Past Hero's Wishes
Hello everyone, My name is Petty Officer Zachary Kappler and I am the loving husband to my beautiful wife Rachelle with 4 amazing kids. We are all active duty in the Coast Guard. As most of you know we miss most holidays, birthdays, and almost everything import. This year and last year I missed the holidays due to deployment. I would love to surprise them and take them all to Disney World upon my return. As most of you know Disney is quite expensive and it would be a dream come true to take them all on a five day park pass excursion. I know nothing can replace missed birthdays and holidays, but Disney comes close for kids. Anything helps and the smile upon my wife and kids faces would be priceless. Thank you for your time and kind hearts! Love the Kappler
U.S. Coast Guard (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • A Generous Person donated $100.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you so much for helping my family have the trip of a lifetime! It was so amazing to spend much needed quality time as a family. You have helped us create memories and smiles to last a lifetime! Words can not express are gratitude! Sincerely, The Kapplers
- Zachary
Disney World For Family (5-day park hopper passes)
My name is Technical Sergeant Bradley Clott. I have served in the Air Force for over 8 years and I will be returning home soon from my 2nd deployment. I would love to take my wife Holly to see Hamilton. My wish is for 2 tickets to see Hamilton at the Kentucky Center in Louisville KY. Show runs June 4 2019 - June 23 2019. Any date would work, weekends are preferred due to child care. She is so deserving of a wonderful night out after single handedly raising our daughter, taking care of the house and caring for our beloved dog Lucky on her own these past six months. This would be a nice event after missing most of the Holidays. Thank you!.
U.S. Air Force (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • A Generous Person donated $25.00
  • A Generous Person donated $15.00
  • Gregory donated $5.00
  • Richard donated $50.00
This Hero has not yet filled out a thank you message.
Hamilton at the Kentucky Center in Louisville KY
My name is ITC Earl Nida. I am currently serving on a deployment to the Middle East on several ships providing security for MSC ships. I will return home in the spring to my family and would like to be able to take the family to Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida fall of 2019 for the opening of Galaxy's Edge. I have a family of 7 (myself, my wife, 4 daughters, and my son.). My daughters are 17, 15, 12, 10, and my son will be 3 in December.
U.S. Navy (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Juan donated $20.00
  • Gregory donated $5.00
  • A Generous Person donated $25.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
THANK YOU so much for the tickets for my family to attend Walt Disney World! I could not afford that and it was an awesome time to reconnect with my family after being gone for a year mobilization. The girls had such an awesome time. Besides my wife, it was a first time visiting WDW for all of us. It was definitely a great time to build memories, and experience the fun of Disney. To the 4 donors; your generosity is fabulous. I could not thank you enough. Looking at the cost to buy one ticket was huge so I SOOOO appreciate the love and generosity that was showed to my family.
- Earl
Disney World Park Hopper passes for my family
My name is SPC Justin Cox. I just returned home from my 4th Overseas deployment. This last deployment was in Iraq . I was gone for 11 months. During this time I missed all birthdays and holidays with my family. I have a wife and 3 daughters, Trinity is 13, Aubrey is 9, and Kylie is 8. I have missed many moments of happiness and would love to see the look on their faces on a family vacation to Disney World. We would need 5 tickets for our family to be able to attend this together. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my experience.
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Regina donated $20.00
  • A Generous Person donated $15.00
  • A Generous Person donated $10.00
  • Jon donated $50.00
  • Shannon donated $10.00
  • Robert donated $5.00
  • MICHAEL donated $5.00
  • A Generous Person donated $5.00
  • Amber donated $40.00
  • Deanna donated $100.00
  • SFCFred donated $60.00
  • Debe donated $50.00
  • William donated $20.00
  • Douglas donated $50.00
  • Otto F in Honor of Otto F. Kroger donated $20.00
  • David donated $20.00
  • Glenn donated $10.00
  • Glenn donated $10.00
  • Gregory donated $5.00
  • A Generous Person donated $45.00
  • Francis donated $100.00
  • John in Honor of Jim Fous donated $25.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you so much for this opportunity!
