Past Hero's Wishes
Hello, I am SSGT Zachary Stallings. I am currently on a nine month deployment at an undisclosed location. This is my third deployment. My amazing wife, Catherine, two daughters, and baby boy are awaiting my arrival. This is the second deployment that I have missed most of a child's first year and milestones. I was lucky to be there for the birth this time. My wife has dealt with a lot of stress and hardship raising the kids on her own while in school. My girls have struggled the past few months in my absence. My wish is to make their dreams come true and take them to Disneyland. They are stuck in Alaska with no support. I would love to receive 4 Disneyland 4 day park hopper tickets to treat them for all of their patience and support. Thank you for your time and consideration.
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • James Paul donated $10.00
  • Leigh Ann donated $50.00
  • Gregory donated $490.00
  • A Generous Person donated $25.00
  • Joseph donated $20.00
  • Peter donated $25.00
  • James donated $25.00
  • Darren donated $100.00
  • A Generous Person donated $100.00
  • A Generous Person donated $55.00
This Hero has not yet filled out a thank you message.
Disneyland wish
I am SFC (R) Jim Daigle. I was medically retired from the U.S. Army. I have been wounded twice serving in Afghanistan. This resulted in numerous injuries from which I have recovered as much as possible but am unable to continue serving. Although surgeries and rehab have helped the pain and mobility significantly, I am limited in regards to the activities I can participate. We have 2 sons in the military (Army and USMC) 1 of which has also been wounded and has a Purple Heart. Both are currently deployed overseas so thanks to the 3 of us, my wife's worry level is thru the roof! I would love to reward my wife Tina, who has taken on a lot, and is a HUGE LADY GAGA fan with a special trip to see Lady Gaga in Las Vegas. She has never been able to see her due to deployments, duty stations and moving and this would mean the world to her. Please allow us this special once in a lifetime LADY GAGA ENIGMA evening. Thanks VETTIX!!
U.S. Army (Severely Wounded Veteran)
2004 - 2019
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Gerard in Honor of All Wounded Vets donated $10.00
  • Steven in Honor of SPC Zachary Salmon K.I.A. 1/12/2011 donated $20.00
  • Victor jr in Honor of Dale Alan MacArthur, donated $50.00
  • A Generous Person donated $10.00
  • A Generous Person donated $10.00
  • Daniel donated $25.00
  • A Generous Person donated $50.00
  • A Generous Person donated $25.00
  • A Generous Person donated $10.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thanks SO much to everyone that made this wish come true! Especially the folks at the Park MGM! We had an amazing time in Vegas and Lady Gaga was amazing! Thanks again Vettix!
- James
LADY GAGA ENIGMA VIP evening in Vegas
My Name is SSG Jennifer York. I recently came back from deployment in August on emergency leave. My 15 year old son was staying with his dad & grandparents in Amarillo while I was deployed, which was supposed to be thru November. However, his dad went missing and despite exhaustive search efforts, authorities could not find him. My son started his junior year & his 1st year playing Varsity without his dad on the sidelines to cheer him on like he always had. My son wanted to stay & finish the school year there so I drove back & forth to watch him play every home game he played after my emergency leave was up & I had to return back to post. Hopes were still high that we would eventually find his dad and in early October we did, just not in a joyous sense. With his father's passing, I'd like to take him and my dad, who's been a Cowboys fan for over 40 years, to a Dallas Cowboys football game while I'm on post-deployment holiday block leave. I want to take my son to get him out of the house around Christmas, create new memories, and hopefully provide a distraction for the first holiday season without his dad. The reason I'd like to include my own dad, aside from him being a loyal fan, is that at 63 he's had 4 heart procedures, to include a quadruple bypass when he was 49. Currently, some of the bypasses is becoming blocked that can't be fixed with stents & the doctor found a blockage on his heart they call the "Widowmaker". He's currently doing well & staying active but I know it's only a matter of time. We can't take for granted there'll be a next year & I pray I'll be able to create this memory for the three of us through your generous support. THANK YOU & GOD BLESS!
