Past Hero's Wishes
On September 11, 2001, my husband's Commander Patrick Dunn, USN, was killed while sitting at his desk in the D Ring of the Pentagon. I was left just shy of three months pregnant with our first child. Our daughter was born in 2002. I raised her, to love and respect not only the father she never met but this country and everything it's good for and everything it stands for. And most importantly, her father died for the freedom of the American people. After I remarried, my husband, Paul adopted her 10 days before he left for Iraq. She often jokes with us she has one of the longest names, Alexandria, Patricia Dunn DeSimone, and she can't fit it on the small line on her military ID. We often smile, but deep down, we admire the story her name tells. It was our daughter's choice to grow up peacefully, behind the craziness of everybody knowing our story. She just wanted to be a normal child and blend in with the rest of the kids, her age. Now that TCU has made it to the championship playoffs, our daughter is beyond excited. The cost of tickets is completely out of control, and sadly something that we cannot afford. In November 2020, I suffered an Aortic Dissection. I tore my aorta from my carotid artery to my iliac. I am one of the 3% of Americans that survive this type of event. But since then, I have been in the hospital and have not been able to travel to TCU to attend the mother's weekends and football games like I would like to. I have not been able to work. It would be our one-lifetime wish to be able to attend this game with Allie and our family. We do appreciate all you do for military families, especially the Gold Star Families.
U.S. Navy (Family of KIA)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Sharlet in Honor of All Servicemembers and Veterans donated $20.00
  • Kopelani donated $100.00
  • Todd in Honor of Army Personnel and Stay Home Parents donated $100.00
  • A Generous Person donated $5.00
  • A Generous Person donated $20.00
  • A Generous Person donated $190.00
  • Anthony donated $25.00
  • James donated $10.00
  • George in Honor of Karen Garrison Brummett donated $40.00
  • Xiomara donated $100.00
  • Sonia donated $30.00
  • Joseph donated $20.00
  • Julieta donated $20.00
  • Brianna in Honor of R.E. Von muegge donated $10.00
  • Scott donated $100.00
  • Xavier donated $200.00
  • A Generous Person donated $20.00
  • Fabrice donated $50.00
  • Angela donated $20.00
  • Thomas in Honor of You,SFC Cunningham, thankU 4 ur service! donated $100.00
  • Nikki donated $20.00
  • Wendy in Honor of Rodney Loffelmacher donated $50.00
  • RoseMarie donated $650.00
  • Matthew in Honor of LT Florence Choe, USN donated $50.00
  • Dana donated $25.00
  • Genevieve in Honor of 1st Lt. Benote H Wimp donated $25.00
  • Ricky donated $25.00
  • Tara in Honor of USS COLE 17 donated $75.00
  • A Generous Person donated $5.00
  • Jeremy donated $150.00
  • Joshua donated $50.00
  • A Generous Person donated $50.00
  • A Generous Person donated $145.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
We can't thank you enough for helping us go to the Fiesta Bowl. It's was a dream come true. The seats were perfect and the TCU Horned Frogs won!!! Next week the Horned Frogs will be in The National Championships in Los Angeles and we can't wait! We will be watching from home since the tix prices are absurd. Again, thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for your generosity and kindness. We will never forget this trip. Gratefully, Stephanie
- Stephanie
Fiesta Bowl game for family of KIA
My name is Cpl Rick Colts, USMC 2007-2012. I am a 100% Disabled Veteran and received a Purple Heart in 2011 while on deployment in Afghanistan from injuries sustained in a IED blast while on patrol as a MWD handler. (KIA Torry L404 - Guardian of the Night) I would love to be able to take my wife and 2 kids to Disney World, that is why I am asking for 4 - 4day park hopper plus tickets. My wife and I have been married for 13yrs and have a 9yr old son and adopted my 15yr old brother back in 2020 from foster care. We moved to FL from CO in 2021 and since getting here our kids are constantly asking when we are going to take them to Disney World, but even living so close the cost of tickets is astronomical. With the help and support from Vet Tix and their donors/sponsors we could finally take our family on a much needed fun vacation so we can bond and continue to grow as a family with the magical wonder that Walt Disney World has to offer.
U.S. Marine Corps (Severely Wounded Veteran)
2007 - 2012
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Ralph donated $200.00
  • Henry donated $100.00
  • Gary donated $100.00
  • Bryan donated $50.00
  • Wayne donated $30.00
  • TERRANCE donated $20.00
  • Rebekah donated $25.00
  • Chad donated $875.00
  • Remainder of Wish fulfilled by the Veteran Tickets Foundation General Hero's Wish Fund.