- Justin
Disney World Dreams
My name is CWO3 Damien Wieland. I am currently on my 11th deployment in the Navy where I have proudly served for almost 20 years. Despite only one shore duty thus far, I maintain that the Navy has been fantastic for my family which is why we continue to serve while sacrificing precious family time in the name of freedom. Through years of service, multiple deployments and a number of extended TDY's my incredible family has missed my presence during countless birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas' and other meaningful events. My wife has sacrificed the most yet continues to be the lighthouse this Sailor depends on. With multiple PCS moves and a complete lack of stability I consider myself both blessed and fortunate to have a loving and understanding support system at home; we are all proud patriots of this great country. That said, it would be amazing to be able to put huge smiles on my families faces with a dream come true vacation to Disney World. Disney holds a special place in my kids' life as, when home, we sit down as a family for Disney movie nights when able and the memories from a once in a lifetime vacation to Disney World would be the icing on the cake to them. I would personally be ecstatic to share that the kind people of the world recognized their sacrifices and wanted them to have a dream come true vacation to spend time with mommy, daddy, and all of their Disney heroes. Thank you so much in advance for kindness and consideration to this loving and appreciative family. We are all proud to serve and will continue to do so for many more years to come!
U.S. Navy (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Madeline donated $700.00
  • Raymond donated $600.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
A dream come true family vacation is the exact way I would describe our trip. Thank you Vet Tix and the Hero's Wish coordinators for all the work that goes into this amazing program and opportunity. As a service member who will hit 20 years of service this August I have nothing but gratitude for what the military has done for myself and the life my family and I are afforded. The time away from the family is truly the only hard part of serving and it was incredible to be gifted these lifelong memories. My kids, five and seven years old, had the time of their lives. Above all else, they were most excited to be at Disney World as a family. The memories will surely last a lifetime. My son and I have spent hours sword fighting (souvenirs he chose), my daughter and I made secret hand shakes while waiting for rides and my wife (who as a military spouse, the hardest job of all) was able to take off a few of her hats, unwind and relax while just being a mother. We enjoyed our time together so much and are forever grateful to have been given this experience. A special thank you to Madeline and Raymond, our angel donors, whose selflessly generous donations will never be forgotten. On behalf of my family, thank you!
- Damien
Post-deployment Disney World Park Hopper Plus for a dream come true family vacation
My name is MSgt Ashley Shatkus, My husband and I were both deployed last year, while our 3 kids were watched over by my mom. My two older children are big soccer players and our family are huge supporters of the Chelsea soccer team. We learned that they will be playing a match at Gillette Stadium this May, and I would LOVE to be able to take my kids to watch their favorite team compete, as the likelihood of us making it to England as a family of 5 is pretty slim. I would love to get them as close to the action as possible to their favorite team and being able to create this memory with them will be something to cherish. With us being away for a little over 6 months, I feel we have so many memories to catch up on.
U.S. Air Force (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Bernard donated $20.00
  • Jessica donated $2.00
  • Amy donated $20.00
  • Eglin donated $10.00
  • Lance in Honor of PFC Amy Sinkler KIA 20JAN2011 OEF10-11 donated $10.00
  • A Generous Person donated $25.00
  • Valentin donated $20.00
  • A Generous Person donated $10.00
  • Robert donated $10.00
  • Jeff donated $25.00
  • Edward donated $10.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you so much to everyone who donated. The kids were so surprised and they had the best time.
- Ashley
Attending Chelsea Soccer Match at Gillette Stadium
My name is LTJG Richardson and I just returned home from deployment on USS Arleigh Burke. Overall, I have been out to sea over 300 days in the last year and a half on three different ships. My incredible wife has held down the fort on the home front, taking care of our amazing children, giving birth to #5 on her own along the way. My family has been so strong through this time and I would like to thank them with a trip to Disney World during their spring break from April 8-12. My kids are aged 8, 6, 4, 2 and 7 months. This would be a wonderful gift tot hem to show them how much I appreciate their sacrifice. I am only requesting 4 tickets, as the younger two would be free and we can get the fifth ticket on our own. Thank you so much for your kindness and generosity.
