Past Hero's Wishes
My name is LTJG Richardson and I just returned home from deployment on USS Arleigh Burke. Overall, I have been out to sea over 300 days in the last year and a half on three different ships. My incredible wife has held down the fort on the home front, taking care of our amazing children, giving birth to #5 on her own along the way. My family has been so strong through this time and I would like to thank them with a trip to Disney World during their spring break from April 8-12. My kids are aged 8, 6, 4, 2 and 7 months. This would be a wonderful gift tot hem to show them how much I appreciate their sacrifice. I am only requesting 4 tickets, as the younger two would be free and we can get the fifth ticket on our own. Thank you so much for your kindness and generosity.
U.S. Navy (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Debe donated $25.00
  • A Generous Person donated $25.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you to all those who came together to provide this amazing, generous gift to my family. We had a wonderful four days at Disney World. We got to defeat the Evil Zurg, fight Darth Vader after training with a Jedi master, dance with Belle (my wife Jenn is my Belle) and ride on a lot of fun rides. I loved taking my older kids on the big roller coasters and seeing their faces of fear and excitement all at once. It was a lot of work taking five kids on vacation, but we will look back on this with fond memories. I have had to be away from my family a significant amount of time the last few years and there have been many challenges. I have missed countless milestones, holidays and birthdays. My wife has given birth to our last two children without me. This trip was a fabulous way for us to celebrate daddy finally being home.
- Terrel
Post Deployment Family Disney World Trip
My name is Cpt. Christopher Clark. I've been in the Army for almost 13 years and I am proud to be a part of it. I will be returning from deployment (my family's first) with Montana's 495th in a few months and we would love to take a little time at Disneyland. With a six year old thrill seeking son and a four year old princess, we can't think of a better place to reconnect as a family. All signs point to one of mine and my wife's favorite places - Disneyland. I would like 3-day Disneyland tickets for a family of four post-deployment.
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Priscilla donated $50.00
  • Aya donated $25.00
  • A Generous Person donated $50.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you so much for the amazing family trip to Disneyland. Because of your generosity, our family was able to reunite in a relaxing and fun way without the pressures that often come. We will have souvenirs and memories to last a life time! Thanks again for everything, Chris and Family
- Christopher
Disneyland for a family of four!
My name is SFC Jorge Vasquez Jr. I am an Infantryman in the US Army and have been serving for 13 years. I am currently on the downhill slope of my 3rd deployment. Over the past 13 years, between deployments and pre-deployment field time, I have been away from my family for more than four years, but this deployment has been the toughest. My children are at the age where they know Daddy is working away from home, but not exactly sure why. Every time I talk to my 4yr old he asks me "Dad, how many more hours until you come home". They miss me terribly and I miss them the same. Although being a Soldier and serving OUR Country is my greatest honor, the hardest part is leaving my family. My wife, Tiffany, is my rock who provides the support I need to do what I do for our family. She is an unbelievable woman who maintains our household and takes care of our five children, Abigail-10, Gabriel-9, Ethan-6, Luke-4, and Andrew-2. She does it all with minimal support and while enrolled in college. My wife and I do our best to provide our children with unforgettable memories with road trips to see our families in Arizona and Texas respectively. I would like to make a Hero's Wish to request (6) Disney World 4-day park hopper tickets for my family so we could make the biggest and best memory so far. Thank you for your consideration, God Bless!
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Samuel donated $15.00
  • David donated $1,585.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
I would like to thank Vet Tix and donors for fulfilling my Hero's Wish and sending my family and I to Disney World! We enjoyed every minute and took advantage of some well-deserved family time after my deployment. Taking five children to Disney World can be a difficult challenge to plan and prepare for both mentally and financially. With Vet Tix's Hero's Wish, it was significantly easier to plan knowing that I was fortunate enough to be granted this opportunity. My wife and I were able to focus on our children and making this trip a family focused event. I know my wife and children will never forget this trip and neither will I. Thank you again! God Bless!
- Jorge
Post Deployment Family Trip to Disney World
My name is Maj Andrew Kearl and I just returned from my ninth deployment. Between deployments and numerous TDYs I'm often away from my wife and young two children. Considering how much my family love everything Disney, I can't think of a better way to reunite with them and make up for the lost time than by enjoying a family trip to Disney World. Additionally our son has Autism so normal family trips can be difficult but given his interest for Disney (he's often on his tablet watching other people's posted videos of Disney World rides), I know this would be a trip he would love. Thank you for making this wish a reality and God Bless.