Thank You Message from the Hero:
We can not say Thank You enough to everyone who donated and made our family bonding Disney Trip a reality! It was an amazing trip filled with love, laughter, and excitement! Our trip was extra special since we got to go the week before Christmas and enjoy all the Christmas decorations and lights, it is something none of us will ever forget! To Vet Tix, thank you so much for the Hero's Wish Program, the speed of getting our wish fulfilled and the joy you have provided for our family! Thank you all again so much, your donations in fulfilling our wish means the world to us! -The Colts Family
- Rick
Family Bonding - Walt Disney World 4 Day Hopper+ passes
My name is SRA Jordan Mccants. I currently on a 6 month deployment. This will be my third holiday season that I have been in training, TDY, or deployed. My two boys, 10 and 4, have been along to go to Disney and this would be the best present for my wife and boys. Christmas is my family's favorite holiday without me there for the past two years and now this one, it's been hard on them. I want to make this homecoming extra special.
U.S. Air Force (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • A Generous Person donated $15.00
  • Richard donated $15.00
  • Dave donated $100.00
  • A Generous Person donated $20.00
  • Christopher donated $2.00
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you so much for the experience of a life time. I truly appreciate every donation contributed to make this possible. We enjoyed every moment and will definitely have to vacation to Disney more! I thank you for all that you've done!!!
- Jordan
Disney World surprise trip for the family
My name is John Barbare and I am 42 years old. I was medically retired from the US Army in 2014 after serving for 18 years where I had the best job in the Army - a Psychological Operations Team Chief. After joining the Army in 1997 at the age of 17, my unit traveled extensively, and I enjoyed every aspect of it. My first deployment was to Iraq during the invasion in 2004 and my unit spent over 1 year in Ramadi and Fallujah conducting combat operations on the front line. On my last deployment, in Afghanistan in 2011 I lived in a remote outpost doing Village Stability Operations in Regional Command -East conducting daily patrols for counter-terrorism operations. Six months in, I suffered a TBI and neck injury in an IED blast and spent time in the CASH until I was cleared. I wanted to be back out with my team (Purple Heart #1). Two months later, our outpost received ten 107mm rockets in the evening and I was one of several who didn't make it to the bunker in time (Purple Heart #2). When I woke up moments later, several of us were in the CASH and then medevacked out the next day for further evaluation/treatment at the closest TBI Clinic for multiple injuries. Later, I was flown out of the country to Walter Reed where I spent 2 years recovering from my injuries which affected my legs, spine, eyes, ears, and brain. While I was recovering at Walter Reed, my unit went on the weeklong Yellow Ribbon vacation with their spouses to reconnect. After two years at Walter Reed, the Army, doctors, and my team of medical specialists decided it was in the best interest to medically retire me after 18 years. This didn't sit well with me, as I planned to serve my entire life. I put up a fight and went to two medical review boards with a JAG, but eventually was told that I would never be able to serve again due to the seriousness of my injuries, and would need treatment for the rest of my life - which I still receive at the Veterans Affairs hospital. My wife has been a huge part of my support system throughout all the ups and downs of surgery, rehabilitation, recovery and moving forward after life in the military and being 100% disabled. We have two boys, 4 and 8 years old who bring me joy on a daily basis. We talk and dream about going to Walt Disney World every year, but never seem make it happen. Making this dream come true would allow our family to take a true R and R trip, and allow us to connect as a family and build memories that last a lifetime. It would be a dream come true especially for my kids, but also a healing, therapeutic retreat for my wife and I, since I was never able to take her on the Yellow Ribbon vacation due to my stay at Walter Reed. We would not require transportation to or from Disney World, only 4 park hopper passes for 5 days and a Disney Resort hotel with parking access, that has direct access to and from the theme parks for easy access. Thank you and God bless.
U.S. Army (Severely Wounded Veteran)
1997 - 2014
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Janet donated $50.00
  • A Generous Person donated $20.00
  • Brittanie in Honor of Service members past, present, & future donated $30.00
  • Jason donated $50.00
  • A Generous Person donated $25.00
  • Jeffery donated $25.00
  • Sensheer donated $300.00
  • Henry donated $25.00
  • A Generous Person donated $40.00
  • Amanda in Honor of Nathan Vacho donated $2,935.00
  • Remainder of Wish fulfilled by the Veteran Tickets Foundation General Hero's Wish Fund.