U.S. Navy (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Debe donated $25.00
  • A Generous Person donated $25.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you to all those who came together to provide this amazing, generous gift to my family. We had a wonderful four days at Disney World. We got to defeat the Evil Zurg, fight Darth Vader after training with a Jedi master, dance with Belle (my wife Jenn is my Belle) and ride on a lot of fun rides. I loved taking my older kids on the big roller coasters and seeing their faces of fear and excitement all at once. It was a lot of work taking five kids on vacation, but we will look back on this with fond memories. I have had to be away from my family a significant amount of time the last few years and there have been many challenges. I have missed countless milestones, holidays and birthdays. My wife has given birth to our last two children without me. This trip was a fabulous way for us to celebrate daddy finally being home.
- Terrel
Post Deployment Family Disney World Trip
My name is Cpt. Christopher Clark. I've been in the Army for almost 13 years and I am proud to be a part of it. I will be returning from deployment (my family's first) with Montana's 495th in a few months and we would love to take a little time at Disneyland. With a six year old thrill seeking son and a four year old princess, we can't think of a better place to reconnect as a family. All signs point to one of mine and my wife's favorite places - Disneyland. I would like 3-day Disneyland tickets for a family of four post-deployment.
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Priscilla donated $50.00
  • Aya donated $25.00
  • A Generous Person donated $50.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you so much for the amazing family trip to Disneyland. Because of your generosity, our family was able to reunite in a relaxing and fun way without the pressures that often come. We will have souvenirs and memories to last a life time! Thanks again for everything, Chris and Family
- Christopher
Disneyland for a family of four!
My name is SFC Jorge Vasquez Jr. I am an Infantryman in the US Army and have been serving for 13 years. I am currently on the downhill slope of my 3rd deployment. Over the past 13 years, between deployments and pre-deployment field time, I have been away from my family for more than four years, but this deployment has been the toughest. My children are at the age where they know Daddy is working away from home, but not exactly sure why. Every time I talk to my 4yr old he asks me "Dad, how many more hours until you come home". They miss me terribly and I miss them the same. Although being a Soldier and serving OUR Country is my greatest honor, the hardest part is leaving my family. My wife, Tiffany, is my rock who provides the support I need to do what I do for our family. She is an unbelievable woman who maintains our household and takes care of our five children, Abigail-10, Gabriel-9, Ethan-6, Luke-4, and Andrew-2. She does it all with minimal support and while enrolled in college. My wife and I do our best to provide our children with unforgettable memories with road trips to see our families in Arizona and Texas respectively. I would like to make a Hero's Wish to request (6) Disney World 4-day park hopper tickets for my family so we could make the biggest and best memory so far. Thank you for your consideration, God Bless!
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Samuel donated $15.00
  • David donated $1,585.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
I would like to thank Vet Tix and donors for fulfilling my Hero's Wish and sending my family and I to Disney World! We enjoyed every minute and took advantage of some well-deserved family time after my deployment. Taking five children to Disney World can be a difficult challenge to plan and prepare for both mentally and financially. With Vet Tix's Hero's Wish, it was significantly easier to plan knowing that I was fortunate enough to be granted this opportunity. My wife and I were able to focus on our children and making this trip a family focused event. I know my wife and children will never forget this trip and neither will I. Thank you again! God Bless!
- Jorge
Post Deployment Family Trip to Disney World
My name is Maj Andrew Kearl and I just returned from my ninth deployment. Between deployments and numerous TDYs I'm often away from my wife and young two children. Considering how much my family love everything Disney, I can't think of a better way to reunite with them and make up for the lost time than by enjoying a family trip to Disney World. Additionally our son has Autism so normal family trips can be difficult but given his interest for Disney (he's often on his tablet watching other people's posted videos of Disney World rides), I know this would be a trip he would love. Thank you for making this wish a reality and God Bless.
U.S. Air Force (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • A Generous Person donated $1,200.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Our family trip would not be complete without expressing our sincere thanks and gratitude to the donors who made our Disney family vacation wish a reality. We're at the very end of our family trip (we leave for home tomorrow...sniff) and we would not have had this wonderful experience if it hadn't been for Vet Tix and all those who support it. Thanks again from this service member and God Bless!
- Andrew
Post-deployment family trip to Disney World
(Displaying results 211 through 220 of 622)
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