Past Hero's Wishes
My name is Sgt Victor Perez. I comeback from a year deployment on Oct 2019. I would like to take my family to Disney World to have a great time after being away them for a full year. We are a family of 3, and my family means everything for me. We are big fans of Disney and my daughter will be very happy if I can take her there this Christmas.

U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
- A Generous Person donated $50.00
- Jose donated $25.00
- Derrek donated $25.00
- Thomas donated $50.00
- Lee donated $25.00
- Ayesha donated $50.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:

My name is SSG Larry Schwab. I met my wife in Texas 31 years ago in 1988. I was stationed at Ft. Hood Texas 2nd armor Division. We had tickets to go to see George Strait in Temple Texas and had been dating for about 3 months. On our way to the Concert my girlfriend and I realized that we were in love and both wanted to get married immediately. We never did make it to the George Strait concert. Please know that we have no regrets. We would have traded anything to be together forever. We became so busy with raising seven children one handicapped And in 1990 being sent to Desert Shield which turned into desert storm and then being wounded in a mine field just inside Kuwait. I was awarded the Purple Heart but could no longer serve. We never got the chance to see George Strait. We've always wanted to, But never got the chance. Our handicapped son was born with Pradre Willie Syndrome He is now 26 and was declared a helpless child by the VA and will live with us his whole life. In 2016 I suffered a widow maker heart attack and now have to carry nitro with me. My wife Debbie and I would still very much like to see George Straight in concert. We are sure that if we don't get to see him soon we never will. It would mean the world to us as that is where we were headed when our life together started. "ŽSat "Ž24 "ŽAug, "Ž2019 - "Ž8"Ž:"Ž00"Ž "ŽPM George Strait 08.24 - Troubadour with Ashley McBryde T-Mobile Arena, Las Vegas NV Thank you and God Bless!

U.S. Army (Severely Wounded Veteran)
1979 - 1991
Wish Fulfilled By:
- A Generous Person donated $42.00
- Kristin donated $100.00
- Joseph in Honor of Nicholas DeLorenzo donated $50.00
- A Generous Person donated $40.00
- Deborah donated $20.00
- Hayward donated $50.00
- A Generous Person donated $100.00
- A Generous Person donated $10.00
- Anson donated $20.00
- A Generous Person donated $10.00
- Steven donated $50.00
- A Generous Person donated $20.00
- Kim donated $100.00
- Richard or Emily donated $5.00
- A Generous Person donated $20.00
- Danielle donated $30.00
- A Generous Person donated $10.00
- Victoria donated $15.00
- Rebecca in Honor of All my brothers and sisters I’ve lost donated $108.00
- A Generous Person donated $10.00
- A Generous Person donated $10.00
- Juliana in Honor of All Fellow Gulf War Veterans donated $15.00
- A Generous Person donated $55.99
- laura donated $10.00
- A Generous Person donated $50.00
- A Generous Person donated $10.00
- Gregory donated $25.00
- Michael donated $100.00
- Laura donated $50.00
- Heath donated $300.00
- A Generous Person donated $40.00
- Michael donated $324.01
- Teresa donated $20.00
- audrey in Honor of SSGT Bolet donated $20.00
- Charles donated $260.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
My wife, Handicapped son and I are so very grateful. The gift of this show has; And will continue to effect me and my family positively for the rest of our lives. I am so overwhelmed with Gratitude. Let me just say from the very bottom of my heart,Thank You, Thank you and God Bless you. I am so forever grateful to Vet-Tix and all of the wonderful donors. I will never forget you! Anonymous, Kristin, Joseph, Deborah, Hayward, Anson, Steven, Kim, Richard, Danielle, Victoria, Rebecca, Laura, Gregory, Michael, Laura, Michael ,Teresa, Audrey Charles The Schwab Family
- Larry

Hi everyone, I'm currently on my first deployment in Djibouti, Africa getting ready to head home after a long 13 months. When I left home my niece she was three and now she just celebrated her fifth birthday and started kindergarten. We love Disneyland and it would be awesome to be able to make up for two missed birthdays with her favorite Disney princess. I never realized how much you could miss your family!!