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thanks Vet Tix for allowing our family to take a much needed "once in a lifetime" vacation with my wife and kids to Disney World. We all were able to connect and enjoyed making memories in each park every day and watching the fireworks each night from the boardwalk. Thanks to all the donors and everyone that made this possible!
- John
My name is Sgt John Real. I am active duty Air Force going on 10 years of service. I am hoping to take my wife and my son to Disney World when I return from my short tour. My son, Luka, just turned 2 in December 2021. When he was 10 months old, I deployed to Iraq. I came home for a short time, only to leave when he was 21 months for my short tour. I have never got to spend a Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, or birthday with him. I would love to take him to Disney for his next birthday shortly after I return. My wife has done such a great job taking care of him and our home while I have been gone. Taking my family to Disney would be the perfect opportunity for our family to spend much needed time together. This would be both mine and my son's first trip to Disney World and this would be the perfect chance for us to bond since I have been away from him for half of his life. We thank everyone who can help make this dream come true for us.
U.S. Air Force (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Aileen donated $25.00
  • A Generous Person donated $10.00
  • Boyce donated $25.00
  • Shelley donated $25.00
  • Sharlet in Honor of All Servicemembers and Veterans donated $20.00
  • A Generous Person donated $50.00
  • Tony in Honor of LBGTQ+ UNITED STATE SOLDIERS donated $50.00
  • A Generous Person donated $190.00
  • A Generous Person donated $25.00
  • Jon donated $330.00
  • Remainder of Wish fulfilled by the Veteran Tickets Foundation General Hero's Wish Fund.
Thank You Message from the Hero:
My family and I are so grateful for this experience. We would love to thank Aileen, Krystyna, Boyce, Shelley, Sharlet, John, Tony, Ralph, Mike, Jon, and everyone else who made this possible. We had the time of our lives and could not have done this without everyone. Our son loved spending time with his daddy for the first time in a long time. Thank you so much, The Real Family
- John
Disney World Family Vacation
Hello, I'm Technical Sergeant Micah'l Lampkin. I've been in the active-duty Air Force for 13 years. My job is Material Management and I absolutely love it. You can't fly without supply! I married my high school sweetheart, and she followed my lead and decided to join the active-duty Air Force also. We have two beautiful kids, a 4-year-old daughter and a 1.5-year-old son. Being a mil-mil couple has brought us so much closer, but it also has been difficult. Between the two of us we've been through 6 deployments and 10+ TDYs. I just recently got back from a short notice 6 month deployment to Europe. This was the most difficult deployment I've been on as I missed so many firsts with my son, including his first word, first steps, and his first birthday. I also missed my own birthday, my wife's birthday and our anniversary. I know watching both our kids on her own, while still being active duty was a lot for my wife. She sacrifices so much for our family daily, and I would love to make her dreams come true. My wife and kids are huge Disney fans and have been wanting to visit Disneyland for years. I would love to surprise them with 3-day park hopper tickets to Disneyland in California. This would be our first vacation as a family of 4 and it would mean the world to me! Thank you for your consideration and thank you Vettix for giving us the opportunity to share our story.
U.S. Air Force (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • A Generous Person donated $25.00
  • A Generous Person donated $10.00
  • Jason in Honor of SrA Darrick F. Moore donated $200.00
  • Glen donated $20.00
  • Oscar in Honor of Jesus Christ donated $745.00
  • Remainder of Wish fulfilled by the Veteran Tickets Foundation General Hero's Wish Fund.
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you so much to all the generous donors and to Vet Tix for making this dream come true for me and my family! We had such a great time and created many memories that I know will last a lifetime!
- Micah’l
Surprise famiy vacation to Disneyland
My name is MSG David Fuqua, I am currently on a 12 month hardship tour. This has been my fourth holiday season I have missed, to include my daughters birthdays and our special fifteenth year anniversary. I have a gorgeous stay at home wife for over fifteen years, Kourtney, and My two girls, 10 and 14, who have PCS'ed with me to their sixth state and seventh school. I am requesting this Hero Wish to surprise them to an adventure they have yet to be able to see and my wives childhood dream, they deserve this more than I do and I would love to have a surprise vacation to be able to make up missed time and see their dreams come true. I am requesting with my Hero's Wish a trip to Disney World in December of 2022 when I return, to include four day park hopper and hotel. I would be so appreciative for anything and so grateful.