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Denise donated $500.00
  • bryon donated $100.00
  • A Generous Person donated $5.00
  • D donated $10.00
  • James donated $50.00
  • Ashley donated $20.00
  • Amber donated $15.00
  • Ralph donated $100.00
  • A Generous Person donated $50.00
  • Beth in Honor of My Children (Lost their dad too) donated $950.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you everyone for donating & making this dream come true. From those who donated monetarily to those behind the scenes. God Bless you all!
- Jennifer
Dallas Cowboys Dream
My name is Tsgt Joye Lamme. I was deployed to the 455 EMDG Bagram Afghanistan from Oct 18 to April 19. I was away from my family for almost 7 months. I missed both my oldest's freshman and senior years due to deployments. I have 2 boys who have been amazing troopers. I'm lucky they are so understanding and adaptable. As a huge Minnesota Vikings fan I would love to be able to go and watch the Vikings play Green Bay at their home stadium with amazing seats! I have just got back from my second deployment to Afghanistan. All of my deployments have been during Football season. Thank goodness for AFN but we were limited on the games that they showed.
U.S. Air Force (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Rusty donated $20.00
  • A Generous Person donated $2.00
  • Victor jr donated $50.00
  • raymond donated $10.00
  • Robert donated $20.00
  • A Generous Person donated $20.00
  • Roberto donated $15.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Huge thank you to all of the wonderful donors that made this Christmas one for the books. We had such a fantastic time (even without the win). Being able to be part of the SKOL chant was something I will cherish forever!!! Having my boys be able to come up here to Minnesota and spend time with family and then attend the game in such a beautiful arena... I cant express my gratitude enough. SKOL!!!!
- Joye
Minnesota Vikings vs Green Bay Packers game
My name is Michael Emerick. I am a combat wounded veteran that served in Afghanistan. During my 16 month deployment I was involved in numerous firefights and sustained a traumatic brain injury after being shot in the helmet. I suffer from debilitating migraine headaches, neck and back issues, double/blurred vision and PTSD. After my deployment I decided that I didn't want to raise a family in the military. I was honorably discharged and moved to Texas to go to Universal Technical Institute. I graduated at the top of my class only to realize that I could not sustain long hours of working underneath vehicles with my back and neck issues. I am now a full time Dad taking care of our five children while my wife works to support our family. Christmas time with five children is incredibly chaotic. We love our large family, but sometimes the joy of Christmas is overshadowed by gifts. We decided we would love to take our five children to Disney World to create lasting memories rather than give them gifts. However, Disney World tickets are much more expensive than we could've imagined, especially for a family of seven.
U.S. Army (Severely Wounded Veteran)
2004 - 2007
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • A Generous Person donated $20.00
  • Natasha donated $20.00
  • Violet donated $50.00
  • A Generous Person donated $50.00
  • Joseph donated $5.00
  • A Generous Person donated $10.00
  • Paul donated $300.00
  • A Generous Person donated $20.00
  • Amber donated $10.00
  • Jack donated $50.00
  • Cindy donated $20.00
  • Jared donated $100.00
  • kimberly donated $20.00
  • Mark donated $25.00
  • Angela donated $50.00
  • A Generous Person donated $25.00
  • A Generous Person donated $50.00
  • A Generous Person donated $20.00
  • A Generous Person donated $10.00
  • Douglas donated $20.00
  • Javier donated $40.00
  • Michael in Honor of Thank you!!! donated $1,485.00
  • Remainder of Wish fulfilled by the Veteran Tickets Foundation General Hero's Wish Fund.