U.S. Air Force (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • A Generous Person donated $1,200.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Our family trip would not be complete without expressing our sincere thanks and gratitude to the donors who made our Disney family vacation wish a reality. We're at the very end of our family trip (we leave for home tomorrow...sniff) and we would not have had this wonderful experience if it hadn't been for Vet Tix and all those who support it. Thanks again from this service member and God Bless!
- Andrew
Post-deployment family trip to Disney World
My name is Capt Harold "Joe" Gotwald. I am active duty Air Force and am currently deployed until January. My wife has been with me my whole Air Force journey these past 9 years. This is my first deployment and my wife is at home holding down the fort with our 3 very active kids Evie (5), Lily (3), and Jack (2). It will be our 10 year anniversary next fall and she tells me our daughters are obsessed with playing Disney Princess and my son is fanatical with all things Mickey Mouse. This deployment has been difficult for my family. It would be amazing to treat her and my three kids to a trip to Disney World this coming March to make up for all of the birthdays, holidays, appointments, play times, and tea parties I've missed. I am asking for 4 tickets for 5 days of Disney World magic, it would mean the world to my family. Thank you
U.S. Air Force (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Laurine donated $20.00
  • Dusty donated $20.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
I cannot thank Vet Tix and the many donors enough for the wonderful Disney World 5-Day Park Hopper Passes! There were so many delightful memories made in the most magical place on earth thanks to the generous donations from the donors. Some of these include seeing my son Jack visibly shake with excitement when he first saw Mickey Mouse stop by our table at dinner. Or hearing my daughters Evie and Lily laugh with delight while riding the Seven Dwarfs Mine train roller coaster. Or meeting the real Disney princesses while traveling around EPCOTs World Showcase. Or all 5 of us walking from one ride to another singing the Tiki Room song. And even just all of us enjoying an ice cream while watching the fireworks at the end of the day"¦ I wish I could add more pictures to show how much fun my family and I had together. Thank you for making my wish come true.
- Harold
A Trip to Disney World - 5-Day Park Hopper Passes
My name Is Sgt. Zac Rand of the United States Army. In November of 2011 my convoy was struck by an IED causing myself and another soldier to be MED-EVACED on site. I suffered a Traumatic Brain injury that has lead to other issues such as anxiety, sporadic migraines, PTSD etc. For the longest time especially after being separated from the Army, I felt completely lost.. that is until I turned to helping others with disabilities. In early 2017 I met a gentleman by the name of Gabriel Gadson, Gabriel suffers from Cerebral Palsy, but like myself he does not let any sort of disability stop him. We both share the common love and passion for basketball and it would be my ultimate dream come true to be able to go to a game and share an awesome experience. It has been my dream since a little kid to watch the Phoenix Suns play court side against my all time favorite team the CHICAGO BULLS! Thank you to each and everyone of you who take the time out of your day to review my wish. Thank you Vet Tix and all those with kind hearts that take the time to review my wish. God bless.
U.S. Army (Severely Wounded Veteran)
2009 - 2014
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Paul donated $100.00
  • Rick donated $150.00
  • A Generous Person donated $50.00
  • Rochelle donated $100.00
  • Jeanne donated $50.00
  • Mark donated $50.00
  • A Generous Person donated $50.00
  • Brian donated $450.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
First and foremost, wow I would like to thank everyone who made this experience possible. The game was amazing and definitely an experience I will never forget. I got to meet my all time favorite player to cap off the night. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all those who made those possible. God bless you all
- Zach
PHOENIX Suns Courtside experience
My name is SGT Derrick Watson. For my first deployment, I had to leave my wife and one month old son behind. Not only is it hard on me, but it is hard on my wife, especially being a first time mother to our newborn son. Although my son will not remember everything that is going on right now, I want to make it up to both of them for having to go through the struggle alone. My wife deserves a break and some relaxation after this deployment is through. I am asking for our potentially last ever chance to see George Strait live in concert at the Houston Rodeo. He is bound to retire any day now. I have personally never seen him in concert, but my wife has, and absolutely loves him! We also both love rodeos, and anything outdoors! It would truly be an honor to my family and I to get a chance to see him, and to experience the Houston Rodeo together as a family. Thank you everyone and anyone that may support my wish. Thank you VET TIX for this opportunity, and the support you give us soldiers. It is truly appreciated. This will hopefully give my little family the relaxation and break from everyday life they deserve!
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Brian in Honor of CMS Roy J. Ripp donated $50.00
  • CAROLINE donated $20.00
  • A Generous Person donated $1,430.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
I want to say thank you so much for the donations we received to fulfill my wish! My family absolutely enjoyed the time together with the king of country music! Even my 8 month old son was dancing and singing! It was definitely a relaxing and eventful trip together after a long deployment. Thank you again for all that y'all do for your service members!