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • JAMES donated $100.00
  • We get it.. donated $10.00
  • Frank donated $50.00
  • Kenneth donated $10.00
  • Vincent donated $25.00
  • Palmer in Honor of Roy donated $50.00
  • Jerald donated $25.00
  • Larry donated $25.00
  • Richard in Honor of Sgt. Nicole L Gee, USMC donated $25.00
  • William in Honor of My Wife Dee donated $100.00
  • Richard donated $10.00
  • Sharlet in Honor of All Servicemembers and Veterans donated $20.00
  • Steven donated $10.00
  • Scott donated $10.00
  • Sean donated $15.00
  • A Generous Person donated $190.00
  • JOSHUA donated $25.00
  • Katherine donated $20.00
  • Mac donated $20.00
  • A Generous Person donated $200.00
  • Bryan donated $50.00
  • Thomas donated $25.00
  • Henry donated $25.00
  • michael donated $360.00
  • Remainder of Wish fulfilled by the Veteran Tickets Foundation General Hero's Wish Fund.
Thank You Message from the Hero:
Thank you for the kind donations that enabled my family to experience Disney World and have the time of our lives! This enabled us to bond and reconnect after a long year of being separated and was much much needed! Thank you so much.
- David
Disney World Surprise Vacation
Hi Everyone I am 1SG Donald Spring. I have been in the Virginia Army National Guard for 19 years. Over those years, I have served in 5 active duty overseas deployments to include Afghanistan, Iraq (twice), Jordan and now currently serving in the Horn of Africa for a year. My wife is currently raising our two children, Michael (7) and Aurora (19 Months), and our 3 dogs at our home in Virginia. This deployment has been especially hard on my son as I have missed his birthday, holidays, and his baseball seasons. He loves the Magic of Disney and of course our daughter will as well because she is a Princess after all!I am hoping to take my family to Disney World in November to celebrate my homecoming, my sons 8th birthday and a belated 2nd birthday for my daughter! I would like to request 3 - 5 Day Salute Park Hopper Plus with Genie Tickets, Aurora is still too young to require a ticket.
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Ashley donated $25.00
  • A Generous Person donated $20.00
  • Sharlet in Honor of All Servicemembers and Veterans donated $20.00
  • A Generous Person donated $25.00
  • Mariah donated $25.00
  • robert donated $50.00
  • Patrick donated $25.00
  • A Generous Person donated $190.00
  • Tammy and Jim donated $50.00
  • Francis donated $10.00
  • Jess donated $25.00
  • michael donated $35.00
  • A Generous Person donated $1.00
  • Brandon donated $100.00
  • A Generous Person donated $15.00
  • Rachel in Honor of Tuna’s Retirement donated $25.00
  • michael donated $19.00
  • A Generous Person donated $10.00
  • A Generous Person donated $18.00
  • James donated $20.00
  • A Generous Person donated $250.00
  • Wes donated $100.00
  • A Generous Person donated $25.00
  • Rolland donated $25.00
  • Sheryl donated $25.00
  • Regina donated $25.00
  • Jerald donated $25.00
  • SIMONNE donated $100.00
  • Pam donated $217.00
  • Remainder of Wish fulfilled by the Veteran Tickets Foundation General Hero's Wish Fund.
Thank You Message from the Hero:
On behalf of myself, my wife Rose, and my children Michael and Aurora, we are so very thankful to all the donors who made our Disney vacation possible. A special thank you to Ashley, Melanie, Sharlet in honor of All Servicemembers and Veterans, Terri, Mariah, Patrick, Robert, Ralph, Tammy and Jim, Francis, Jess, Michael, Robert, Brandon, Rachel in honor of Tuna's Retirement, Brantley, Michael, Kenneth, Samuel, James, Jose, Wes, Sharron, Rolland, Sheryl, Regina, Jerald, Pam, SIMONNE, and Hero's Wish Program. Our family created so many memories on this vacation and it was just what we needed after a long almost two years of activations and deployments. Thank you Vet Tix for making this vacation possible for our family.
- Donald (DJ) Spring Jr.
