Past Hero's Wishes
Hello, my name is Maricella. I would love to be able to take my daughter to Disney World during her fall break in October 2021. I am an Army veteran. I deployed to Afghanistan twice OEF 2010-2011 where I earned 2 purple hearts and OEF 2012-2013. I was medically discharged from the military due to my injuries. My injuries include TBI, PTSD, anxiety, depression, hearing loss, memory loss/issues, and an injury to my neck that caused mobility issues. I am 100% non-workable, total disabled Veteran, so it's harder to save and takes longer. My daughter is 5 years old and it's her dream to go to Disney World. She deserves to go because she is the sweetest, most helpful girl. Even though I'm not with my daughter's father, I would love to include him in this once in a lifetime memory. I'm requesting three tickets to Disney World. I thank you for your consideration and thanks for all you do.
U.S. Army (Severely Wounded Veteran)
2010 - 2014
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • A Generous Person donated $50.00
  • S in Honor of Freddie & Mary McQueen donated $20.00
  • Jamie donated $25.00
  • VetTixer donated $100.00
  • Bryan donated $25.00
  • Duy donated $100.00
  • Sandy donated $50.00
  • Allen donated $50.00
  • A Generous Person donated $100.00
  • Robert donated $50.00
  • Tony donated $25.00
  • A Generous Person donated $10.00
  • A Generous Person donated $50.00
  • A Generous Person donated $20.00
  • Christina donated $25.00
  • Thomas donated $300.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you to everyone who donated to make my families Disney trip possible. I appreciate everyone, and these memories that will last a lifetime were made with the help of you all. Thank you so much and thank you Vet Tix for all you do.
- Maricella
Take my daughter to Disney World
Hi everyone, my name is CTM1 Estrada I'm currently in the middle of an IA deployment in the middle-east and although this is my 4th deployment. it's the first time that I have deployed since I had my son (currently 3 years old). So, those of you that have experienced this can understand that this deployment has been by far the toughest one. I have been wanting to take my son to Disneyland for a while, but I wanted to wait until he was a little bigger so that he could actually enjoy the park. He will be almost 4 by the time I come back, so I think that it will be perfect timing to take him when I come back from deployment. I'm requesting 3, 4 day park hopper passes to Disneyland so that my son, wife and I can enjoy some quality time after being apart for more than 7 months.
U.S. Navy (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Frank in Honor of Jesus Christ donated $700.00
  • Rosa G in Honor of Jacob donated $100.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you so much for making my wish come true! I personally love Disneyland, and ever since my son was born I was counting the days till I could take him to it, and because of his condition (autism) I wanted to wait a little longer to ensure that he would enjoy this wonderful experience. Yesterday was an amazing day for all of us and he was very happy to see Mickey and friends, but without a doubt the highlight of his day was when he saw Lightning McQueen. Once again, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!
- Ivan
Post IA Family Disneyland trip
My name is SSG Bryan Gillette. I have served for 17 years with the MO National Guard. My wish is to take my family to Disney World. My wife and I have been married for 8 years and we have 4 children ages 14, 13, 3, and 1. We have never been to Florida and we would love to surprise our kids with a trip to Disney World after our first deployment.
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Jeff donated $20.00
  • A Generous Person donated $50.00
  • A Generous Person donated $10.00
  • A Generous Person donated $5.00
  • A Generous Person donated $100.00
  • Andrew donated $5.00
This Hero has not yet filled out a thank you message.
Trip to Disney World with my family
My name is SSgt Mangrum I have just returned home from a 7 month deployment from Bagram Afghanistan. My wife has held down our household and navigated the COVID pandemic by herself while caring for our two children ages 2 and 4. This deployment has been extremely tough but I am grateful we made it through. The last several months have been filled with challenges and changes. As soon as I returned home we PCS'd from Louisiana to Colorado. My wish is to take a family trip to visit Walt Disney World in Orlando, FL as My wife and kids deserve this trip. I am requesting four 5-Day Park Hopper plus tickets to Walt Disney World in Orlando, FL. I am hoping to take them on a much needed trip this fall to Disney World in Florida for some family time and a stress reliever. We've never taken a family vacation and this trip would mean the world to my family and I. Thank you for your consideration and God bless.
