Bruce Messer. I am born and raised in Ohio and have always been a Buckeyes fan. I've never in my life been to a game in person. I've always dreamed of going to a game and of course the ultimate game would be against our biggest rival. I have friends I would love to take. I'm a disabled veteran of combat and can't work. I am married with 6 children. 4 of which are still in school and two that have graduated, one that is engaged to be married. I live off of disability and SSI, and my wife works full time to make sure we have extra cash after bills. We focus all of our funds to bills and our kids so buying tickets is out of the question for me.

U.S. Army (Severely Wounded Veteran)
2005 - 2014
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Shannon in Honor of Edward "Pete" Gabriel, US Army, deceased donated $200.00
- Alex donated $30.00
- Ben donated $20.00
- Joseph in Honor of Blue donated $100.00
- Jacob in Honor of David Roldan Sr donated $20.00
- Sidney donated $20.00
- ANDREW donated $50.00
- John donated $10.00
- Ken in Honor of Bo Schembechler donated $20.00
- Rebecca donated $50.00
- Erin donated $50.00
- A Generous Person donated $5.00
- Christy in Honor of Bud Fink, former tank commander in WWII donated $925.00

My Name is Capt. Kevin Ashley. I am in the Alabama Army National Guard of the 208th CBRN Company. I am married (Krista Ashley) with two children (Anna Klaire Ashley -12, Carson Ashley - 10). Both my children are huge Harry Potter fans. I would like the opportunity to share in their love for Harry Potter by taking them to Universal Studios Orlando for three days during their fall break in October of 2018.

U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
- William donated $50.00
- LTC Grant donated $30.00
- Ryan in Honor of Andrew Bernstel donated $20.00
This Hero has not yet filled out a thank you message.

My name is SSG Joseph Weghorst. I'm in the Army with 12 years of service, I'm on my 4th deployment, 3 to Iraq and 1 to Afghanistan. This deployment I am in Iraq and have been away for 5 months, prior to this I did one 15 month tour to Iraq, and 12 to Iraq and Afghanistan. I joined the Army when my kids were 5 and 3 and have spent all four of my deployments away from them. This year is my daughters senior year of High School and I have missed it, but should be home just in time for her graduation and would like to take her to Disney after graduation and before college. For block leave prior to this deployment I was suppose to take her to Disney, but my mother tested positive for breast cancer so we cancelled our Disney trip and visited my mother.

U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
- william donated $20.00
- Jose donated $100.00
- Mark donated $25.00
- Christy donated $200.00
- Sharon donated $100.00
- Scott donated $10.00
- James donated $25.00
- Thomas donated $100.00
- A Generous Person donated $100.00
- Robert donated $10.00
- Bryan donated $10.00
- Samuel donated $10.00
- Shannon in Honor of LTC Mike Revit, deployed now donated $10.00
- A Generous Person donated $10.00
- Janet in Honor of Specialist William D. Hatcher. donated $10.00
- Martin donated $25.00
- Matthew donated $25.00
- Rusty donated $25.00
- David donated $285.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Me and my family can not thank everyone enough for the opportunity that was provided to us. It meant so much for all of us to spend this time together at Disney World. My daughter has wanted to go to Disney for years and for me to be able to return from Iraq and take her there on her first break from school will be a lifetime memory for our whole family. I really can't thank you enough.
- Joseph

I am Chief Petty Officer Christopher Fisk and have been in the Navy for 12 years. I have a beautiful family of 6. My wife Hannah and my children Heaven, Italia, Derek, and Maddox. I recently just got back from my deployment to Iraq and Kuwait. This past deployment was the hardest one to date since I deployed when my youngest son was just 3 months old. My wife had to take care of three children plus a newborn all by herself during my deployment. We just recently moved to Florida from California and the children are having a hard time making friends at their new schools and also getting adjusted. Since I have been back from deployment our family has not been able to spend quality time together due to our PCS among other things. It would mean everything to my family to be blessed with this and we would love to experience the magical moments Disney World has to offer. A trip to Disney World would be the ultimate blessing for our family as it allows us to spend quality time together and reconnect. Please consider this request as you would be making a true impact in our lives and we would be forever grateful. Thank you in advance and God bless.

U.S. Navy (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Roger donated $100.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Donors, Thank you so much for the donations to make our family Hero's Wish come true. My family was so surprised at the tickets they were overcome with joy. My wife and children were so excited. The first day we went to animal kingdom followed by Epcot, Magic Kingdom, and Hollywood Studios. We had so much fun and trying to save some money to go back in the future. It gave me the opportunity to reconnect with my family after my deployment and pcs move. The quality time with my wife and children was priceless and I am so grateful for your kindness. Everyday we were exhausted because we walked so much that allowed us to do so many things. This time it was awesome being exhausted because it was so much fun. Thank you for caring about veterans and the troops and just know that your donation made such a wonderful impact on this family!
- Christopher

My name is SFC John C. Thomas. I was severely wounded in Iraq 2003 when a car bomb hit the police station where I served. Thankfully, I was able to continue to serve for another 9 years until my retirement in 2014. I find it a privilege to have been able to serve my country for over 2 decades. My hope is to watch the New England Patriots in our home state of Tennessee. The Patriots play the Tennessee Titans on Veterans' Day 2018. I have been waiting for this opportunity to share with my wife for many years. We have 2 young daughters and do not get much time just to ourselves. This would be such a pleasure for the 2 of us.

U.S. Army (Severely Wounded Veteran)
1988 - 2014
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Pam in Honor of Grover E “Van†Chandler donated $50.00
- Chris donated $50.00
- A Generous Person donated $100.00
- A Generous Person donated $50.00
- Kevin in Honor of Brendan Smith donated $10.00
- American Crusade donated $1,090.00

My name is Susan Jaenke, I am a Gold Star mother. My daughter HM2 Jaime S Jaenke, my daughter was KIA, 06/05/2006. Her Sea Bee group was sent out to clean up schools and hospitals. She was a Corpsman with MNCB25. She was killed in Anbar Providence on June 5th 2006. A series of Daisies went off under her HumVee killing her and the Driver. Jaime was the first female from Iowa to be killed in combat. She served both Navy and Marines. Since my daughters death we have had our vehicles repossessed and because there is no help for guardians I lost my house. Jaime had a daughter Kayla and I was gifted with raising her and if you know anything about children being raised by non parents but by Guardians you know that we lived on a shoe string. Kayla is now 21 and in college and working toward the medical field as was her Mom. She wants to work in Head traumas and brain injuries. She attends EIU. During the years after she passed, with the help of then Congressman Latham, we helped add muscle to the Sailors and Soldiers act, and changed the wording to the gratuity putting the control back into our warriors hands. The wording was changed and that change made the Warrior's wishes mandatory instead of the government wishes. My wish is to go to Disney World in Orlando, Fl.

U.S. Navy (Family of KIA)
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Shannon in Honor of Aunt Mardelle Singer, (dec'd) Marine donated $50.00
- Timothy in Honor of US Seabees donated $5.00
- Robert in Honor of Seabees donated $10.00
- Dale in Honor of Rick Romaine donated $50.00
- Patti donated $10.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you so much for for the Disney passes. Our first day at Disney was on Jaimes Birthday. Walking around Epcot seeing the sites and thinking of Jaime made it a perfect day. Warm, sunny, perfect. The following days the fun of Disney were relaxing. Thank you so much Vet Tix. Thank you so much donors for this wonderful week. Thank you thank you from this Gold Star Mom and this Navy Viet Nam Vet!
- Susan

(Displaying results 231 through 240 of 622)
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