Disney World Tickets for Post Deployment Family Vacation
Hello, my name is SFC Jeremy Clinton and I have been serving in the Army Reserves for the last 19 years and am currently on my 4th deployment to the Middle East. I expect to be home in spring 2022. Previously I served two tours in Iraq (2007-2008 and 2009-2010) and one tour in Afghanistan (most of 2015). My wife and I met in 2006, wed in 2013 and are blessed to share two beautiful daughters, ages 7 and 4. On the civilian side I am a local police officer for the past 9 years (7 if you don't count the time I've spent deployed). I'm not normally one to ask for help, but after speaking with my wife, I decided to do so. Growing up, my family lived paycheck-to-paycheck and never took vacations because quite frankly, my parents didn't have the money for such. Sometimes the electric got turned off or the water turned off for a week or two at a time. Just as any father does, I hope to be able to do more for my children and my wife than my parents were able to do for me and my 5 siblings. I have worked tirelessly for most of my life. I gained my first job two weeks prior to turning 14 at a fast food restaurant and have been employed ever since, only ever having worked a total of 3 jobs. This is in addition to my military service, which I enlisted at 17 years old while I was a junior in high school with my parents' written consent. The military hasn't always been easy and has slowed things for me on the civilian side at times due to multiple deployments. After graduating high school, I enrolled in community college in 2005 and began studying criminal justice. I was a fulltime student while working fulltime. Due to my back-to-back deployments to Iraq, it took me 6 years to earn a 2-year degree (Associates). I was able to get hired as a police officer 14 months later. From my short story, you can see my wife has been by my side from almost the beginning. She is truly an amazing woman that I believe only other veterans' spouses can fully understand extent of the hardships and sacrifices she too has made in support of me, our family, community and country. I am extremely fortunate to have such a dedicated wife, terrific mother and strong role model for my children. With all of that said, my wife and I are in the process of planning a trip to Disney World in Orlando, FL. My wife went there as a child and it'll be a first for my daughters and I. Due to their ages, we had hoped to take them last year (2020) but due to the COVID pandemic, that wasn't possible and then this year (2021), I deployed again. So we are planning for an October/November 2022 timeframe, when Halloween or Christmas décor and activities are happening. My wife and I both feel we have to get our daughters to Disney World in 2022 due to their ages so they can experience "the magic" we've heard others talk about before it's too late and that magic diminishes. We live in the northeast and so we are planning to fly to Orlando, or drive, depending on how the finances workout. All together, we are hoping our vacation can last 7 days with the budget we have. To alleviate some stress and make room in our budget, I am humbly requesting assistance with acquiring tickets to the Disney World parks. My wife and I would like to take our daughters to Magic Kingdom. Again, I don't normally ask others for help but I'm swallowing my pride at this time in hopes that I can give my family the much needed vacation they both need and deserve without sacrificing the experiences due to financial constraints. This is really about them, not me. Any assistance is better than nothing so thank you for your time.
U.S. Army (Currently Serving)
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Michael donated $100.00
  • Maribeth donated $25.00
  • A Generous Person donated $100.00
  • Teresa in Honor of Rocky, Mimi,Harley donated $40.00
  • Paul in Honor of Military Families donated $25.00
  • John donated $50.00
  • Andrea donated $50.00
  • Vicki donated $50.00
  • Christopher in Honor of Cedar Park TX VA EmployeeHolidayDonation donated $60.00
  • A Generous Person donated $500.00
  • Amber donated $10.00
  • A Generous Person donated $100.00
  • Ivan in Honor of Uncle Bob Patterson, USMC donated $10.00
  • Trisha donated $20.00
  • Mary donated $25.00
  • Lawrence donated $25.00
  • Aaron donated $20.00
  • Terence donated $590.00
  • Remainder of Wish fulfilled by the Veteran Tickets Foundation General Hero's Wish Fund.
Thank You Message from the Hero:
To Maribeth, Michael, Vicky, Teresa in honor of Rocky, Mimi,Harley, John, Paul in honor of Military Families, Andrea, Vicki, Christopher in honor of Cedar Park TX VA EmployeeHolidayDonation, Michael, Amber, Karen, Ivan in honor of Uncle Bob Patterson, USMC, Trisha, Mary , Lawrence, Aaron, Terence, and Hero's, on behalf of my wife Jessica and I, as well as our daughters Jacey & Jordyn, THANK YOU for your generous donations which enabled us to visit Disney World for our first time after I returned home from my most recent deployment. We had an incredible time to say the least. Please know that you all eased the financial burden for us substantially and we truly are grateful. Thank you again!