U.S. Air Force (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Andrew donated $5.00
  • A Generous Person donated $100.00
  • Christopher donated $100.00
  • Shane in Honor of James Dorrity donated $100.00
  • Stephen donated $20.00
  • A Generous Person donated $20.00
  • Michael donated $25.00
  • Harry donated $20.00
  • A Generous Person donated $710.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
VetTix and Sponsors. We had such a magical and amazing experience at Disney! We truly appreciate the tickets from the bottom of our hearts. We had such an amazing week with our children. We made memories that will last forever. Thank you so much for giving us this opportunity.
- IM
Post Deployment Disney World Trip
My name is SPC Andrew Boktor. I have been in the Army National Guard since high school and this September will make 9 years total. I was on a 15 month deployment because my return date continued to get delayed due to COVID 19. This was my first deployment and it was one of the hardest yet rewarding things to do in my life. I missed holidays, special occasions and the passing of my grandmother and uncle. It is a honor to serve our great country. However, I could not have done that without my amazing support system back home. My wife, mother, father, brother & sister-in law, all made me stronger during the deployment. My wife's family took me on my first Disney trip 9 years ago and we all enjoyed the extraordinary time together. My father in law has recently been diagnosed with a debilitating disease called Inclusion Body Myositis. His time of being ambulatory may come to an end sooner than we all would like. I just want to be able to give back to my family as much as they have given to me. This is the first time I have been away from my wife (we went to middle school, high school, and college together) and it took a stressful toll on both of us. She is my rock. I just want to show my appreciation for my family by taking them on a trip to Disney World in Orlando, FL. I am asking for 4 day tickets for 6 members of my family. Their strength and prayers helped bring me home safe. With all the negativity going on during a pandemic and deployment, my family deserves some magic and joy. We are truly humbled and thankful to be considered for this wish fulfillment. Thank you VETTIX for all you do!
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • A Generous Person donated $50.00
  • Robert in Honor of Harold Wittmer donated $20.00
  • Joe donated $100.00
  • A Generous Person donated $25.00
  • A Generous Person donated $20.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
My family and I can not thank VetTix and their donors enough for our amazing experience! The world is a better place because of people like you. We had an amazing time at Disney that we wouldn't have been able to take without your help.
- Andrew
Family of 6 Disney World Wish
My name is TSgt Huberr Hansen. I have just returned home from a deployment to Bagram Air Field, Afghanistan. My girlfriend wants nothing more than tickets to Wicked, the musical at the Overture center in Madison, WI. I would love nothing more than to surprise her with front row tickets for Christmas. The prices are far more than I can afford. She has said for the last several years that if Wicked ever comes back to Madison that she wants to go. She is a wonderful woman, with twin five year olds that I am helping to raise as my own. While I was deployed she kept it together, mowing the grass, shoveling snow, looking after my house and my dog. She deserves something truly special.
U.S. Air Force (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Franklin donated $25.00
  • REGINA donated $50.00
  • Ashley donated $20.00
  • A Generous Person donated $305.00
  • Judith donated $50.00
This Hero has not yet filled out a thank you message.
Wicked at the Overture Center
Hi my name is Misael, I am a disabled army veteran. I enlisted in 2010 in the US ARMY as a medic and was attached to a infantry regiment 2-4INF 10th mountain bravo company where I deployed to Afghanistan in 2011 and was seriously wounded by a suicide bomber. I am blind in my right eye and have several herniated disk in my neck. I spent about a year at Walter Reed recovering from my wound and was later discharged on a medical retirement. Traveling has always been a passion of mine, unfortunately, I am on a fixed budget which makes it difficult to afford such trips especially with a family. I would love my kids to experience the thrill of roller coasters and see the sights that Universal has to offer.
U.S. Army (Severely Wounded Veteran)
2010 - 2013
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • A Generous Person donated $20.00
  • Miguel donated $200.00
  • Wanda donated $100.00
  • Daniel donated $100.00
  • Shane in Honor of Tre Ponder donated $100.00
  • jim donated $50.00
  • Amber donated $100.00
  • A Generous Person donated $20.00
  • THIEN donated $20.00
  • Stephanie in Honor of Ron Starnieri donated $790.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. My family and I had so many laughs and screams. I never thought I would have so much fun. It means the world to me especially because we came on the anniversary date of my injury in Afghanistan, great way to replace that bad memory with a good one. To everyone who donated thank you, my service to this great country would be meaningless if it wasn't for kind wonderful fellow Americans like yourself! I can not write enough words to express my gratitude. Thank you once again for making a dream come true for me and my family.