Thank You Message from the Hero:
We cannot express how thankful we are to all that made this family vacation possible. We were able to spend Christmas at the happiest place on earth because of all of the generous donations. For this we are so grateful! Thank you to Vettix for making all of this possible. The Emerick Family
- Michael
Disney World my family for Christmas
Hello my name is Nichelle. I am a wife and mother of three amazing children. We have suffered tremendous loss over the past couple years. 3 years ago, our house burned down, and we lost nearly everything. We have since been building back up. We are grateful and thankful to have survived the ordeal. Late 2018, we did a military move to be closer to family. Shortly after arrival, I was given a short notice deployment and had to deploy 2-weeks later. Shortly upon arrival, I received word that my 19-year-old brother died. I had to break the news to my children and rush back home to coordinate and ensure all his funeral arrangements. We were devastated. Since being reassigned home, my brother was always spending time with us. After the funeral, I returned to duty to finish my commitment. I'm currently on my second deployment and I try to speak to my kids every day. Everyday my heart breaks because without fail, they tell me how much they miss me and want me to come home. I missed them too. My kids Jade (7), Mya (5), Eli (5) are so resilient, they've been through so much at such a young age. I want to be able to do something special for them and show them how much I love and appreciate them and the sacrifices they've made through my service to this country. My children, always talk about going to Disney World. I would like to help make that happen for them when I return from deployment. It's just what we as a family need to reconnect and have fun. My family graciously requests 5 tickets.
U.S. Air Force (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Desiree donated $5.00
  • A Generous Person donated $10.00
  • Veronica donated $10.00
  • Eutimio donated $25.00
  • A Generous Person donated $25.00
  • A Generous Person donated $25.00
  • Phyllia donated $50.00
  • Richard in Honor of Vet Kids donated $5.00
  • Yolanda donated $50.00
  • Kimberly donated $10.00
  • Eileen donated $50.00
  • Carlita donated $50.00
  • Shaquille donated $15.00
  • Krystal donated $20.00
  • Cheryl donated $25.00
  • Jessica in Honor of Hal Jesse donated $925.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Dear VetTix and Gracious Donors, Thank you so much for granting my wish! It was exactly what the family and I needed to disconnect with the stressors of life and reconnect with each other. I never thought that I would ever be able to take my children to Disney World. Thanks to your generous contributions, I was able to do just that. My kids and I had an amazing time at the most magical place on earth and there's no better season to visit Disney World than right before Christmas. The experience was nothing like I could ever imagine, it was far more than I ever expected. The park was breathtaking, as it was decorated so beautifully. Going to the park allowed us to create memories that will last a life time. Growing up, my family was never able to afford taking me and my brothers to Disney World or Disneyland and I wanted to be able to do things for my children that my family was never able to do for me. I want to help give them the opportunity to grow, travel and experience things that were unattainable for me at my young age. All of which is part of the reason I joined the military, to have a better life than I did, to work hard to remove some of the barriers that made growing up with a single parent, incredibly challenging. You all made it possible for me take my family and as an added bonus, I was able to pay all costs to surprise my mother with the trip as well. My mother has always dreamed of going to Disney World and as mentioned before, she never had the means to make it possible. With careful coordination with her medical care providers, she was approved for the trip and was able to receive treatment just minutes from the park. The trip was not only a surprise for my mother, but for the kids as well. Upon returning from deployment, I spent months trying to conceal my excitement for the surprise of a lifetime. There are no words to truly express how thankful I am for all the donors that made this wish possible for me and my family. This incredible opportunity is one I'm sure we will never forget. Thank you so much for blessing me and my family with tickets to Disney World. I hope to be a blessing to others in the future. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays & Happy New Year! Nichelle
- Nichelle
Take my Family to Disney World
I'm currently deployed and come back at the end of November or beginning of December. My kids favorite Christmas movie is The Polar Express and my wife and I think our 4 kids would absolutely love to actually ride on the Adirondack Scenic Train and their Polar Express trip. It would be great to not only get my family in the Christmas mode but also to reconnect as a family. I'm requesting 6 tickets because my wife and I have 4 kids and we dont want to leave anyone out.