U.S. Navy (Veteran)
2011 - 2019
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Gina donated $5.00
- Tony donated $25.00
- Robert donated $10.00
- Renee donated $20.00
- Susan donated $50.00
- Teresa donated $20.00
- James donated $20.00
- Crystal in Honor of Hailey Zuvers donated $20.00
- Danielle donated $10.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
I want to thank you everyone who helped fulfill an amazing Hero's Wish. We kept it a complete surprise for my niece Page. You can imagine her excitement when she finally figured out we were at Disneyland. We couldn't have asked for a better weekend. Weather, the lines and the rides were awesome!!! We tried 4 brand new rides!! Yay Thank you again for this awesome opportunity. Truly means the world! Petty Officer Laura Black
- Laura

My name is SPC Steven Jaime. I am currently deployed in Afghanistan. As many of you know it's beyond difficult being away from family but what has been the most difficult for me is missing moments of my boys growing up. Birthdays , holidays , you name it . I want to surprise my youngest son (my 4 year old) with a trip to Disneyland. I won't be able to make it home for his birthday but at least I can try to make it up to him with this surprise trip. Make up for loss time with my wife and our two sons.

U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Edward in Honor of All Vetrans donated $40.00
- Lawrence donated $10.00
- Allen donated $50.00
- Howard donated $25.00
- Joseph in Honor of CW2 Edward Balli (RIP) donated $250.00
- Michael donated $375.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
I would like to thank all of the donors that made this trip possible for my family and I. This trip would have never happened without you. To see the look on my children's face with excitement after finding out where we are going , it was all because of you. It was a family trip none of us will ever forget. Our youngest son is obsessed with Toy Story and believe me the gift card that we received was also a blessing because that definitely came in handy with all the toy story toys we bought with it. I just cannot thank you enough. My family and I are beyond grateful and we promise to pay it forward. Thank you again for your generosity. This trip would have never been possible with all of you. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts .
- Steven

My name is MSgt. Derek Ludlow. After almost 20 years of service and five deployments (four of those within the past six years), I will soon be retiring. Coming home from this final deployment, I would love to be able to take my family to Orlando to visit Disney World. They have sacrificed such an incredible amount with me constantly being away, missing countless holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries, this would be an incredible experience and opportunity for us to reconnect as well as celebrate our last extended absence from each other. Thank you all for your incredible generosity in helping provide this experience for my family!

U.S. Marine Corps (Veteran)
2000 - 2023
Wish Fulfilled By:
- jay donated $20.00
- Frank donated $10.00
- Amber donated $20.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Vet Tix donors, Thank you so much for your donations and making this wish possible. We had an amazing time, and it wouldn't have been possible without each of you! We are incredibly blessed and grateful for what you all have done and we thank you from the bottoms of our hearts! VetTix, Thank you for putting this all together and taking care of all the veterans you do! You have an amazing organization! Thanks to all of you as well! Everyone, thank you for supporting the men and women of our military, the veterans, and their families. It is a wonderful feeling knowing how much love and support is out there for all of us! Thank you all once again!
- Derek

Hello, My incredible wife is a huge Harry Potter fan and has been waiting for our daughter to be old enough to enjoy the Harry Potter series. We are currently reading the series as a family, taking turns sharing the magical story. I would really love to take my family to Hogwarts to experience the magic in real life at Universal Studios Hollywood. We are requesting 4 tickets for myself, my wife, my daughter, and my stepson to visit Universal Studios this fall. My daughter has a fall break from school at the end of October, which would be ideal, but we are happy for the opportunity to visit anytime in the near future. I am a combat wounded veteran that lives off a fixed income and it can be tough to make ends meet with all of life's expenses, 4 tickets out of pocket adds up to a lot of money for my family and we would be extremely grateful to have this wish granted. We are a blended family and my wife and I have worked hard to create a strong family unit with our children having a 14 year age gap. We are always finding special ways for us to enjoy family time doing something that brings each of us joy. It is very important to us that as our children grow, we share traditions and build strong family memories to hold our bond over time. Laughing and having fun at Universal Studios as a family will be something we never forget!

U.S. Marine Corps (Severely Wounded Veteran)
2004 - 2008
Wish Fulfilled By:
- ransom donated $20.00
- Eileen in Honor of All Vets who are HP fans like my son & 1 donated $50.00
- Wayne in Honor of Tom O’Shea a Bronze Star Vietnam Vet donated $430.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
I wanted to thank each donor who made this trip with my family possible. We had an incredible time at Universal Studios and it was a joy seeing my stepson and daughter run around together having a blast. It was a fun bonding experience for our family and we greatly appreciate the opportunity given to us by the donors through Veteran Tickets. My wife and daughter could have spent all day in Hogsmeade and Hogwarts, they loved the magic of it. My stepson and I really enjoyed the behind the scenes tour and getting to see behind the magic. Thank you for the memories!
- Denny

My name is Sgt Kalond Bushell. I started my military journey in 2009 with the support of my wife and first child Aja. My wife and I agreed that although I would be missing out on milestones with our daughter that sacrifice would be worth it. 10 years later I have two daughters ages fifteen and five, and a a son who is about to turn two. I missed most of the holidays with my family last year and all of their birthdays while deployed. Including my son's first birthday. I would like to surprise my family with a trip to Disneyland/California Adventure for his second birthday. Although I can't make up for all of the things that I missed, I can start making new memories as a family. We would need four 3 day park hopper tickets to Disneyland/California Adventure.