- Misael
Family Trip to Universal Studios Orlando
Hello My name is Petty Officer Brandon Moore. I am currently serving Active Duty with the United States Coast Guard and have been for the last 11 Years. My Wife and I have 4 beautiful Children together. I have been deployed 12 months out of the last 24 months. It is hard explaining to my little ones that I am going to be gone for a while. I have missed countless Holidays, Birthdays, and most of all my kids growing up. My wish is to take my wife and 3 kids to Disney World in hopes that I can recreate some missed memories! Thanks in advance!
U.S. Coast Guard (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • A Generous Person donated $50.00
  • Richard donated $20.00
  • A Generous Person donated $25.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Big shout out to the donors for fulfilling our wish. Such an awesome and memorable experience. This wouldn't have been possible without you! We are truly grateful and can't possibly thank you enough. -The Moore Family
(6) Disney World 4 Day Park Hopper Tickets
I am a SGT with the South Carolina Army National Guard. I have been in for 12 years, and I am currently in the Middle East on my 2nd deployment. Due to train up at the NTC in California and Ft. Bliss, TX I have been away from my family since June of 2019, and I should be scheduled to be home sometime in October. When not serving my country, I am serving my community. I am a Class II Officer in South Carolina and help run a shift at a County Detention Center. So, between military and law enforcement, I am almost always away from home. I have a wonderful wife (Caroline), and we have three great children (Caitlin 11, Caleb 10, and Cooper 3). My family has always sacrificed so much of themselves for me whenever duty has called, and they have done so selflessly. They allow me to go with no remorse or regrets, only love and support! They lift me up and encourage me along my path! While all the while, they continue on with their life while I am away. My wife works full time, and still manages to take care of our house and family! My two oldest children always willingly step up to assist her, and my youngest child, through the excellent examples of his older siblings, does what he can to help around the house as well! They have grown and matured so quickly and deserve to take time to be children and enjoy themselves! I would like to take my family on a 4-day trip to Universal Orlando (Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure). I would like to request a total of 5, 4 day 2-park park-to-park tickets for Me, my wife, and our three children. If anyone deserves to be blessed with such a trip, it is my Wife and children, because when I serve, they serve, and they hardly ever get the recognition! So, I want to show them how much they are appreciated, and let that know that their sacrifices, and their love for me, all military and law personnel, and their country has not gone unnoticed. I am wanting to take them in late December because my daughter's birthday is on December 23rd. And I figured that this would be a great Birthday for her, as well as a great Christmas for her and the rest of my family. I know this cannot make up for any missed time but hope that it can help instill a memory of joy for them to remember for years to come.
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • A Generous Person donated $10.00
  • A Generous Person donated $300.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
My family and I want to thank Douglas, Christine, and the Veteran Tickets Foundation for fulfilling our wish! Y'all made it possible for us to enjoy the fun of all of the Universal parks. It was a vacation well needed after spending so much time away from one another. Again, thank you to everyone who made our trip possible!
- George
Universal Orlando (Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure)
Hello to all who are reading this. I am Justin Clement and I am due back from deployment in Spring 2020. I'm asking for 5-5 day passes to Universal Studies in Florida for my family and I when I return. I have served for 12 years, and this has been my first deployment. Back home, I have a loving wife and three beautiful children (9,7, and 6) waiting for me. My wife is the back bone of our family as she stays home to care for all of them, including our middle son who is special needs and on disability. I cannot imagine how difficult this has and will continue to be on her and the kids. I want to take them somewhere we've never been (Universal) to reward them all for staying strong and thank them for supporting me through this deployment. Thank you for your consideration and for supporting all of us service members. Thank you never feels like it's enough but all of you are appreciated!
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • A Generous Person donated $20.00
  • A Generous Person donated $5.00
  • Sharon donated $25.00
  • A Generous Person donated $25.00
  • Jesus donated $5.00
  • Brett donated $10.00
  • Brett donated $15.00
  • A Generous Person donated $100.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you so very much to each of you that helped make this wish and wishes for others come true! Our family had an absolutely amazing time with memories to last a lifetime. Our youngest loved "riding along" with E.T., our middle son couldn't hold his excitement in about meeting Blue the velociraptor, and our oldest enjoyed training with the MIB Agents. We can't wait to do it again someday! Thank you again!!
- Justin Clement
Family Trip to Universal Studios, Orlando
(Displaying results 121 through 130 of 606)
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