- Jeremy
Family Trip to Disney World
My name is Semeli Toilolo and I am 41 years old. I was born and raised in American Samoa in the village of Vailoa (vuh-ee-lo-ah). I met my high school sweetheart, Margaret Toilolo and we got married in 1998. We have 4 boys and one girl, one grandson and another grandchild on the way. I joined the U.S Army in 2000 as an Infantryman and I was medically retired in 2015. I am a Army Veteran who served for 15 years. Four of those years and three months was the time I deployed away from my family to Iraq. We are now settled in Texas, and my two older boys are now serving in the Army, one stationing in Ft. Lewis and the other in Fort Bragg. I am a stay at home dad and grandpa, trying to make up for the times I have lost with my family. In 2007, when we were stationed in Fort Lewis, Wa, I was deployed with to Iraq with 4-9 Infantry, 2nd Infantry Division to Baquoba, Dyala Province. In one of our dismounted patrols in a crowded market street, a female suicide bomber walked in our formation and blew herself up, and wounded my whole squad, including myself. We were air MEDEVAC out to the nearest CASH in another base in Iraq called LSA Anaconda. They were able to operate and take some of the shrapnel out but left some inside my arm. I was then doing physical therapy and recovery and 6 months later I was deployed with the 1st CAV Division 1-8 CAV, 2nd Brigade, to Iraq 2009-2009, and 2011-2011. In 2014, I was diagnosed with severe PTSD and the ARMY Medboarded me out, after 25 years of service. I had been through several inpatient treatments for PTSD like PRRP, and also had been involved in small groups and wounded warrior peer support group. My injuries are both physical and mental, and it is affecting my family. My kids don't even come to me and they only call and text their mom. I feel as if I am the bad guy in our house and nobody seems to understand me. So we are taking it one day at a time, trying to keep everything together. So I enrolled online to take some courses and I have been reading my Bible, trying to stay close to God and I meditate through prayer. I feel that is helping me to change my way of thinking and take away anxiety and depression. My plan for the future is to stay healthy and be a counselor for those veterans who are going through the same problem as me. I also plan to graduate from GCU with a BA in Christian Studies, which I am currently taking. Right now, my mother-in-law, she is 76 years old is staying with us, we are taking care of her, and my daughter and her son, my two boys and my little dog. My oldest son is deployed to Iraq. My wife doesn't work, she is my caregiver. I also plan to graduate with my BA in Christian Studies from GCU online and use that degree to help someone battling PTSD or similar, despite if they are veterans or civilians. We have always wanted to go to Disney World but financially we can't. If this wish comes true this will be our first family outing vacation ever. I think it would help me to get out of the house and reconnect with my family in that way. It would be a dream come true especially for my kids, but a healing therapeutic retreat for me and my wife as well. Thank you and God bless.
U.S. Army (Severely Wounded Veteran)
2000 - 2015
Wish Fulfilled By:
  • Melissa in Honor of Pasquale De Angelis, WWII veteran donated $25.00
  • Kimberly donated $50.00
  • Andrew donated $20.00
  • Erin in Honor of Lawrence Ford donated $100.00
  • Mark Cole donated $50.00
  • Adrian donated $25.00
  • Travis donated $10.00
  • Joseph donated $100.00
  • A Generous Person donated $20.00
  • Danielle donated $200.00
  • John in Honor of All Hero’s donated $100.00
  • Chris donated $20.00
  • Christopher donated $680.00
  • Remainder of Wish fulfilled by the Veteran Tickets Foundation General Hero's Wish Fund.
Thank You Message from the Hero:
On behalf of my family, my wife and I, and our children and grandson, would like to say THANK YOU for making this possible. Our words are NOT ENOUGH to express how much we are THANKFUL for your gracious donation. Thank YOU Melissa, who in honor of Pasquale De Angelis donated to make our wish come true. Thank YOU WWII veteran, who chose to be anonymous, Thank YOU Kimberly, Thank YOU Andrew, Thank YOU Erin in who graciously donated honor of Lawrence Ford, Thank YOU Mark Cole, Thank YOU Adrian, Thank YOU Travis, Thank YOU Joseph, Thank YOU Jason, Thank YOU Danielle, Thank YOU John who graciously donated in honor of All Hero's, thank YOU Chris, Thank YOU Christopher, and Thank YOU Hero's. All we can say is may God bless you all abundantly for making our wish come true. Blessings, Semeli, Margaret Toilolo and children.
- Semeli Toilolo and family
Family vacation to Disney World
(Displaying results 91 through 100 of 622)
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