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Deborah donated $20.00
  • A Generous Person donated $50.00
  • Christina donated $20.00
  • Meghann donated $310.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you so much for the trip on the Polar Express, everything about the experience was absolutely amazing. We cant even begin to thank everyone enough for making this happen right before Christmas, it added so much to everything that made me coming back from Afghanistan even better. It's one of my kids favorite movies and to see it come to life awesome, and seeing the looks on their faces was even better, thank you so much!!!!
- Michael
The Polar Express Train Ride
My name is TSgt Brian Patterson. The Minnesota Vikings play the Los Angeles Chargers December 15th, 2019. I would like to take my family to see the Chargers play before Christmas and watch our first NFL football game together. I am requesting tickets for the game. Thank you all for supporting all the veterans and for the veterans, thank you for what you do!
U.S. Air Force (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Wayne donated $10.00
  • Christopher donated $50.00
  • Roberto donated $15.00
  • A Generous Person donated $25.00
  • A Generous Person donated $10.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you Vet Tix and the 6 individuals that supported My Hero's Wish to attend the Minnesota Vikings @ Los Angeles Chargers football game. This was our first football game as a family and our children enjoyed it just as much as we did! For it being in LA it was reported we had 80 to 90% Vikings fans that took up the stadium. It felt like a home game. Thank you all so much!
- Brian
Los Angeles Chargers game before Christmas
My name is EM1 Jeremy Harrell currently serving on-board a Fast Response Cutter out of Miami, FL. I am asking for (3) 4-day park hopper passes to Disney World Orlando. I am currently serving a 3rd consecutive afloat tour (7 years) in which I am away from home over 6 months out of the year. I will be leaving Florida in the next year and would love to be able to take my family to Disney for a few days while we are in the area. Any help is greatly appreciated.
U.S. Coast Guard (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Allen in Honor of SRA. Eric "Crash" Stahlheber donated $20.00
  • Edward in Honor of All who were Hotel 135 1990-1991 donated $10.00
  • Augustine donated $25.00
  • John in Honor of EM3 Carol "Cindy" Cline USN - R.I.P. donated $745.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you to Vet Tix and the individual donors that gave my family and I this once in a lifetime opportunity that we would not have had otherwise. We had an amazing time and will remember it forever. Thank you to everyone in the Vet Tix community for constantly surpassing all expectations.
- Jeremy
Disney World Dream
My name is TSgt. Joshua Jorgensen. I left Little Rock Air Force Base on January 7th. I am currently deployed to Bagram AB, Afghanistan. I am supposed to get home middle to end of May. I would love to able to take my wife and 2 kids to Disney World this fall when I return from this deployment. My family and I are huge Disney fans and would like to be able to go and have the time of our lives. This ask for help is for my children and wife. They deserve to be able to experience something magical like this. Please help me make this dream come true! Thank you!
U.S. Air Force (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Carolyn donated $50.00
  • Kathryn donated $50.00
  • Sharon donated $50.00
  • Wayne donated $10.00
  • Cydney donated $10.00
  • Sarah donated $20.00
  • COLLEEN in Honor of All Veterans Who Gave Their Lives donated $20.00
  • A Generous Person donated $25.00
  • Batheay donated $100.00
  • Frank donated $10.00
  • John in Honor of EM3 Carol "Cindy" Cline USN - R.I.P. donated $255.00
  • Christine donated $100.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for everyone that made our Hero's Wish possible. We appreciated every donation that made it happen. Our entire family had the time of their lives. This was definitely a vacation that we will remember forever. Thank you for providing memories that we will always remember. I dont feel like saying thank you is enough. We had so much fun visiting the parks and spending time together. The kids got to meet some of their favorite characters as well as ride some of the awesome rides they had at the parks. This was an amazing opportunity and we are so thankful. I will do my part and donate to someone else's Hero' Wish. I will also spread the word about how great the Vet Tix organization is. Thank you... Thank you..... Thank you And Merry Christmas! The Jorgensen's
- Joshua Jorgensen
Disney World Dream for 4
(Displaying results 151 through 160 of 606)
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