U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
- Peter donated $20.00
- Alan donated $25.00
- Lee donated $25.00
- A Generous Person donated $50.00
- A Generous Person donated $5.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
I would like to thank Peter, Alan, Lee, Marcie, Javon and the Veterans Ticket Foundation for making my wish come true. My son had a wonderful time meeting Mickey, Pluto and his favorite Lighting McQueen. Thank you for making this experience possible Vettix! This was a perfect way to start making family memories after being away and missing birthdays and holidays, we couldn't have done it without you!
- Kalond

My name is Sgt Miles, Hugh of the USMC. I am an 0341 mortarman. I have been deployed 4 times 2 combat tours and 2 tours to Okinawa. I have just gotten back from my last deployment of my career. I have 1 year left in the Marine Corps. With the fast pace of deployments and being in the infantry I have not had time to keep up with the 49ers. The last time I saw a game they were playing at candlestick park. The have recently moved to Levi stadium and a new practice facility. My wish is for me and my family to go watch a 49ers practice at there new facility then to be able to watch a game that same weekend at the new Levi stadium. I have been a die hard 49ers fan my entire life. I was able to watch their 2013 Super Bowl game while I was in Afghanistan at 3am. I stayed up all night to watch the game. It would be amazing if my wish would be granted.

U.S. Marine Corps (Veteran)
2010 - 2023

My name is SFC ROBERT CULLARS. I have a wish to support my favorite team, the Dallas Cowboys. Super wish would be to see the Cowboys/Giants Game but I'll be humble to sit and watch any game. I live in Pennsylvania and I am a true supporter of the NY Giants. Born and raised in Newark NJ this has always been my dream. I've served our country and pray for other soldiers. I had a son killed while in the US Air Force not even completely out of tech school due to a 1st SGT being double the alcohol limit. Besides that shocking trauma and disappointment I've experienced many casualties while on deployment. I have a family of 4. Recently separated in May 2018 from the Army.

U.S. Army (Severely Wounded Veteran)
2001 - 2018
Wish Fulfilled By:
- SHELLEY in Honor of YOUR SON donated $25.00
- A Generous Person donated $25.00
- A Generous Person donated $20.00
- Jacqueline in Honor of A1C Lamont Keith Cullars donated $25.00
- MONIQUE in Honor of Your Son donated $5.00
- Paul in Honor of Your Son donated $25.00
- A Generous Person donated $20.00
- Ricky in Honor of Sgt Clifton David Johnson donated $25.00
- A Generous Person donated $20.00
- Wesley donated $20.00
- Jackie donated $25.00
- Robin donated $20.00
- RAYVON donated $20.00
- Nathaniel donated $5.00

Hello my name is SSgt. Daniel Bennett. I am with the 108th Air national Guard Wing, communications flight. I came under rocket/mortar fire 43 times, a helicopter I was in was shot at and there was a suicide bomber at the gate of one of the FOBs where I was stationed. My family and I would love to be able to attend a show at the Medieval Times and enjoy the Queens Royalty Package. My family included my twins Logan and Alicia (both 14), alone with my Girlfriend and her children. Tamra (My Girlfriend), Kaitlyn (15), Ellie (13), Abby (10), and Rose (7). During my deployment Tamra helped watch and care for my children as if they were her own. I would like to get 8 tickets for this show so that everyone will be able to attend.

U.S. Air Force (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
- A Generous Person donated $10.00
- A Generous Person donated $25.00
- A Generous Person donated $25.00
- Daniel donated $15.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
So this place was incredible!! My family and I had the best evening there. The kids were completely drawn into the show and loved every minute of it. They made a special announcement for me thanking me for being there and they gave us all cake since the next day was Abbys birthday. If you've never been to one of these places you should really make it a point to visit. We will be back. Thank you again so much for the tickets!! SSgt Dan Bennett
- Daniel

(Displaying results 181 through 190 of 622)
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