- Derrick
Post deployment George Strait at the Houston Rodeo
Hi, My name is Andrew Baker and I am currently serving in the Air Force. I left my family to go to Afghanistan for 6 months and would really love to reward them by taking them on a Disney World vacation after having to adjust and live life while I was gone. My wife fostered two other children along with having our three while I was gone and I would love to be able to take her on the vacation of her dreams. After being gone for such time I feel this would be the perfect getaway to bond again with my family and have some much needed rest. Thank you for your consideration in helping me give my family their dream.
U.S. Air Force (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Theresa donated $20.00
  • Gordon donated $10.00
  • Dean donated $20.00
  • A Generous Person donated $25.00
  • Rudy donated $200.00
  • Rudy donated $200.00
  • Jeannie donated $20.00
  • A Generous Person donated $30.00
  • Wayne donated $20.00
  • A Generous Person donated $20.00
  • A Generous Person donated $10.00
  • Shannon in Honor of Aunt Jean (Singer) Lawhead, Navy RN donated $10.00
  • Samuel donated $10.00
  • A Generous Person donated $15.00
  • Paul donated $10.00
  • A Generous Person donated $50.00
  • A Generous Person donated $20.00
  • Tracy donated $25.00
  • A Generous Person donated $10.00
  • A Generous Person donated $10.00
  • James donated $10.00
  • Ryan donated $20.00
  • A Generous Person donated $15.00
  • GARY donated $20.00
  • Jennifer in Honor of Matthew Ryan Hanson donated $100.00
  • Keshia donated $20.00
  • Lee in Honor of Triple "M" donated $50.00
  • Todd donated $50.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
My family and I are so grateful for this opportunity that we were given to go on a family vacation after a rough time apart. Thank you to everyone that donated the financial means for us to be able to do this. It was definitely a bonding experience we will never forget.
- Andrew
Post Deployment Disney World Trip!
My name is Thomas Hopkins. I am a Master Sergeant in the United States Air Force. As I prepare to return home from a six month deployment, I'd love the opportunity to treat my family to a performance of the Broadway musical, Hamilton. My devoted wife, my selfless mother, who lives with us, and our two daughters, ages 15 and 12, have sacrificed a lot over the course of my 19-year military career. My girls have wanted to see Hamilton since the production opened in 2015. Unfortunately, tickets are in high demand, and difficult to obtain. My wife, mother, and daughters are my heroes, and although I can't make up for all the missed holidays, birthdays, and special occasions, I humbly request this opportunity to show my appreciation for all they have endured in service to our great nation. My Heroes Wish is for five theater tickets, to accommodate all the members of my family, living in my household; my wife, mother, two daughters, and myself. I will be home and available by February 8, 2019, and will be grateful for any performance date thereafter.
U.S. Air Force (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • A Generous Person donated $20.00
  • Troy in Honor of Troy Turner donated $25.00
  • A Generous Person donated $25.00
  • Erik donated $5.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Many thanks to VetTix and to all the donors who make this very special program possible. I can't imagine how much effort goes into making each Hero's Wish a reality, but I do know it is sincerely appreciated. My family and I had an amazing time seeing Hamilton on Broadway. The performance exceeded all expectations, and I'm positive we'll remember the experience for many years. Thank you again VetTix, keep up the great work.
- Tom
Hamilton on Broadway
I am a member of the Ohio Army National Guard that was called up to active duty shortly after our wedding and deployed over our first wedding anniversary. My wife and I have been together going on five years now, she is my best friend and the love of my life. This was my second deployment but it was her first. She handled all of life's speed bumps while I was deployed and id it with a smile. She managed a new home, our son, finances for both of us, and all of this while also working a stressful full time job. When I returned home I went almost immediately right back to work and life just never allowed us to do anything to celebrate our marriage or even the first anniversary of our vows. She is an amazing woman and HUGE country music fan. I would love to give her tickets to either Luke Combs or Chris Young. I don't think anything I could ever do or say would ever fully show how much I truly love and appreciate everything she does to allow me to do what I do. We live in Columbus Oh and type of extended travel would be out of the question with our son back in school. Luke Combs will be in Columbus come February and she would love to be able to go, and if it's possible get to meet Luke. From the bottom of my heart I would appreciate any help in making this happen for her.
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • VetTixer in Honor of Elizabet Lindner and Freddie Schwartz donated $20.00
This Hero has not yet filled out a thank you message.
Luke Combs’ Beer Never Broke My Heart Tour
(Displaying results 201 through 210 of 606)
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